VoteCyborgTrump2040 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's essentially about what is happening right now. When corruption spreads and "looters" take over. Washington types who preach about equality and helping the little guy, so they can pass legislation which enriches themselves and gives them power with which to trade for favors. The people of no or mediocre ability banding together and taking the profits of the most productive or destroying them if they don't play along. An ever increasing authoritarian government like what we're seeing now. And the setting up of a system where the good and productive are punished, but those who take no responsibility for their actions and have no ability are elevated.

And Inclusive Capital seems to be basically the same thing as the Unification Board, or at least aspires to be. Since it's a corporate conglomerate and not a government entity. But the Unification Board is right around the corner. It will probably be called something like the "racial equality board" or something. I think that's what they're trying to start with police. A new organization that is above all police. They will pretend it's for ensuring racial equality and to stop racism, but it's really just a way for incompetent and evil people to gain power over police.

There are some differences between modern day and now though. Mainly that socialists have moved from "helping" the working man or the laborer, to "helping" minorities. But it's still largely the same scheme.

VoteCyborgTrump2040 6 points ago +6 / -0

Well all anyone has to do is read Atlas Shrugged to understand what all this talk really is.

But on top of that, it's even bad on the surface, because they talk about equity of outcomes. Which is just outright evil, and leads to unjust outcomes where the productivity of one is used to subsidize the less productive by force. In other words, slavery.

VoteCyborgTrump2040 3 points ago +3 / -0

Imagine being dumb enough to be manipulated by this stuff. It's astonishing. Maybe the world will actually improve if most of the people die off in a depopulation event.

VoteCyborgTrump2040 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is also psychological trickery. When someone is correcting you, observers of that interaction are unconsciously signaled that the person correcting you is above you int he social order.

This is the same kind of trick they use with Kamala Harris' name during the campaign. When they are correcting you on how to pronounce it, it sends and unconscious signal that you are inferior to them in some way.

It also establishes power. If someone is able to control what you can and can't say, then they are in charge.

by gunteh
VoteCyborgTrump2040 2 points ago +2 / -0

Another way of putting your first paragraph. Women now have their own unique powers through sexual attraction, persuasion, social value from birth, etc, and they have coopted men's superior force and now wield their power as well through the monopoly on violence in the government. The government is used to secure resources from men, and does not work in favor of men whatsoever. Men's superior force is now women's.

Exactly. The way systems have been set up over thousands and millions of years are not happenstance or randomness. Things naturally became setup that way for a reason. And you see men as leaders regardless of society through time and across the globe because it's the system that works.

I am also very pessimistic. I don't see the inertia ever being stopped or the course reversed. Women will continue to advocate for more until collapse. The new system that rises up will not have any sort of feminist thinking, something only possible in first world conditions, which people will no longer live in. And then they will either inoculate themselves from this craziness, or else repeat the same pattern, slowly giving more and more to women until collapse again.

VoteCyborgTrump2040 4 points ago +5 / -1

He is pretty much gone from the political sphere, and pops up on controlled opposition networks to shill the vaccine. So if he's blamed, it's his own fault.

The only way that ends up being acceptable is if the vaccine actually works, and scumbag globalists plan to deal with overpopulation by releasing viruses, and he knows about it.

by gunteh
VoteCyborgTrump2040 4 points ago +5 / -1

I agree that division between men and women is being fostered, but it's not what this is about. This isn't going against women. It's acknowledging women's evolutionary history, and their biology.

Women advocate for themselves. They advocate for taking resources from men and giving it to themselves. It makes a lot of sense why when you consider the evolutionary history of the sexes. Women needed to do so, because that was how they secured resources for their offspring.

They had to have very strong traits for this because there were lots of things stacked against them. Men were more competent, and also much stronger. In modern society, nothing tempers women's imperative to take resources from men. They no longer have to fear anything from men because of how civilization is set up.

They also don't have any responsibility to worry about either. If a woman decides to have a kid with some random loser, or she behaves terribly and is a terrible wife and partner, the government takes money from men by force and gives it to her. Not even just from the man who is the father of her children, but from all men through taxes. What incentive does a woman have to temper her inclination to advocate for herself? Absolutely none. All of women's bad behaviors and negative biological traits have nothing inhibiting them anymore. There is no incentive for a woman to be realistic or treat men nicely. Couple that with the fact that they innately do not have a problem with taking resources from men, and you have a big problem. The women in evolutionary history who had a problem with taking resources from men or just advocating for themselves did not have as successful offspring, so through the process of natural selection, the genes for endless advocacy are what flourished.

The biggest problem in my opinion is that no matter which side of the aisle, nobody likes these biological facts. They just pretend things aren't this way because acknowledging it makes them feel badly.

by gunteh
VoteCyborgTrump2040 2 points ago +4 / -2

Name a shitty political movement. BLM, Feminism, fat positivity, Intersectionalism, the tranny movement, etc. You can literally just list them off, and they are all primarily supported by women.

You're not even actually considering whether what I'm saying is true and thinking about it. You are just automatically defending women. Which is what most people do, whether left or right.

by gunteh
VoteCyborgTrump2040 3 points ago +3 / -0

I point this out as one of the main ways progressives were manipulated by corporations. Now it happens all the time. They do the same thing now with mass immigration, calling everyone racists and xenopnobes instead of sexists, so that they can flood the labor force and drive wages down even further. And progressives fall for it.

They do the same with regulation. Making absurd regulations so megacorporations are the only ones who can afford the team of lawyers to pore over the regulations and make sure they're compliant, or pay the fees required to be compliant. Progressives fall for it because it's framed as safety.

They did it with COVID restrictions too. Nonsensical restrictions that destroyed small businesses, but all mega corps were kept open. And progressives fell for it because they were fed a narrative that allowed them to be morally and intellectually superior.

And... to stay on topic. Who are the majority of "progressives"? Women.

by gunteh
VoteCyborgTrump2040 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's been studied and proven that women have an in-group bias toward other women. So they may compete with each other, but at the end of the day, most women side with other women.

by gunteh
VoteCyborgTrump2040 0 points ago +1 / -1

Except that women have a biological imperative to vote for taking resources from men. So we'd just end up fucked anyway.

And that's why things will collapse instead of reversing course. Because the chain has been thrown over the edge. Women vote for more power and resources for themselves, regardless of merit. And once they get more, it just becomes that much harder to stop the inertia. Where we are now, there is nothing that will stop it.

by gunteh
VoteCyborgTrump2040 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is a good point, but it does have some issues. What about people who were rendered unemployed by bad policies? They are no longer paying taxes. But obviously they should have recourse in the ability to vote out the shitty politicians who destroyed their jobs.

This is really just a finer detail that could be worked out though.

by gunteh
VoteCyborgTrump2040 5 points ago +6 / -1

Go take a look at voter data. Remove women's votes from the equation. See what kind of results you get. Literally every single shitty political movement is primarily supported by women. Democrats would never win again if women's votes were taken out of the equation.

This is also easily explained by biology and the evolutionary history of women.

by pkvi
VoteCyborgTrump2040 1 point ago +1 / -0

If she's a woke piece of shit supporting these scumbags, then I'm glad she's blind. If not, then it's a tragedy, and I feel bad that she was fooled.