Traps4GME 1 point ago +1 / -0

You haven't watched Adam Green, have you? He has tons of Rabbi clips claiming this.

On the other hand why does this not make intuitive sense to you?

Traps4GME 1 point ago +1 / -0

So unless you agree to have a sheboon molest you you do not get healthcare?


I stay home and become better myself.

Traps4GME 1 point ago +1 / -0

it is all controlled opposition. Just classic psyop.

Hey we hate JC so JC must be real !!!

Traps4GME 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks. It is as I understand produced by Tobias B, whoever that person is. Which is phenomenal as an 11 hours documentary. the amount of work this guy has put in...how many years did it take?

And quality wise I do not care. If I wanted nice editing and sci fi super 4D effects I would be watching Jew Wars Part 6 - Return of the Donald. So, amateur suits me just fine ! But, thanks for letting me know...

Traps4GME 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks. This is on my very soon to watch list now. I found it on archive.org.

As you are saying nothing is 100% fault free and with regards to socialism I always had a problem with. In fact any ism...!

Traps4GME 1 point ago +1 / -0

They say the art director is Jewish. Notably there is no publicly available reference to it.

But what do you expect?

Olympic games have nothing to do with those of Greece where Zeus all mighty was worshipped.

Same as democracy

Today's democracy is Athens' oligarchic system. A world upside down.

Traps4GME 1 point ago +3 / -2

Hi. Oxymoron.

Anti jewish cannot be pro Christian since the jew created Christianity as a psyop.

It is the same thing !

Do you have any pro-white music?

Anyone can be Christian including the jew.

No one can be white unless they were born as such.

Traps4GME 1 point ago +2 / -1

Tident is Poseidon's weapon so fuck you ziochristcuck. The real Gods will prevail against your fucking hebrew abomination.

Traps4GME 1 point ago +1 / -0

How can the jew subvert Christian society is said society is their own creation?

This is the last step over the Abyss. Cross it. Just do it or stay asleep for ever.

Traps4GME 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think Asians realize that they are the next target after whitey is gone so they are buttoning up...

Traps4GME 1 point ago +1 / -0

iT DIDN'T SAY THAT SO THE HEADING IS WRONG. Correct heading could be 6 million number is used by jews before WWII in multiple victimhood speculative situations.

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