Laws And when the laws ban meat? And when the laws force vaccines? And when the laws ban having kids?
Laws don't stop human acts or if they did there would be no pedophiles or killers. Would you force a dog to stop barking? If it was the law would the dog just stop?
Yes you make my point.
But it's OK if you have a badge.
Why do we force humans to not be human? Its human nature.
The pink lady was unarmed from what we understand. Now we don't know the full Co text . But we do know the fat one was killed and its OK because the cop ha a badge.?. So he did something to her what he didn't want her to do even if she had a reason. He had no reason.......
How can we say the girl in pink was innocent be because she didn't have a weapon?
That's crazy. The big fat one may have had a reason to kill her.
That's the same as saying a women shouldn't kill a guy who raped her years ago . Becous he wasn't raping anyone at the time to found him.
Some people have reasons to kill its a normal human instinct.
The big fat girl may have had reasons. Your assuming the girl in pink was innocent innocent, of what exactly now you turn yourself into the judge.
If we let people do what's there nature it may be a better world. Eye for a eye would stop a lot of violence.
Not true. The dead baby market is huge.. The dead babies are worth 1000s. It sounds wrong but it is completely true.
The flower sellers and grave yards make loads of money from the dead.
Jack the ripper is still making money along with Michael Jackson.
Now if you say there's no money in a cure I'd agree.
Once 80% get it. The 80% will be turned on the 20% who didn't want it. It's all set up to happen. We are back in lockdowns due to the 20%
And once 100% get it., there be a new USA veriant that need new vaccine and lockdowns. This is going to hurt
Are you going to stop dogs barking? Not all dogs are barking all the time but some do.
Not everyone is a pedo your missing the point.
Why do we try to control human acts? That are part of being human.
Do I fantasise you say. Do you? Black girls? Short girls? Asian women dressed as school girls? schoolgirl porn is massive. If men didn't think about it, it wouldn't be a thing.
The only difference is the weathy do it and the pore don't have the money to getaway with it so are Less involved
If I had anuff money to hide/gateway with stuff. I'd have a long list of things to do..
Murder should be allowed.
Wait I'm not total sure of that word.
This A big fat back girl is trying to murder someone with a knife and a cop kills her by shooting her in the back 4 Times.
Why is the cop allowed to do what the girl can't do? She may have her reasons? It happen a few weeks ago.
Why can you put some one in uniform and send them to other countries to kill people. I'd say the locals have the right to kill intruders........ Its interesting
Dude your a child. When your 80 year old gran who is scared for her life gets the culling juice and dies your get it.