TwitterIsTrash 1 point ago +1 / -0

My mom is sick right now and told me it gets worse every time she has to go to work and put a mask on. Once she gets home and has it off she feels better. I wonder if her illness is actually bacterial and not a virus.

TwitterIsTrash 2 points ago +2 / -0

Guys, this is good news no matter how you slice it. If it’s a legit audit, they will find tons of discrepancies. And guess what happens then? All other close swing states will feel empowered to audit their votes as well. It’s not a guarantee but it IS possible this election could be overturned, with enough state governments fighting for it. And yes, state government overrides secretary of states and all those bozos who violated the rules. Do NOT let this go. We can never let 2020 go until it is fixed and/or the other side admits to the public what they did. It’s the only way to prevent it from happening ever again.

TwitterIsTrash 3 points ago +4 / -1

As a Catholic, I legit think the pope is evil and a pawn for the NWO. He needs to be thrown out and rejected by the church.