ThroughThatGate 4 points ago +4 / -0

I always use Santa as evidence against people who say YoU cAnT kEeP sEcReTs w sO mAnY pEoPlE. I always point out that they believed in Santa for years of their childhood exactly bc everyone was in a circle of deception against them. For no reason!! No rational gain at all and perfect strangers will keep the circle.

Now put billions and billions of dollars on the table. Obviously everyone would keep lying.

Also the Wire season w the "serial killer" is a good demonstration of how everyone keeps the lie afloat for their own gay ass reasons

ThroughThatGate 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm a Mason and as bad as sharing videos from the lodge is (though this seems fake and off in a lot of ways and I think it's a larp from non masons), the most offensive part is that dudes are there in t-shirts and shit. Not real.