It's just training for the climate change lockdowns. We are all in this for each other bs. Take experimental drugs not for you but for your neighbours your colleagues or family.
Then Don't have cars, don't eat meats. Don't have kids. You are killing the earth
People have been tricked into thinking its a vaccine, in the winter millions will be dieing from the jab and the public will be tricked in to begging for the jabs and boosters.
The ones who have come up with this plan are the smartest people. Nothing is unplanned.
The pore and general public are fuked. Its the greatest cull ever
It's hard to believe the people in power have changed the meaning of vaccine, it now means something that doesn't vaccinate you. Its amazing nobody has brought this fact up.
As for fda they won't pass it as the powers want to use the vacs to divide us, soon they will turn the 80% who are jabed against the 20% who don't want trumps culling juice.
While we are all fighting the powers take every thing way from us We lost
He seams nice. Don't hate the player