ReeEEEsistance 2 points ago +2 / -0

Slight rebuttal to what I just said…

Just read this post re: ports shutting down - Jalapeno_gringo’s comment in particular, about ports shutting down when military needs to pass.


If there’s any validity to the info linked in the post, it wouldn’t surprise me if we see full martial law go into effect next year. Pull a Zelensky and call off elections


ReeEEEsistance 4 points ago +4 / -0

I regret to say that I agree with GynaNumbaZero completely. As much as I would love to believe that there’s a “plan” for someone to come and rescue us from these evil globalists, fool me once…

It’s more likely to be a false appearance of freedom and prosperity — no pre-election riots, lockdowns or mandates in order to secure Biden’s win.

That said, it’s fair game after the election.

I do, however, have a tinfoil hat theory that, just as in 2020, there will be massive election fraud…

However, I believe it will be far too difficult to pull off a believable ballot steal strategy that’s in favor of Biden this time.

Instead, I think they’re going to give Trump such an over the top win, that it’ll make Biden’s fake 81M votes look like chump change! This go around, they’ll fill out fake ballots in Trump’s favor — make it look so obviously fraudulent and the media will play along with the election steal narrative because of course, they’re totally in cahoots. Then more “Trump is a felon” hysteria and calls for his prosecution, and execution.

I would LOVE to be wrong and see an end to the nightmare. But I just don’t see a curtain drop on clown world any time soon…

ReeEEEsistance 7 points ago +8 / -1

Beginning to believe most of the mods on GAW (though, not all) are controlled opposition — with cats5 being the worst offender.

And btw I’m new here as of today, for this very reason.