Redrum647 1 point ago +2 / -1

Another small part is used to keep hryvna on float, this money also stay at western bank accounts baking local Ukraine currency. And that Ukraine currency issued on the basis of existence of western loans and donations is used to pay all state expenses. This hryvhas are stolen by bureauscrats and persons close to them and then exchanged to that euros and dollars that back hryvna and moved out of country as personal wealth. Backing become smaller and to keep hryvna on float they beg for more money, and since very small part of that begged money used to back hryvna,

Some endless cycle of debt and begging, and they could not even stop, because hryvna will turn into zimbabve dollars instantly with all consequences.

I knew there was a lot of money laundering, human/weapon trafficking (the new Haiti!), but I wasn't thinking about how they need to keep the value of the currency up! Fascinating! So it's almost like fractional reserve banking, only with more theft.

Redrum647 1 point ago +2 / -1

Holy sh*t I just saw an ad filled with white people. Oh wait, it was an ad for euthanasia


Notice the prominent featuring of blue whale imagery. A reference to an online community of people that entice others to kill themselves, as a game.

the programme was criticised for allegedly driving citizens into assisted suicide on the grounds of poverty or lack of healthcare.

a total of 13,241 people who died under Canada’s MAiD programme in 2022, marking a 31% rise on the previous year.

Redrum647 1 point ago +2 / -1

It will likely be higher in 2023 and rapidly increasing.

Redrum647 0 points ago +1 / -1

Opiods and other pain drugs are odd. Doctors are finally starting to admit that people complaining of pain aren't faking. Actually, whites have a surprising percentage of opioid resistance and Asians has a huge amount, if you look at the studies/genetics.

Unfortunately, this means they need bigger dosages and is correlated with increased susceptibility to addiction. They chose the right drugs for the opium war and the current fentynal type drugs. Luckily for the Asians, they now have a culture very much against those type of drugs so are less affected by the fentynal/morphine drugs coming in.

Redrum647 1 point ago +2 / -1

Great info as always, thank you.

I'm curious, from what I have seen on the English side of the web, perhaps the supply chain or productions is being limited in Russia, or else there are more blockades? We used to be able to unofficially, for research purposes, get a lot of different racetems but now they are difficult to find and some just straight out aren't available anymore.

Are you guys still able to get all the racetems and similiar chemicals? Maybe the shortage is from a broken supply chain and not in Russia?

Redrum647 1 point ago +2 / -1

I don't think there was a real plane, but they could have used some tech to be a homing device for the holograms.

Note E Team art group has a strange connection, as well.

And some of the Gelatin group were in town on Sept 11th exactly, but not at wtc. Coincidence?

Redrum647 1 point ago +2 / -1

Could be related to the disappearance of past peoples/civilizations. They ascended due to these novas.

A way to escape from the prison planet Moksha.

Or a way out of this simulation.

It's all sort of the same.

Redrum647 0 points ago +1 / -1


Stuff like that makes me think they mixed real with misinformation and misguidance.

Redrum647 1 point ago +2 / -1

I like this topic. There is nothing we can do about the survival of the western people or culture but perhaps we can help ourselves with this knowledge.

Redrum647 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yeah, from what I remember, the article referred to a potential migration to Ukraine that would be justified because it has always been theirs and it is their homeland.

A bit of a preconditioning them to be ok with the possibility of moving there. I think it mentioned the benefits of being in Europe as opposed to the Middle East. But I could be mixing up articles now that I have been searching.

But when this all started even the normie was like - we know why this is happening in the Ukraine lol.

Redrum647 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yeah, I showed the article to some normies and they were shocked because it was a msm jewish source.

It was one of their audacious articles that seemed very bizarre if you don't know the history.

About how Ukraine was their homeland (too?) And a second Israel type of situation.

Must be scrubbed or hidden now. This was prior to the current Ukraine conflict... maybe written post 2014 ukraine conflict. But I can't recall for certain.

It didn't reference any conflict from what I can remember. Just talked about the land from their pov

Redrum647 1 point ago +2 / -1

Many of the people who fled tyrannical govts during covid lockdowns had to abandon almost everything. Including, often, their family who supported it.

Redrum647 1 point ago +2 / -1

Interesting. Good to know.

I guess for us. We just live life to the fullest and consider the afterlife. No point putting much into plans that have little chance of success against extinction level events.

Definitely anything can be taken away from you, so no point really gathering stuff. Just invest in yourself and your evolution.

by DrLeaks
Redrum647 0 points ago +1 / -1

Ohhh that makes sense. I wondered why a politicians corruption would be exposed and pursued by the FBI. That's crazy talk.

Redrum647 1 point ago +2 / -1

If looked at from a positive pov, you could argue that this will possibly piss off even many normies and apolitical. Towards a more nationalist/right wing perspective.

Although, the next generation growing up with it will view it as normal and expected.

So... :/... 50/50

Redrum647 -1 points ago +1 / -2

The gene for red hair is different in jews versus irish/celts.

But, it is interesting that the British have an intense hatred for gingers.

Redrum647 1 point ago +2 / -1

Some info from the comments, I can't verify of course

An Israeli "art student" group were involved in the wiring of the twin towers with a performance art cover story in the towers just before 911 to give them access. The name of the group: Gelatin. Enjoy going down this rabbit hole.


The exact same people. Not just the name. The exact same four people. They changed the name from Gelatin to Gelitin in 2005.


In the period leading up to 9/11, a group of Israelis (not dual-U.S. citizens) managed to secure “temporary construction” passes to perform work on the 91st floor of Larry “pull it” Silverstein’s leased WTC 1. These passes gave them access to the entire WTC complex. The pretense was an art project called the “B-Thing” and the group is called Gelatin.

companion video to this one : https://www.bitchute.com/video/biCdSdM16zDn/

Gelitin. I thought something was familiar about this group. Here is a video I just found on bitchute about them. And based on the video (assuming the contents are true) this "art work" is nothing more than a humiliation ritual. mm mmm mm.. Wake up. Get a back bone. Defend yourself or die.


The mayor of Vienna is a hardcore fr33mason and probably an Illuminatus. He forced the population to wear N95 mask longer than in any other city in Europe. He will do everything for his (((masters))).

I was in Vienna over the summer and witnessed similar disgusting examples of public “art” scattered across the city. In addition, the city center was filled with hordes of middle easterners. I am sure when the Muslim conquest of Vienna is complete that they will replace this **** art with mosques & minarets. I was very disappointed wth Vienna.

  • this last is probably true, Europe is literally covered in human feces in some countries/cities. The ancient art and architecture vandalized and graffitied.
Redrum647 1 point ago +2 / -1

Wow, his art was in the Twin Towers? He must have connections....

Redrum647 1 point ago +2 / -1

Russia still a member of many other globalist organisations including those who still create problems and heavily interfere with Russian internal affairs, like WHO, WTO and other terrorist organisations

Has there been a populist or even political push to get Russia out of all the globalist groups since the NATO/Ukraine situation?

Serbia and Syria have no IMF debt anymore

Wow. That is really impressive that Russia got out of debt and even helped others... the IMF is basically designed to create perpetual debt slaves!

Ukraine was third largest debtor for IMF last year, and may be already second now

Lol. What are they doing with all the billions donated? From what I understand, a lot is donations, without even the lend-lease requirements or stiff loans that occured in every other war. 😆☠️

Redrum647 0 points ago +1 / -1

However in 2021 a girl successfully sued her school for disability discrimination after she was suspended (not expelled) for throwing chairs in the classroom and making animal noises. The girl was of course a nigger.

I did wonder... in the past generation, white native girls have been sex trafficked, bullied and completely debased with the full acceptance of state, school and cops.

I doubt they will be benefiting from this.

Look at all the Muslim sex trafficking rings in dozens of English towns. Still no justice and likely still happening.

I've also come across the crazy early sex culture in Britain/Europe. I don't know when or why this started but the working class basically all have sex by age 11-13, and parents know that the kids are having sex during sleepovers. They don't care, as it has become part of the culture.

I also found out that working class British girls have been getting into physical fights/beatings, probably about a generation before it became common in American schools. Again, I am not sure why physical violence started there. There must have been some weird stuff going on coming from the inner cities.

Not sure about the aristocracy, but I doubt it as they still value virginity more.

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