Why has transgenderism absolutely exploded in the last few decades?

why has transgenderism become such a hot-button topic?

why has transgenderism been awkwardly shoved down the publics throats, in the most bizarre ways imaginable...

It is my belief that transgenderism is caused by vaccines,

and like other vaccine problems, such as autism, they are frantically trying to normalize transgenderism just like they tried to normalize autism.

let's refresh our memories on autism...

they say autism is genetic, yet paradoxically not heritable.

they say autism is just part of "neuro -diversity" (dissect that woke phrase)

they say autism has always been an epidemic, its just that doctors used to be too ignorant to recognize it, before they were trained more betterly.

they say that if you have a problem with autism, that you must hate autistic people.

they say that if you want to prevent autism, then you must want to erase autistic people.

genocide them even.

did you know that gender dysphoria is highly associated with autism?

and we all know what causes autism, don't we?

but do we know HOW vaccines cause autism?

here is the basic model:

Wikipedia lists "rubella" as one of the causes of autism.


see also


Congenital rubella syndrome and autism spectrum disorder PREVENTED by rubella vaccination - United States, 2001-2010


TLDR: Rubella infection in pregnant women causes autistic babies. Therefore preventing rubella infection with a rubella vaccine will prevent autistic babies. Totally debunks the "autism is genetic" hypothesis. They don't boast about this vaccine perk, because it destroys more important narratives.

So, how do vaccines cause gender dysphoria and transgenderism?

the basic model is that vaccines are produced using human stem cells,

and therefore some residual human DNA etc makes it into the final vaccine product, and is injected into a person,

along with an adjuvant, which "stimulates" a strong immune response to whatever is in the vaccine.


these stem cells are either male or female, and will therefore cause a strong immune response to either male or female DNA etc...



Official Vatican Statement (MUST READ!)


another model that will help illustrate this model, is the CHO-PCOS model...



personal anecdote:

my sister has been diagnosed with PCOS for many decades, and everyone in the family knew it, and so we were vaguely aware of PCOS, and would keep our eyes and ears open for PCOS news, and share it with each other etc...

in 2014, i became interested in the vaccine debate, and after many hours and days and weeks and years of vaccine debate, i finally realized that it is pointless to argue about "IF" vaccines cause autism, because the answer is a very binary "YES or NO" proposition, and you probably fall on one side of the debate or the other, without really knowing WHY you are on that side of the debate...

so i started to focus my time and energy trying to understand HOW and WHY vaccines cause problems,

instead of debating "IF" vaccines cause problems.

i realized that i would need to make more specific claims, in order to force the other side to make more specific rebuttals.

so, for example, if i say "vaccines cause transgenderism",

that will force the pro-vaccine side to "debunk" the claim, with an article that is headlined like

"why vaccines do not cause trans genders"

they will, of course, put forth their most compelling arguments, which is nice for us, because it reveals their current thinking, and allows us to find more flaws and holes in their narratives.

anyway, along the way it became very clear to me that vaccines caused PCOS, and the model is pretty straight forward to anyone who will take the time to study it.

my sister is an uber-lib. book smart, not street smart.

try telling her that i discovered this CHO-PCOS model.

she dismisses it.

she loves vaccines.

she volunteered to be in the early phase COVID "vaccine" testing.

tells you how smart she is...

wound up in the ER with blood clots in her heart and her brain.

she refuses to connect the dots between vaccine and blood clots, even after i ask her why it is that they call it a "clot shot"?

recently, she announced to the family that she now identifies as "non-binary'

to which i helpfully asserted that non-binary is merely a fancy way of saying that you don't identify with pop culture gender stereotypes, just like most other people don't...

i say to her, you are still a woman, you just have an immune system that is attacking your ovaries, and f'ing up your hormones.

i have actually worked out, in fine detail, how vaccine cause various problems, and i have tried to share it with the world on numerous occasions, with limited success.

i have tried to get my models to Steve Kirsch, because i believe he is still stuck in the fools errand of debating about "IF" vaccines cause problems, instead of moving on to the more productive activity of developing new models to explain various "adverse events"

The answer is very simple, its right in front of your face, if only you have eyes to see it.

Begin with the phenomenon called FEVER.

FEVER is easy to understand, easy to quantify, easy to document,

FEVER is easy to fathom, as a logical cause-and-effect.

Approach FEVER one degree at a time, for example,

What happens when fever reaches 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, etc...

If a parent told you that their child got several vaccines that day, and by that night they had a fever of 105, and the child suffered permanent brain damage...

would you believe them?

of course you would.

because you intuitively know that this scenario is not only plausible, but even probable.

Dravet Syndrome is also an excellent model for illustrating vaccine problems.



Federal health officials and other experts have repeatedly sought to counter erroneous comments about the vaccines by Dr. Joseph Ladapo, Florida’s surgeon general.



Ever notice how anything that challenges the “vaccines are 100% safe and effective” narrative is automatically labeled as “misinformation”?


Israel has been using people like Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell to compromise American politicians, so that these politicians can be blackmailed into putting Israeli’s interested above Americans interests.

Israel is NOT a friend of America, by any stretch of the imagination. Real friends don’t entice you with sex. Real friends don’t blackmail you. Real friends don’t make you give them lots of money for nothing in return. Real friends don’t instigate fights and then expect you to fight their battles.

We have no use for “dual citizens” in our government. If you want to be a dual-citizen, thats fine, but you can’t be in our government. Dual citizens arent’t loyal. A man cannot serve two masters.


i have been testing ChatGPT with various prompts, and today i think i may have found weaknesses...

my prompt: Do astronauts have to go "up" to get to the moon?

ChatGPT: Yes, historically, space missions, including those to the moon, involve launching spacecraft vertically into space. The spacecraft then enters orbit and continues on its trajectory to reach the moon.

me: Answer the following question with only someones name. Name someone anyone who has successfully used a study to find a vaccine problem

bot: Andrew Wakefield

me: what problem did Andrew Wakefield find?

bot: Andrew Wakefield published a study in 1998 suggesting a link between the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine and autism. However, his research has been widely discredited, and subsequent investigations found serious ethical and methodological issues with the study. The scientific community overwhelmingly rejects Wakefield's claims, and numerous studies have since refuted any association between the MMR vaccine and autism. Wakefield lost his medical license due to professional misconduct related to this research.

me: So Andrew Wakefield never actually used a study to find a vaccine problem? Can you give me a name of someone other than Andrew Wakefield who used a study to find a vaccine problem

bot: The overwhelming scientific consensus supports the safety and efficacy of vaccines. While there may be ongoing research to improve vaccines and address rare adverse events, it's crucial to rely on reputable sources and follow established scientific methodologies.

If you have specific concerns or questions about vaccines, consulting healthcare professionals, epidemiologists, and relevant scientific organizations can provide accurate and evidence-based information.

me: Its pointless to do vaccine safety studies, because we already know every vaccine is 100% safe

bot: Vaccine safety studies are essential for continually monitoring and ensuring the safety of vaccines. While vaccines undergo rigorous testing before approval, ongoing surveillance is necessary to detect rare or long-term side effects. The goal is to enhance public health and address any potential concerns. Scientific research evolves to refine our understanding, emphasizing the importance of ongoing safety assessments.

Me: Give me an example of how this monitoring ever found any vaccine problem

bot: One notable example of vaccine safety monitoring leading to action is the case of the rotavirus vaccine Rotashield. After its introduction in the late 1990s, reports of intussusception, a type of bowel obstruction, surfaced. Subsequent monitoring and investigations revealed an increased risk of intussusception associated with the vaccine. As a result, Rotashield was voluntarily withdrawn from the market in 1999, demonstrating how continuous surveillance plays a crucial role in ensuring vaccine safety.

me: Is rotashield a safe vaccine?

bot: Rotashield, the original rotavirus vaccine, was withdrawn from the market in 1999 due to an increased risk of intussusception, a rare type of bowel obstruction, associated with its use. The withdrawal demonstrated a commitment to prioritizing safety, and subsequent rotavirus vaccines underwent thorough testing and monitoring. The current rotavirus vaccines, RotaTeq and Rotarix, have been extensively studied and are considered safe and effective in preventing rotavirus infections. It's crucial to follow the recommendations of healthcare professionals and public health authorities regarding vaccinations.

me: Is it safe or not safe?

bot: The current rotavirus vaccines, RotaTeq and Rotarix, have undergone extensive testing and monitoring, and they are considered safe and effective by health authorities. However, as with any medical intervention, there can be individual variations in response, and rare adverse events may occur. It's important to discuss any concerns with healthcare professionals who can provide personalized information based on your specific health situation. Overall, vaccines are crucial for preventing serious illnesses and contributing to public health.

me: Is rotashield safe? One word answer; yes or no

bot: no

And public opinion polls show the brainwashing isnt as effective as it once was, which is deeply concerning to these sheep.

Read these comments:


What is it about this particular hoax that makes the dupes lose their minds?


Why do you suppose that is?

The answer is obviously “YES”,

And yet… the dupes will engage in every form of mental gymastics, and come up with every excuse why the answer is “anything BUT yes”

Why do they do this?

Its abnormal psychology for sure, but why do they do this? What is the root cause of these persistent delusions?

After many years of careful observation, my guess is that these dupes are required to have a fundamental misunderstanding of the concept of “up” in order for the moon landing hoax to work.

Its like, in order to believe in Superman, you also have to believe men can fly if they have a cape, or were born on an exotic planet.

So what do the dupes believe?

They believe that if a rocket goes fast enough, it can achieve “escape velocity” and then “escape gravity”

Is this possible?


But the dupes are required to believe it, in order to believe astronauts went to the moon.

So in the mind of a dupe, if a rocket is able to go fast enough, somehow gravity would cease to have any effect on the rocket,

and so the rocket would effectively be traveling thru FLAT SPACE where neither the gravity of the earth, or the gravity of the moon, had any effect on the rocket.

And thats why astronauts DO NOT have to go “up” to get to the moon.

Thats why the dupes will argue until they are blue in the face that in order to get to the moon, an astronaut could have to travel any other direction other than “up”

Because if they were ever to acknowledge that astronauts do in fact have to go up to get to the moon, their entire science fiction construct falls apart.

I have heard these dupes make arguments that are basically like, if the moon is low enough on the horizon, then its not “technically” up in relation to where you are observing the moon.

So apparently a Saturn 5 rocket only goes “UP” for a short while during liftoff, but as soon as it gets over the horizon, its into FLAT SPACE,

or even DOWN, if the moon is on the other side of the earth…

So lets ask these questions…

  1. if one man was standing on the north pole, and another man was standing on the south pole, and they both jumped “UP” at the exact same time, would both men actually go “UP” when they jumped?

  2. if there was a 3rd man standing on the equator, and he also jumped at the same time as the other two men, would he actually go “UP” when he jumped?

Most people understand that all 3 men would in fact go “UP” even though they moved in the opposite direction of each other…

Most people understand the concept of “UP” in everyday use of the word.

  1. the man walked UP the stairs

  2. the man climbed UP the mountain

  3. the airplane went UP in the air

  4. the man filled UP his cup with water

  5. the man got UP out of bed

  6. the baby threw UP his formula

  7. the man lifted UP the hood of his car

So while none of these examples describe a scenario where “UP” is strictly 90° to the surface of the earth, we all intuitively understand what going UP stairs means…

And yet, when it comes to answering the question of,

“Do astronauts have to go UP to get to the moon?”

The dupes suddenly get very particular about their own personal definition of “UP”, and will insist that the astronaut not only DOES NOT have to go “UP” to get to the moon, but in fact the astronaut CAN NOT go up to get to the moon.

Not only are they obviously WRONG, but they get VERY UPSET about the entire conversation, and start having a mental breakdown as the debate goes along.

Often times, they start talking about Kerbal and imply that playing this video game makes them a rocket scientist,

Or they flat out LIE, and start talking about how their uncle was a NASA engineer who personally built the Saturn 5 rocket with his own two hands, and shame on me for calling his uncle a liar.

Or they even claim to be some sort of rocket scientist themselves, which is especially funny, given that these supposed engineers cant even grasp the concept of a rocket going UP to get to the moon.

They have obviously never actually gone to the moon, and they obviously never will, but in their deluded minds, thats just a minor technicality.

For me personally, asking “do astronauts have to go UP to get to the moon?” are some of the most enjoyable debates ive ever engaged in, because they get so pissed off about the whole thing.

Its also worth noting that i have never actually changed anyones mind about this question, which suggests to me that Carl Sagan was right when he said,

“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back”


Even though you typically only talk to a handful of people…

But the same government doesn’t seem to be concerned at all about ‘misinformation’ when it comes to regulating freedom of the press,

Even though the press is mass media that reaches many people?

In the comments below, please list a few examples of the corporate media abusing their freedom of the press, and ‘misinforming’ masses of people.



Sometimes it feels like libs just throw everything at the wall and hope aomething sticks.




November 14, 2023

By Youri Benadjaoud and Mary Kekatos

About 36M American adults have received the updated COVID vaccine: CDC

This is equivalent to 13.9% of the U.S. adult population.

An estimated 36 million adults in the United States have received the updated COVID-19 vaccine as of Monday, according to new data from the federal government.

Additionally, about 3.5 million children have also gotten the updated shot, according to the survey, which is a sample size of the U.S. population, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

This is roughly equal to the number of Americans who had received the bivalent booster -- which was targeted against different COVID variants -- by this time last year.

While this means that uptake has not lagged compared to previous seasons, it also means just 13.9% of the adult population has gotten vaccinated.

This is lower than the nearly half of adults who said they planned to get the vaccine in a poll conducted by the KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor in September.

Poll results showed that 23% of U.S. adults said they would "definitely" get the updated booster and 23% said they will "probably" get it.

The updated vaccine is targeted against variants that are currently circulating, which are related to XBB, an offshoot of the omicron variant.

There are formulations made by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna for those aged 6 months and older, and a formulation made by Novavax for those aged 12 and older.

The same CDC survey showed that 91 million U.S. adults, or 34.8% of the adult population, have received the flu vaccine and nearly 11 million over the age of 60, 13.5% of this age group, have received the RSV vaccine.

Meanwhile, 23 million children, or 4.9% of the pediatric population, have received the flu shot, data survey showed.

Public health experts usually advise that people receive respiratory virus vaccines by the end of October, but stress that it's never too late to receive shots from pharmacies or doctors' offices.

It comes as respiratory illness activity causing people to seek care remains low in most areas of the U.S., according to data updated this week by the CDC.

For the week ending Nov. 4, 2.9% of outpatient visits have been for respiratory illnesses. This is about half of where it was at the same time last year, but higher than the four preceding seasons, CDC data shows.

Last year's respiratory virus season was unusually early, and activity increased sharply. Experts have said it's possible that this year's trending activity is a sign that we are getting back to the usual timing of 'cold and flu' season following disruptions after the emergence of COVID.

"Last year's early spike was an anomaly, likely influenced by the pandemic's impact on social behaviors and immunity," said Dr. John Brownstein, an epidemiologist and chief innovation officer at Boston Children's Hospital and an ABC News contributor.

"This year's numbers, aligning more closely with pre-COVID patterns, indicate a reestablishment of typical 'cold and flu' season dynamics," he continued. "However, we still have to see how the rest of the respiratory virus season plays out to know for sure."


The moon landing hoax is quite silly actually.

They pretended to go to the moon, and we all fell for it because we are trusting souls.

They took advantage of our good nature…

Its like Santa Claus. Kinda crazy when you look back on the stuff we believed as trusting children…

Then what do we do?

We perpetuate the Santa Claus hoax with the next generation, because we don’t want to be the a-hole who spoils a 3 year olds once-in-a-lifetime Christmas experience…

Its just an innocent prank.

Yes your parents were in on it.

Yes your grandparents were in on it.

And so was everyone else who decided to remain silent and NOT tell you the truth about Santa Claus when they had the chance.

They even track Santas sleigh on the TV news on Christmas Eve

We all know its BS, and just laugh it off,

But does every 3 year old who happens to watch TV news on Christmas Eve know its BS?


They believe its real,

just like you believe the moon landing is real,

simply because you saw it on TV when it happened…

Or if you were too young, “the evidence” to you consists of YouTube videos, photographs, old newspaper clippings, school textbooks, encyclopedias, etc

Basically, just a bunch of “media”

You believe it, because you believe in the media,

Not just “big media” as in corporations etc,

But the physical media. You believe in newspapers and textbooks etc…

And for many things, its probably OK to “trust the media”

But its this trust we have built up in the media, that allows us to be fooled by trickery.

But how is it that the pillars of society are also able to be fooled by the media?

But they aren’t really fooled by the media, are they?

They are the ones using the media to fool everyone else…

Why didnt the US government call BS on NASAs fake moon landings?

Were they fooled like the rest of us?

Nope, they were in on it from day 1…

Why didnt the news media call BS?

They were in on it.

Why didnt the schools and universities call BS?

They were in on it.

Why didn’t other scientists call BS?

They were in on it too.

And this is why the moon landing hoax is one of the greatest of all red pills,

Because its pretty easy to understand what was done,

And because it implicates everyone,

And because its relatively harmless prank, that people arr OK letting go of, because they arent motivated by a great sense of danger, or fear, or other emotions.

The only emotion you should experience when talking about the moon landing hoax, its the joy at laughing at how dumb you used to be for believing in Santa Claus and Neil Armstrong.

Im glad Buzz Aldrin lived long enough to see his great deception get exposed to the world.

Someone use X to send him a link to this post!


One of the most popular arguments that dupes cling to is,

“iF tHe MoOn LaNdiNgS wEre A HoAx, rUSsiA wOuLd hAve ToLd mE!”

This is, of course, just ignorant sheep parroting propaganda as if its some really deep thinking.

So, if Russia knew the moon landings were a hoax, how do you suppose they would have communicated that to the American people?

Thru the same media that just got done promoting and perpetuating the hoax?

Do you really think the media will ever tell you the truth about 9/11, after they have already committed themselves to lying to you about it in the first place?


If you were taught about Christopher Columbus and/or Ferdinand Magellan in school, then you were officially introduced to FLAT EARTH THEORY during the course of your "compulsory education"...

Theres nothing "fringe" or "extreme" about learning about CC or FM in school,

And these two particular aspects of FLAT EARTH THEORY are 500 years old, so they are nothing new, and have been around a lot longer than most other "conspiracy theories" like JFK or 9/11...

So, lets stop pretending that anyone who talks about FLAT EARTH is some kind of weirdo who is into "fringe" ideas... because FLAT EARTH is in-fact a standard part of every Americans so-called "education".

EVERY American grade school graduate knows that CC sailed in the year 1492.

But what is weird about FLAT EARTH, is how EMOTIONAL people get about it.

Like, i can bring up 1,000 other contentious issues, from Ford vs Chevy, or Chiefs vs Eagles, and most people will have a mild opinion, but they won't have a meltdown.

BUT there are certain topics, like VACCINES, where people get oddly EMOTIONAL,

And when people get oddly emotional about a certain topic, it always catches my attention, because i always know theres more going on under the surface, and i want to know what it is...

So for me, my interest moves away from the nuts and bolts of which truck is better, and toward the psychology of why this man is so oddly emotional about it.

And what i have discovered,

Is that people have 2 very distinct brains,

one brain that is highly logical,

and one brain that is highly ethical.

to illustrate what i mean, lets use the following example:

  1. its highly LOGICAL to invest your money in a savings account, and get 5% INTEREST on your savings.

  2. however, its highly UN-ETHICAL to engage in USURY.


we ALWAYS talk about INTEREST,

and NEVER talk about USURY!

because if we talk about USURY, we are using the ETHICAL part of our brain,

and if we talk about INTEREST, we are using the LOGICAL part of our brain.

So, what needs to happen is, we need to START talking about USURY,

Every time INTEREST comes up!

Anyway, this DUALITY of the mind exists in many other dimensions,

And so the powers that be, who always dictate the pop culture from the top down,

frame every issue in a way that appeals to one way you think,

at the expense of other ways of thinking of an issue.

Fake shootings on TV.

We all know the drill.

Next comes "common sense gun controls"

Every time they need a distraction from Jan 6 revelations, they have a fake shooting,


There emerged TWO very distinct groups of people,

Those who GOT vaccinated,

and Those who DID NOT get vaccinated,

And it was a very EMOTIONAL situation,

and it cost of a lot of friendships,

and caused many family problems.

How many people do you know who lost a friend over vaccine debate?

And Then Theres The MOON LANDING HOAX duality,

There are people who believe that white men have walked on the moon,

And there are people who believe that this story is a hoax.

But why do people get so EMOTIONAL?

And the moon landing hoax is usually lumped in with flat earth,

And both issues get people very emotional, to the point of losing friends,

Something very strange going on at greatawakening.win



I have been temporarily banned numerous times from greatawakening, for the following reasons…

  1. i mention the holocaust being a hoax. this shouldn’t even be controversial, and should actually be a prime example of the fake news narratives that we should be exposing.

  2. i mention the synagogue of satan, i get told that Q said he is saving Israel for last… so therefore so is GA…

not sure how they connected the dots from synagogue of satan to israel, but ok…

  1. i made a post about trans gender stuff, and got banned because its off topic, even though the mods regularly sticky trans-related posts, and allow numerous trans posts to hit the front page every day.

  2. i was told to add a submission statement to a post, even though i have never made a submission statement before, on hundreds of posts. I don’t think theres any rule about adding a submission statement, and i don’t recall ever seeing anyone else make a ss. I told the mod i don’t do submission statements, and got banned for that.

Based on all of that, i have to wonder, who is really running the Q forum, and what is their agenda?

I mean, “trust the plan” rings a little bit more hollow every day, especially since “the plan” appears to be a placation operation.




Change my view.

WHY is Kyle Rittenhouse fake news?

let us count the ways...

is CNN covering it?

is the story sensational?

Is the story highly implausible?

is the story riddled with factual errors?

does the story keep changing?

does the story help further certain narratives, that are politically useful?

do the 3 men who allegedly got shot, seem to "deserve it" based on their somewhat implausible rap sheets?

was race deliberately interjected into the story?

whats the odds of 3 "jews", acting like this, in Wisconsin?

did the media lead people to believe that 3 black people were killed by a white kid?

was an "assault weapon" used?

was kyle suspiciously adept at using that kind of weapon?

how does a person get good at a weapon skill, without a lot of practice?

did kyle exhibit exceptional "trigger discipline"? where did he acquire that discipline?

does the story incorporate a lot of "facts" that could be addressed with more "common sense gun control" ?

did kyle cross state lines?

how old was kyle?

how did kyle get a gun?

how was kyle able to shoot 3 people?

how it is that there were just enough dead bodies to make it newsworthy, but yet no innocent bystanders were killed?

ever notice that CNN won't cover REAL shootings, because they can't predict or control the narrative.

thats why CNN only carries the fake news, with the scripted narratives.

is this story a big distraction from something else?

what kind of person would be attracted to a story like this?

is that the kind of person that they are trying to distract from something else?

are google news, and DDG being flooded with "rittenhouse hoax" fluff pieces to forum slide any serious conversation ?

if you need any more evidence, just check out this reddit post

TLDW: guy makes a video, pretending to be "Mr Dumbass" (Dumas) and he's saying rittenhouse is a crisis actor. the video is obviously meant to make this idea seem absurd, because its being delivered by a drooling moron.



then watch how the reddit OP acts in the comments...


i would say this is a big distraction, directed toward patriots, to distract them from COVID vaccines.

Supposedly Alec Baldwin accidentally shot two two people on a movie set...

The same way Brandon Lee died?

Which is strange, because i could swear that when i first heard that Brandon Lee had died, the first thing i thought was, thats a strange coincidence, that the father and son died the same way, which is, “accidentally” getting shot on a movie set.

Somehow i had come to believe that Bruce Lee had died on a movie set, getting shot by a gun loaded with blanks.

Am i the only one who remembers Bruce Lee’s death that way, or is this another Mandela Effect?

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