Traps4GME 2 points ago +2 / -0

so we either comply or be exterminated?

What will it be fren?

Traps4GME 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly. You got the Hebraic mythology, then added Pagan rituals and beliefs (so it is accepted as nothing radically different by the then populus) and enriched with NeoPlatonic philosophy (which has connections with Hermetic philosophy) and you get the mish mash of what is called Christianity today.

And people today defend it fervently like its their own identity !!!

Traps4GME 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not just cash.

Also, **demand ** a paper copy of your accounts to be posted to you on a monthly basis.

This way you have evidence of what was in your account every 30 days (kind of backing up your hard drive on a monthly basis).

Because when the net goes down and all data is lost (because evil North Korean hackers LOL) they will say we have no proof of what you had in your account !

Traps4GME 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Jews and their shabbos goys slaving away for the jobs AI cannot do.

Their Talmud says so.

But hopefully, there may be a turn.

Traps4GME 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not so. It is more of an intuitive deduction.

There is historical evidence about Jesus, the son of Panthera, a Roman Soldier.

If that was the case then the entire story given to us makes sense. A Gentile (Jesus, son of Panthera) goes into the synagogues preaching about Zeus/ Jupiter and the other GrecoRoman Gods as the real Gods and gets the rabbis mad AF. They end up getting him killed via political pressure (same old game). It makes sense why P. Pilatus was allegedly reluctant to do so.

This is the only way that story make sense.

Then Paul, a Jew who never met with the figure head Jesus (a historical entity as we said but not a son of God) as master puppeteer takes famous ancient world stories (e.g. Orpheus and Dionysus got crucified) synthesises them in a Hollywood style epic tale and serves them to the gentiles.

At the same time you had figures in the area like Apollonius of Tyana doing miracles with energy healing; Paul gets inspired and adds to the mythology.

Hail...Jesus the miracle God man is now in a cinema near you !

Jews use emotion and force and convert gentiles to early Christians; their origin is then forgotten. After that, classic human insecurity comes into play. No one is safe unless everyone is safe. So, the conversion by violence begins.

The Bible is written some centuries later by scholars. Same as the Talmud.

All non Jews who convert from polytheism/nature worshipping religions lose their identity. They are now ready to be subverted.

The rest is history.

Traps4GME 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good, good, good...

And you know why they do it?

So you never discover that there is no virus and never has been one.

Because all the anti-vaxxers support the existence of a virus (but what killed muh granny).

Now take this knowledge and apply it to

Christians V. Satanists - Truth: there is no Jesus It was always a Jewish psyop to subvert the white population of their cultural identity

Far Right V. Far Left - Truth: Hitler was a Jew It was always a Jewish psyop to instigate the United nations (i.e. One World Government).

Do you understand how it works now?

Traps4GME 2 points ago +2 / -0

All I see is another Cohensidence (mind the pun)

Traps4GME 4 points ago +4 / -0

but it is for your safety surveys and experts say

Traps4GME 1 point ago +1 / -0

dea Lord. It almost looks like the Jews funded Hitler and the Nazis?

Traps4GME 1 point ago +1 / -0

oh? what is the definition of a fag? sorry....

Traps4GME 1 point ago +1 / -0

Europa The Last Battle is a good documentary

Traps4GME 1 point ago +1 / -0

Aaaah, exactly that.

I did not know any of these things. I will try to find information. Thank you.

Traps4GME 1 point ago +1 / -0

his spirit may not rise but there may come a time when the common people would think Hitler was right.

I hope we do not get to see that day because it means the new order would be fully on and established.

Traps4GME 1 point ago +1 / -0

Or it was planned to lose the war all along...!

Traps4GME 1 point ago +1 / -0

do you mean homosexual?

Traps4GME 1 point ago +1 / -0

Obviosuly, the jews. They are the ones who benefited.

Traps4GME 1 point ago +1 / -0

So what you are saying is that the definition can change at will?

How can one then be anti-Jew? They must have the up to date definition of the term.

Traps4GME 1 point ago +1 / -0

The reason I asked the question was to get someone else to give this exact answer which I am aware of but becuase I am not popular I would be discredited for if i provided it.

The term "Jew" can be used in an ambivalent way as it fits cicumstances.

So any time I interact outside this forum I always ask the question "tell me what you mean by Jew or Jews"...

Traps4GME 3 points ago +3 / -0


The main problem stems from the fact that the word Jew/Judaism has multiple meanings, but most people don’t realize this

Finally someone spelt it out and thank you.

Traps4GME 2 points ago +2 / -0

I got punched once and also had a black eye. Now where is my special illuminati card membership?

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