TilValhallar -3 points ago +2 / -5

This was a comment of his when he published the cartoon:

January 6th can be a turning point in US history. It can be the day when patriots take not just a stand, but real action against the globalists who want a ‘great reset,’ which means America will live under a totalitarian system similar to communist China.

TilValhallar -3 points ago +1 / -4

official German state media

You obviously have no fucking idea what you are talking about if you believe that Der Spiegel of all publications is "official German state media".

by pkvi
TilValhallar -3 points ago +2 / -5

Ok, so I could murder you and should not be prosecuted for this because your life is so fucking insignificant. Did I get that right?

TilValhallar -2 points ago +3 / -5

Wait. I have been told for two years that they lie about everything so I have to assume that this is a lie as well.

TilValhallar -6 points ago +1 / -7

If you think that these cases were caused by the vaccine how come we don't see increases by multiple orders of magnitudes after billions of doses have been administered?

TilValhallar -6 points ago +4 / -10

This was in 1994, many year before Trump called Esptein a "great friend who likes women young " (paraphrased).

So this sick fuck knew that Epstein was raping girls and didn't do anything about it.

Let's see how his cult tries to spin this.

Edit: as predicted, Trumpists are going into full damage-control mode.

Also, I have been banned. I guess talking bad about Daddy Trump is a big no-no here.

TilValhallar -5 points ago +1 / -6

"Branded as a separate species by scientists"

Who are these "scientists"?

How can anyone form an opinion based on this image?

TilValhallar -7 points ago +6 / -13

He literally called him his friend you fucking sycophant.

Fucking Trump cult. Imagine choosing THIS guy as the one whose cock you want to suck.

Fucking disgusting.

TilValhallar -5 points ago +3 / -8

So I was re-watching Godfather 2 and this scene reminded me about how one week before Epstein's suicide, Trump's lawyer visited Epstein in prison.

Just a coincidence, right?

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