posted ago by alien_observer ago by alien_observer +4 / -1
              *The Fabric Of Existence Is Love And Light*

B: How are you all this day of your time, as you create time to exist?

AUD: Fine. Good. Etc.

B: In this way we shall recognize that you are, each and every one, spirits, who have chosen the idea of humaniform existence. But spirits you are. Even as physical beings - spirits you are. You are eternal, and you are quite magical. And in this way the universe that you perceive is made from you - it is the stuff, as you say, of your essence, of your being.

Now recognize that in this time of transformation upon your planet... you are beginning to perceive that things are shifting, moving, blurring in and out. Definitions, barriers, strata, are no longer so solidly defined. You will begin to find that, as you now accelerate in this time frame into fourth density, that the idea of one strata, what you had previously considered to be so separate from any other idea - so separate in fact that you did not even consider that it could be connected to something else

  • will begin to blend and blur. And your definitions, in your terms, may become a little bit indistinct.

You will find that this is your opportunity to understand that the idea of the shifting and the transformation and the initiation, in that way, of what you call your physical reality is now coming back under your ability to mold, to form, to fashion in the ways that are reflective of your imagination. Your imagination is becoming more palpable, more real, more solid; so that you find yourself beginning to live constantly in a dream state, where what was previously unreal now blends with what you have always known to be real - what you have created to be real, more real.

You will find that these distinctions will become hazy. Feel the energy of yourself at work, the energy of yourselves in action. You are creating yourselves to be /conscious/ spirit, and to become magical once again. Are you following along?

AUD: Yes.

B: Feel the acceleration, in that way, as events unfold. They are the unfolding of the petals that each and every one of you are. No longer being at the mercy of events, but being the events you are witnessing; being the acts of creation going on in your civilization, in your plane of existence, in your sphere of existence, of experience.

As you allow the ideas within you to /become/ you, as you allow yourselves to define yourselves in ways you have not defined yourselves for thousands upon thousands of your years, realize that you are recreating - because this is the time of transformation and transition - you are in a sense recreating the /very birth of yourselves/ upon your planet to begin with. For you are reassessing and re-evaluating and unlocking ALL that have you preconceived yourselves to be for tens of thousands of years; and now all definitions are created anew.

Your world will begin to blend all the ideas it has considered to be logic, mentality, emotionality, consciousness, science, philosophy, and religion. All of these ideas will form transformations in your political, economic, social and religious structures, so they diffuse, blend and interweave. So that you allow yourselves to see yourselves AS the tapestry in which they are interwoven. So that you can retrace the threads of your existence and discover that YOU are the weavers, and you may now weave a new pattern, a new structure, a new identification, a new definition, a new understanding, a new life, out of the very fabric of your existence.

I am not speaking in analogies. Your life, your physical reality is woven of the very fabric of your existence. It is you. It is YOU. It is made of you, of love and light; which is the substance that is your essence and your existence, and that grants you the knowledge, the assurity, the understanding, that you are ETERNAL. For you are created from existence itself, which is the All That Is that you refer to as Creation and the Creator. It is existence itself and always will be. And so you shall always exist.

Now give yourselves the opportunity, GRANT YOURSELVES THE RIGHT, to understand that within these interactions that take place between what seem to be different levels of consciousness - between yourselves and other consciousnesses, between yourselves and yourselves, other portions of your consciousness - grant yourselves the understanding that, if you are WILLING to create in the now moment an understanding of ALL that has ever been discussed, and bring ALL that has ever been discussed into play, regarding any question you might form, then you will understand you have not just the answers that you need, not just the answers that you seek, but the very ESSENCE to create the life you desire to be.

You are spirits! YOU ARE SPIRIT. You are magical. You are light. YOU ARE LIGHT ITSELF. FEEL the vibration of your being! FEEL the vibration of your essence! FEEL the action within you, the creation that you are. And give it BIRTH! Give it LIFE! Breathe life into it. Breathe. Breathe - of life, and add to life by being ALIVE.


Q: I would like to thank you for the laughter and love that you share with us. It is something very special.

B: Thank you for your co-creation of that particular facet of creation that you ALL are, individually and collectively. Understand that that is the very essence of what we are speaking of: your right to recognize your own ability to create the vibration within your life that represents that portion of your own creator-hood. Your willing ability to recognize that which IS in all of you: the spark and the flame of the essence of life, and laughter and love. I thank you.
