a_superior_man 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's a flap to hide his earpiece

by pkvi
a_superior_man 4 points ago +4 / -0

He was so close to getting his booster shot…damn shame

a_superior_man 2 points ago +2 / -0

Headline of article is clickbait. He says same old shit. He’ll be older, he doesn’t eat well..blah blah. Just a speculative nitwit spouting off dumbass shit like they always do.

a_superior_man -1 points ago +1 / -2

I put 90% of my assets into Bitcoin. I then took out a loan with BTC as my collateral (100k) and I live off that loan. It can’t be taxed because it’s debt. Then after 1 year, when the balloon payment is due, my Bitcoin has appreciated far more than the loan’s worth, so I pay it back and I’m still moving exponentially ahead.

Fuck Biden, fuck these taxes. I’ll live off your worthless fiat debt while my real assets are never touched. Fuck these clowns.