What do you mean know better? Thats a cookie cutter thing to say.
this is normal we are lied to. The kids reaction is totally natural. It's a survival reflex type thing. Just like new born babys are scared of fire, heights, and loud noises.
In the west we are brainwashed into thinking we are wrong for nature
So why do we lie about it? Why are we lied about it?
I had a good one myself. The little Asian kid never saw blue eyes before. And sitting on a tour tain thing. Turned around and pointed to me eyes whilst saying blue eyes ect. I was probably the first white guy he seen. Was funny.
Trumps right to try Made this possible. It's a chemotherapy medication. And was out lawed word wide when Hitler tryed to use this kind of medicine.
This mRna is not a vaccine and its not passed for human use. Only emergency /right to try use. Trump again
Yeah. It's not a new thing. Asian in 2005 I ened up at a insect market it was disgusting.. Its terrible that the west will yax us out of beef and lamb and chicken. Fuk pork. But the others are going to disappear soon ie next 5 years
Yeah but vid D is a hormone and will be reclassified soon. Why you ask? Because it works and the public know.
I'm pretty sure vit C is almost all synthetic at least the ones start on public sale at Hallthfoods shop and websites
Vic c is one on the keys to killing of cancer and the big pharma got the stuff that works off the market. It has many good uses
It's a multi does vile, so it depends on how mixed it and how, also Al ot of the nurses are using the jab needle to draw the vaccine into the syringe (you shouldn't as the drawing blunts the needle) you can use a 29g insulin needle as it's water based but they don't the use a 26g 1.5inch it's stupid. As for the nerve that's not really a thing if putting it in the side delt. Also different batches made differently ie 5milion had to be binned as adverse side effects in that batch.ie alot of people died form one batch in particular the batch was 5million dosages.
. Just take vid d and zinc guys. There's no need for this culling juice