Tychonaut 2 points ago +2 / -0

Right from the beginning people were predicting that uprisings would be provoked so that someone needed to bring "order".

National governments get discredited for their handling of Covid. You either think they did too much, or not enough.

It's also possibly that the whole thing just discredits "adults" in the minds of the young. As if their youth has been squandered by a bunch of squabbling stupid grey-haired politicians and experts ... and then something new and radical can be offered to them as a solution.

Tychonaut 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here in Ontario we currently cant eat inside or go for a dance in a pub.

That's after 2 years of Quadra-Flu, with a highly effective miracle vaccine given to 90% of the eligible population.

Tychonaut 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm also curious about criminals ... there must be at least rumours that this is all about social credit. Criminals certainly wouldnt be supportive, right?

Tychonaut 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ja I dunno. You have to remember that "the victors write the history books" and if the USA was defeated and it's CIA files were all cracked open, a pretty grim picture could be spun a well.

It's interesting to see "East" propaganda against the West. They would paint poverty and crime and violence as the "tyranny" of capitalism. And they would argue that they had to be hard (they would call it "vigilant") or else the West would take over their way of life.

They would also point at the wars as being part of "Imperialist Tyranny". They could certainly point to lots of global examples of homegrown socialist movements being squashed by US-backed forces.

The East also pointed at the race issues of the West as examples of the "tyranny" of it's system. There have surely been a lot of victims there, no?

The standard of DDR life was not bad by the 70s - 80s. And there were opportunities to travel. You just had to go "East". Although there were more and more possibilities for people to cross west legally.

In opinion polls, most East Germans think back on their lives in the DDR as "not perfect, but on the whole .. good". I think a lot of them would trade the uncertainty of today's life for their secure little flawed socialist dream back behind the Wall.

Tychonaut 0 points ago +1 / -1

People shouldnt make stereotypes though. For many people in the DDR life was .. fine. Could be better, could be worse. I have a lot of East German friends. Very few of them have "horror stories".


One of the dangers of stereotypes is you dont recognize things in reality because they dont look like the movies.

Tychonaut 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's like the criminal mastermind offers poison wine. Anyone who refuses the wine gives away that they know the true identity of the mastermind.

Tychonaut 1 point ago +1 / -0

sounds like a HP Lovecraft story .. ;)

Tychonaut 2 points ago +2 / -0

Or the vaxxine is trojan-horsing a global Digital ID rollout.


And then that feeds into social credit and the ability to "lock" people down.

So I bet when politicians are talking about "Covid" and "mandatory vaxxinations", they are actually using that as a code word for "mandatory digital ID".

This way they can justify compelling it, which would seem weird if it was just a vaxx for a quadra-flu.

I think there is a national security situation going on right now that is being advertised as a health issue.

Tychonaut 2 points ago +2 / -0

When people talk about "how bad covid is" I really wish everybody could look at this graph for context.

It's the "Global Daily Covid Deaths" curve.


You might notice that at the beginning of the Pandemic of the Century we were having roughly 7000 deaths per day.

Out of 7.8 billion people on the Planet.

And then THE WORLD WAS ON FIRE. Right?

And at the worst of it things were DOUBLE as bad as at the start!

It got up to 14,000 covid (or covid-related!) deaths per day.

14,000 died one day .. across all the countries on the Planet who were simultaneously suffering from collapsing hospitals in a deadly pandemic.

The vast majority, as always, old and frail people.

And now it has gradually "de-surged" it's way down again via smaller "echoes" as is typical.

It's back to around 7000. Back to where it was at the beginning. When things were just a few hotspots.

So .. from 7000 to 14,000 back down to 7000.

Out of 7.8 billion people on the planet.

That's the "Story of the Most Deadly Pandemic of the Century".

Tychonaut 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also there was an albino killer monk.

Seems like a strange specialty. Did he just really dislike albinos?

Tychonaut 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hey @axolotl_peyotl ..

.. is there any way to PM you? I would like to get your opinion on something interesting. I think you would find it interesting too.

Here is my Reddit so you can check me out - https://www.reddit.com/user/Tychonaut/

I'm not super netSec savvy so tell me how you feel confident chatting.

Or if not interested, just say so.