RJ567 2 points ago +2 / -0

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That many of the WASP bankers and industrialists were going to side with Hitler (to escape what was happening in the Soviet Union) and were heavily smeared after WW2 in conspiracy circles to discredit them.

Guys like Smedley Butler then elevated in conspiracy circles, when he was one of the communists who helped stopped the WASP's attempts at stopping the zio-commies.

I am listening at 1.5x speed, have to turn up the volume as Stormy's mic is low. Idk how much of this is true but seemed worth investigating as I generally trust Pete Quinones.

But really, looking back it's like 95% of all conpsiracy theories were red herrings and well poisonings by jews, so any wealthy WASP guys I think it's worth taking a second look at.

RJ567 5 points ago +5 / -0

And they deserved every bit of it for their usury pyramid schemes that destroyed every place they went to.

E Michael Jones on why they kept being kicked out


The point is people forgot the war they were in with these banking families, why they have this rage towards Europeans and Christians going back to the initial anger stemming from:



And Masada


Europeans let things go and move forward, seeking peace. Our enemies remember grudges from 2000-2500 years ago, but especially remember the medieval period where jews were repeatedly crushed for their unjust ways.

RJ567 1 point ago +1 / -0


We clearly lost the Civil War to evil people and were kept thinking we were somewhat free so we would go to war for them (told it was all for righteous causes, and now they are done with us).

RJ567 3 points ago +3 / -0

What Yuri Bezmenov didn't tell you (Frankfurt school was already here, and were a far greater threat to America than the Soviets)


RJ567 10 points ago +11 / -1

low chance of being real but worth noting as they were just sitting there looking at him through the scope and not doing anything.

RJ567 3 points ago +3 / -0


There's a dozen threads on /pol now by memeflags (Israeli IP's hiding) claiming this is all a fake event, no one died, and Trump wasn't really shot.

Same with all the Q nonsense. To cause confusion, to discredit us, and to strip us of righteous anger and united energy against the enemy.

Donnie Darkened on X is a likely example as well, telling everyone to "stand down" and not fight, as that's trusting in some "false light."


RJ567 3 points ago +3 / -0

Assange releasing info on the case and others:


Regina Louf interview:


RJ567 12 points ago +12 / -0

The genetics went all haywire after the 2nd century where the lineage from paternal was changed to maternal. But still you see the large noses even in busts of Josephus.

Either way, the "real jews" were of the devil way back in Babylon, which Jesus exposed. Some would say the Khazar stuff is to make Christians forget this, that Judaism itself is Satanic. Moses and King David didn't follow any religion called "Judaism." The 10 tribes were destroyed by the Assyrians, race mixed out of existence 722, then the tribe of Judah turns to Satanism 500's BC and race mixes with the Babylonians, creation a hybrid religion.

Any modern jew that claims to be "following the Torah" is following the Talmud, as only Chrisitan's read the Old Testament. No jew sings the Psalms on Saturday. There simply aren't any Israelites anymore, there are only modern "jews" who are like travelling gypsies who go around scamming naive host nations.


"It is important to remember that Judaism is not Old Testament religion, but rather a rejection of the Biblical faith altogether in favor of the Pharisaical, Talmudic heresy. Like Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Unification Church, and other cults, it claims to be based on the Bible; but its actual authority comes from the traditions of men. Jesus was quite clear: Judaism denies Christ because it denies Moses. Orthodox Christianity alone is the true continuation and fulfillment of Old Testament religion (see Matt. 5:17-20; 15:1-9; Mark 7:1-13; Luke 16:29-31; John 5:45-47; 8:42-47).” -- David Chilton, Paradise Restored, Ch.20

RJ567 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Keep getting vague warnings about my anti-Israel stance being "bad for me"

I'm sorry, did you mistake me for someone who values earthly things?

Did I give off the impression I can be cajoled, intimidated, or bribed?

Fuck you. SUPER OMNIA VERITAS. I have ancestors to please."


RJ567 1 point ago +1 / -0

"In this intro to our new series on the ABCs of Kabbalah, we introduce the concept of Ein Soph, the non-being that grounds the theosophical system of modernity."

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