ShillshankRedemption 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tell me again how he isn't globohomo?

ShillshankRedemption -1 points ago +1 / -2

PS... you know who was never on Epstein's plane? Good ol Brandon 😉

ShillshankRedemption 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Ain't no money in the cure. The money is in the medicine. That's how you get paid."


ShillshankRedemption 0 points ago +1 / -1

The only good things that happened was the blatant corruption by the elite and media to remove him.

Weird how you say it's good they removed him yet you've rushed to his defense so swiftly. But hey, you do you.

ShillshankRedemption 0 points ago +2 / -2

Oh OK. So then I guess all the good stuff that happened during his "presidency" he can't really take credit for then, right.

ShillshankRedemption 0 points ago +2 / -2

I wonder what the "Trump is still in control" folks would have to say about this.

ShillshankRedemption 1 point ago +4 / -3

He chose.........poorly

ShillshankRedemption 0 points ago +5 / -5

2 scenarios here for the Trump anti covaxxers:

Either you're wrong about the Vax,

Or you're wrong about Trump.

You must choose. But choose wisely, as the true grail will bring you life, and the false grail will take it from you.

ShillshankRedemption -1 points ago +1 / -2

When was it "real"?

ShillshankRedemption -6 points ago +2 / -8

Latent, repressed homosexuality on the American right is manifesting online in surprising ways. Obsession with who has or was born with male genitalia is the current iteration.

by pkvi
ShillshankRedemption 1 point ago +3 / -2

I had to sort by new to catch a whiff. They're working overtime to purge those posts.

ShillshankRedemption -4 points ago +3 / -7

Is this where the goalposts are now? It's only bad if you fuck kids on the island?

Good grief. How about the minor high club.

ShillshankRedemption 0 points ago +1 / -1

It seems only hatred inspires you to communicate here.

I sure hope you're giving the blatant racists, bigots and antisemites this same ear beating. I'd be more than happy to point out a few examples if you "don't know what I'm talking about."

BTW the same goes for any other troll who we repeatedly ban here.

I think this is true. But only because there's only one type of "troll" banned here. The people posting incredibly obvious racial agitative propaganda get a free pass.

I can see an incredibly inflammatory post about Joe Biden that could be true for Trump as well, then post the same thing but about Trump and not Biden, and get banned. And that isn't speculation.

I'm replying to you because I'm not entirely sold on the idea of you being here with bad intentions. I saw that you were one of the very few people to push back on the "graphene hydroxide nano razorblade vaccine" narrative and that made me think you might genuinely care for this community. I hope that is the case.

ShillshankRedemption 0 points ago +2 / -2

No, I don't believe it to be just Epstein either. I believe they're hoping everyone forgets all about it with his "death" like "it's all over now, we got the bad guy! No more kiddie diddle rings!"

And as far as the Maxwell trial is concerned, yeah it sure does seem contrived. Not a single picture of her other than drawings? Not even a mugshot? We're being hosed.

ShillshankRedemption 1 point ago +2 / -1

OK clem, fair enough, but the term "troll" isn't clearly defined here. I've seen "troll" be used to describe "someone challenging my ideas."

I'm not saying there aren't trolls, because there definitely are, but I also feel "troll" is sometimes used to describe someone who's views are inconvenient to the popular narrative here.

Also, I think every single poster here, including you, is trying to provoke an emotional response.

ShillshankRedemption -2 points ago +1 / -3

It isn't a preference as much as it is an observation. I really don't think there's anything you can do to stop it. I'm ambivalent about it. I don't think it's good or bad, it just is.

ShillshankRedemption -3 points ago +2 / -5

I would prefer to preserve the distinction of the races rather than mix them all together to create one single mutt race of humans with no distinction

I truly believe this is an inevitability. I think it's our destiny. It's pretty obvious we aren't ready for it yet, your comment is proof of that, but it does seem to be where we're headed. If we can survive for long enough.

For all we know, we're all in some kind of intergalactic science experiment, or some super being is playing with us like play dough and eventually, all of the colors will be mixed together.

ShillshankRedemption -2 points ago +1 / -3

Had he stayed out of politics, he would have been remembered as a pop culture icon who could, at times, not take himself too seriously and have fans from all walks of life in America, on both sides of the aisle.

When he (finally successfully) dove into politics, the people that formed his base were a mixed bag of wealth/celebrity worshippers, people that thought (mistakenly) that he would be different because he came from "outside the system," and people that thought a blonde "haired" blue eyed man would be a good figurehead for the America they envisioned.

I too have known about Trump for a long time. I remember his stance on the central park 5 incident. I remember his generalizations of immigrants coming up from south of the border. And while I don't personally think Trump is a nazi, it's pretty clear that the real nazis in America love Trump. And his rhetoric over time has been informed by his base. It's become a feedback loop.

Now, as far as taking down "pedo rings" is concerned, assuming you're referring to Epstein and only Epstein, I'm of the opinion that this was Trump and Barr acting out of self interest and self preservation. I have no doubt that Epstein could have named them both and that it's just as likely Trump and Barr are behind Epstein's untimely exit as the Clinton's are. IF, and this is a big if, Epstein is even really dead. Which I'm not sure he is.

ShillshankRedemption -3 points ago +2 / -5

You make a couple good points here. So it's baffling to see your calls for violence and blatant racism, elsewhere.

ShillshankRedemption -1 points ago +3 / -4

Maybe that rhetoric works for you on PDW. But it won't here.

I'm unvaxxed. Stop fagging up this thread, Trumptard.

ShillshankRedemption 3 points ago +8 / -5


Holy fucking cognitive dissonance, batman. Let the mental gymnastics event of 2021 begin, Trumptards.

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