I'm not too familiar with Persia, but I'm pretty sure that the Silk Road worked to their advantage.
I was just reading about the Silk Road, and guess what?
Some Jewish people teamed up with the Khazarian Turks to do trade on the Silk Road. And the wiki article speaks rather glowingly about the Silk Road, when there was rampant slavery, trafficking, and smuggling.
That's why the mod ignored this comment I reported?
Questionable 1 point 1 day ago +1 / -0
Hello? u/Xaviermgk/ u/newfunturistic/? Weren't you two just in here tag teaming me, like a pair of freshly awakened homos in the restroom of transgender dance club? Come on back and give old papa a reach around won't you fellas?
That's attacking the argument?
Plus he "tried" to tag us, but they don't have notifications on here. Even I knew that. LOL
Yes, I've seen that letter like a dozen times.
I believe it is cover, because that's the ONLY thing that people bring up on the matter.
Seems quite dubious.
I don't think Washington was a good guy, to be completely clear.
I'd not say smart but shrewd.
There's a distinction to be made there.
They like to "bend the rules" to their advantage.
Reminds me of Jamie Gold winning the world series of poker.
Shrewd also has an implicit coldness to it.
And hey, if there are rules, well, fuck 'em. See my post on Hitzig. Same goes for many Harvard researchers. Look at Timothy Leary and "Ram Dass". Regardless of how you feel about psychedelics...illegal experimentation is illegal experimentation.
Allmodsarefags got banned, and that guy was pretty decent. He had posts removed. The mod log says it all.
He was far more respectful than some of the other users here. Certain types of authority do not like being questioned.
And there is selective enforcement on comments in general, for sure.
So what is real about black magic besides the lies, and "projection of negative mental energy", which also doesn't seem to need spells or rituals?
They can't zap people with mental energy. Also, they're going to project negativity regardless. They are negative people.
That chick Zoe Hitzig from Harvard (see my last post) said that Mezzanine by Massive Attack was her favorite in an interview.
Separately, I've talked to a gal that was part of the Georgian royal family who moved to the U.S. after they were ousted by the Bolsheviks, and guess what? She was a Kabbalist whose favorite album was Mezzanine by Massive Attack.
Look at the cover of that album...and I don't know if you've ever listened to it, but the content kinda speaks for itself.
The act of relegating the idea of black magic into some satanic rituals is in fact a form of it.
Yeah, but I just said their use of words was spells. That is the "magic", not satanic rituals.
I have not seen a shred of evidence of them defying physics or nature with words (or without).
Washington was a Mason. Probably led a double life (like Franklin).
Masons...they're kinda into symbolism.
Also, that's not a cross, that's a sword.
If they were EXACTLY the same, that would be stupid and obvious. But that pose of Washington is by no means a "normal" pose.
Why the fuck is he wearing a toga? It's pretty damned close to whatever that is that Baphomet is wearing around his legs. And you know how often Washington bared his chest.
Eh, maybe.
St. Paul called it the "mystery of lawlessness".
Whom he states has its origins in Satan.
I don't think black magic is real...but using words like "Fake news" to dispel people looking into Pizzagate, for example, that's about the closest to actual magic they get.
"Spells" are based on words, and their magic is using words to coax, flatter, persuade, et al.
But did they dress in togas?
How come there's no sign of his Christianity?
Because he probably wasn't really a Christian.