by pkvi
TheConservationist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not hard to guess when it is only number or letter off, for a 6-7 letter/number sequence, from another batch (with many adverse events reported).

At least two different groups digging into the VAERS data, looking into the "bad batch" possibility, came to this same conclusion.

Alternatively, flip it on it's head ... do you really believe that ~80% of batches, of some unknown number of doses each (thought to be in the 1000's, based on the way they manufacture/package/label similar medical products), have ONLY one or two adverse events (jab injuries) each?

That doesn't seem to match what we have seen with the "enhanced" amount of COVID cases for the jabbed, the jab injuries, etc.., because that would basically imply that ~80% of vaccines were super low dose or entire placebo.

by pkvi
TheConservationist 2 points ago +2 / -0

For this particular result, with the claim that ~20% of "adverse events" came from only 10 different batches (by the date 05/06/21 or a bit better, depending on when the 4chan poster pulled the data), one of the flaws was that the VAERS dataset has a tonne of typos, which wasn't corrected for here.

There were many batches with only one or two adverse event, which was very likely not accurate, rather, those AE's belonged to a different batch, and the doctor or however entered it into the VAERS system made a typo (i.e., think back to the stereotype of doctors and poor handwriting).

There were obvious counterparts to these single and double AE batches.

An hypothetical example would be a batch labelled "EK9237", which perhaps one or two doctors accidentally misspelled, whereas it was really meant to be "EK9231".

One analysis of the so-called "bad batches" claimed that ~80% of batches only had one or two AE's (i.e., tonnes of mis-labelling occurred, up to that time). Which, when re-categorized, would change the distribution significantly.

by pkvi
TheConservationist 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is from an old analysis of the 'bad batches' which was flawed.

I went down this rabbit hole a few months back, much of the 'bad batches' claims were not at all clear whether they were true, or, to which degree.

TheConservationist 1 point ago +1 / -0

A few weeks ago, (another mirror) started auto-redirecting to .

by pkvi
TheConservationist 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've checked Twitter, Archive, and The Wayback Machine, none had it.

Could have been deleted and not archived, a bit doubtful though.

TheConservationist 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'll ask him.

What I recall off hand is he said he watched a few years ago, in the context of watching videos pertaining to music or something to that effect, and at the time he didn't have the knowledge that he does now of the Satanism.

He's just recalling the clip, in hindsight, with the current understanding he now has.

TheConservationist 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you.

Yes, that's the type of rabbit hole we were discussing.

TheConservationist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Comfirmed, it was from about ~4mins in, and, was in the context of mRNA.?

For the entire clip, see from 1min 55s to 6mins 4s.

On YouTube.

TheConservationist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Might be pulled from here, will confirm later.

TheConservationist 2 points ago +2 / -0

My understanding of this is the following:

  • This was isolated to one community in NB, a few dozen (40-60 ish people, could be off there a bit)
  • These were originally covered up by the NB or Canadian government, it was eventually leaked from within
  • The COVID-19 "vaccines" have been theorized to cause prion diseases of some sorts, due to the spike proteins (which COVID-19 also has) ... prion diseases are ones like mad cow disease ... to that effect, Bideon or someone close to him recently said that in the near future there will be a lot of Alzeimer's patients (which has a similar appearance to the prion disease), and, there have been recently releases by one or more medical/pharmacy company about "ground breaking Alzeimer's treatments" or something to that effect ... coincidences? you decide.
  • Given the lack of liability, "bad batches" of products (aka, "vaccines") are more likely to occur. I suspect that this localized outbreak was the result of a particularly bad batch

Related to this, it seems that US census might be screening for the prion disease, see the thread here at Great Awakening for some discussion on that theory.

There's no doubt other sources for the prion disease claim above, Dr. Richard Fleming talks about it in passing in the first third of this great video, and he probably has the reference up on his website.

TheConservationist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Peter Daszak, the corrupt docotor who has been tied to Dr. Fuaci via the Fauci Email dumps, has apparently had his emails released as well.

It is 466 pages, ~ 11 MB.

Found this on a thread over at Patriots:

No information provided about who requested the emails, nor, any digging into the emails.

TheConservationist 2 points ago +2 / -0

You can download the entire document as a PDF, see top-right corner. It is about ~360 MB.

by pkvi
TheConservationist 5 points ago +5 / -0

This one seems to have been debunked.

See #2 in the compilation thread here:

TheConservationist 6 points ago +6 / -0

Noticed that you guys and ladies were digging up some nuggets I hadn't seen on the other three WIN communities I've been on, so, figured it would be best to cross-post here as well (save you guys from re-inventing the wheel on many of these). Great job digging!

TheConservationist 4 points ago +4 / -0

Here are the highlights found in the Dr. Fauci email dump thus far:

  • Him ignoring an email about someone believing that it was an intentional release of the virus by the CCP, and, that it came from the lab
  • Him being thanked by someone who is now one of Biden's COVID advisors, for 'publicly denying the lab origins story' back in April 2020
  • Him being told by another scientist that the virus could have been engineered (he acknowledged that email)
  • Him being told how bad things were in China during mid-February (after this time, he still went on MSM and said that we probably don't have anything to worry about)
  • Some hints of him discussing gain-of-function with others in early-February 2020
  • Him telling one of Obama's advisors not to bother with masks (in early-February 2020), they don't work
  • Some hints of involvement with The Gates Foundation
  • Him discussing the COVID vaccine effort with Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg back in February 2020, after which, he was still telling MSM that COVID isn't likely to be a big deal
  • Him discusssing the Moderna vaccine back in February 2020, prior to Trump's May 2020 annoucement for Operation Warp Speed
  • Him acknowledging someone's suggestion to be careful to not help Trump's re-election campaign
  • Him asking to call someone who had just told him that The W.H.O.'s Tedros is deciding whether he needs to be truthful or not (early-February 2020) & a ZeroHedge article about COVID possibly being a bioweapon that contains HIV. The next day, ZeroHedge was supposedly banned from Twitter.
  • Him replying to someone's email about hydroxychloroquine and anti-malaria drugs showing promise in Africa, effectively saying that "we don't know for sure if HCQ will help much or not yet, we'll see soon". This of course is likely a lie, given that Fauci was involved with publishing a paper 10-15 years ago about how HCQ works for SARS-1 (so, likely would have some positive effectt for SARS-2, aka, COVID)
  • Him replying to someone mentioning that HCQ looks promising in China, back in mid-March 2020
  • Him forwarding an email in March 2020 about how a great many of the deaths in Italy were of people who had comorbidities.
  • Him telling someone that most of the spread of COVID is by symptomatic people, rather than, asymptomatic people (in February 2020).

In summary, he's partially or fully implicated in: gain-of-function, lab origins of COVID, the mask hoax, the vaccine development, covering up HCQ's effectiveness, covering up how bad it was in China early on (thus letting it spread more easily to The West), meddling in the 2020 US election campaign, and, possibly tied to censorship by Facebook + Twitter.

Worth noting, Dr. Fauci signed a book deal recently (the details of this were released in the past few days), which is could be a bribe/pay-out of some sort.

TheConservationist 5 points ago +5 / -0

Cannot add much more to the above list (some sort of word limit), will add a few here.

#23: Dr. Fauci is emailed about light acting as a disinfectant. He acknowledged the email.

See the comment here, and/or, pages 1973 & 3113.

#24: Someone emails Dr. Fauci to inform him that a SARS drug has been shown by German scientists to kill COVID in a petri dish. Dr. Fauci appears to ignore this email.

See the comment here, and/or, page 2210.

#25: Dr. Fauci was asked by at least two different people in mid-March 2020 about whether there should only be a limited lockdown for just the most vulnernable population (e.g., elderly people, immunocompromised). For one of the emails, Dr. asked someone else to answer this email for him.

See the thread here at Patriots, and the link to Citizen Free Press therein.

See also the comment here, and/or, pages 2212-2213.

#26 & #27: Dr. Fauci is asked in mid-March 2020 by an assistant attorney general of New York & Oregon about hydroxychloroquine showing promise in China. Dr. Fauci forwards the email to someone else. In another email, Dr. Fauci is asked whether his researchers are looking into Chloroquine (related to HCQ), mid-March 2020. Dr. Fauci does not appear to reply.

See the thread here for more details, and/or, page 2077.

And see the comment here, and/or, page 2283.

#28: Dr. Fauci gets a slap on the wrist (and gives an apology of sorts) for bringing attention to the fact that the first case in the US was a Chinese man. This occured back in late-February 2020.

See the thread here at Patriots for more details.

#29, #30, #31: Someone informs Dr. Fauci in March 2020 that they believe COVID arrived in the US by the end of 2019 (Dr. Fauci forwards the email to someone else and asks them to respond), some proposes an idea like contact tracing to Dr. Fauci back in March 2020, someone compares COVID to the Swine Flu in mid-March 2020 (making the just-started lockdown policies look rather dumb).

See the comment here, and/or, pages 2280, 2271, and, 2234.

#32: Dr. Fauci, in-early March 2020, emails someone telling them to relay a message on to the rabbi to cancel their services.

See the comment here, and/or, page 11.

#33: Dr. Fauci knew in March 2020 that the there was a very high comorbidity rate for the people who were dying in Italy.

See the post here, which links to a Gateway Pundit article.

#34: Dr. Fauci knew in Fabruary 2020 that most of the spread of COVID was by symptomatic people, rather than, asymptomatic people.

See the post here.

#35: Bing Liu, UPitt Researcher who was working on COVID, who was killed in a murder-suicide May 4th 2020, emailed Dr. Fauci two months prior to her death (mostly redacted). Wonder what that email was about.

See comment here.

#36+: Will add better descriptions for these later today. (flu vs. COVID, page 669) (Daszak might be under investigation based on redaction codes, requires more vetting) (Fauci upset at DeSantis for keeping things open, id-March 2020) (same email as previous, another point raised, Trump did all he could to help logistically with PPE and the such) (whitehouse looking to distance themselves from Fauci) (email files compressed, PDF and TXT) (another look at the email with Sylvia, not focusing on the masks, rather, the lack of mention of therapeautics) (analysis of the emails ... Fauci had real no checks and balances, aside from maybe his handle) (another email informing Fauci about HCQ, late-February 2020, as well as, Mike Pence) (someone calls out Fauci) (Zuckerberg offering censorship to Fauci) (talking about vaccine development early March 2020) (another person pointing out that COVID appears to be bio-engineered, March 2020)

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