Fauci’s deputy to serve as his temporary successor at NIAID (Washington Examiner 12/9/2022)

Hugh Auchincloss Jr. was NIAID’s Principal Deputy Director, making him formally second in command but I suspect he runs the place with Fauci as cutout. How no one has noticed him before is beyond me.

His maternal grandfather was Harvey Hollister Bundy (Skull and Bones), who looks like the guy that really ran the US involvement in WW2. And thus he had as maternal uncles Bill Bundy (CIA) and McGeorge Bundy (National Security Adviser).

His mother was Katherine Lawrence Putnam, daughter of William Lowell Putnam and niece to Harvard president Abbott Lawrence Lowell. These are the Lowell’s of the Boston Brahmins. And I can’t quite make the tie right now, but I feel confident this Putnam is of the Putnams of G.P. Putnam’s Sons.

His father’s side is even deeper. Hugh Auchincloss Sr. was first cousin once-removed of Hugh D. Auchincloss Jr., who worked for the Office of Naval Intelligence in WW2. It takes off in many directions from him.

Hugh’s third wife was Janet Lee Bouvier, the mother of First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. And his second wife was Nina S. Gore, mother of Gore Vidal.

With Gore Vidal, they admit he was descended from the Gores, one of 19 families that became wealthy (or more wealthy) selling the land of what would become Washington DC. They don’t admit this directly with Al Gore, but do say that he descends from “immigrants who first settled in Virginia in the mid-17th-century and moved to Tennessee after the Revolutionary War.” So yeah, I’d say he’s of the same Gores.

Finally, his son Jake Auchincloss is currently Congressman for Massachusetts's 4th district, 25th wealthiest by Median Household Income.

Closing note (and this may be the most important point): I stumbled across this guy a couple of years ago and have been waiting the whole time to see if anyone else noticed and said anything about him. In that whole time no one did, and no one even noticed it when his appointment was announced yesterday.

My point here is not that I’m some tremendous researcher because, as I said, I just stumbled across his name, but rather that TPTB do not need to work very hard at all to cover Their operations. I no longer wonder at how They could possibly get away with so much.


It was reported that on January 24th of this year that Gavin Newsom was executed: Gavin Newsom Hanged at GITMO . That's a bold claim but I have certain reasons to believe it.

Holding a sense of due intellectual diligence, since then I check in every so often when "Gavin Newsom" makes an appearance to see if he returns from Hell. Here's was today's photo op:

Governor Newsom Signs CARE Court Into Law, Providing a New Path Forward for Californians Struggling with Serious Mental Illness

We are presented with three photos and Gavin is pasted into all of them. As an aside, most of the other people seem pasted in as well, but due to the similarity of the lighting I'd guess they were together in a real photo and were just rearranged here. I won't go over the details, but there are a couple of areas to look at if you wish to study the pictures yourself.

First, look for physical interactions between the people. That is, can you see the lines of their clothing disturbed because the person next to them is pressing up against them even slightly?

Second, always examine the lighting. If people are next to each other, are they lit from the same direction, with the same level of contrast between light and shadow, with the same hot spots, etc?

I consider it well worth your effort to develop an "eye" for examining photos in such a way--and also to develop the habit of doing so--because we are steeped in such fakery. The reason They get away with it so easily is precisely because virtually no one is looking for the fakery.

We're told the bridge was sold to an American in 1968, and it was dismantled, transported, and reconstructed in Lake Havasu, Arizona. Everyone's free to believe fairy tales, but IMHO normally functioning adults should give it up. So does this one hold up?

No, it does not.

No "9/11 Pentagon"-level photographic analysis is needed, just use your favorite search engine and look up something like "london bridge arizona construction". But before you do, what do you expect to see? Probably pictures of a bridge at different levels of completion over a body of water, right?

Wrong. What you see is a complete bridge over a desert, with dirt piled up to the top of the arches. Well WTF, huh? What are we seeing?

This was a completely existing bridge that had been buried under the desert. Probably because of erosion, at some point it became impossible to hide it's existence. So they dreamed up a tale to tell you about how it got there.

If you look around you can actually see that the waters of Havasu were originally nowhere near where the bridge is located. So between the "shore" and the "island" they had to excavate all the dirt to create a waterway, and then construct a brand new roadway to the bridgehead.

The population of Lake Havasu City, even by 1990, was only 24,000, and was not centered near the "island". No one was living on a hill out in the desert and no "bridge" was needed.

I believe they invented the whole "Spring Break" phenomenon to blow smoke around this whole incident. Culturally, that may be the strangest thought of all.


Sure, click-bait title, but did you know they were selling this as part of the narrative?

How many magazines did the shooter have? Police found 58 total magazines at the crime scene – which included inside and outside the school and at the shooter's wrecked pickup truck nearby – and an additional two magazines at the shooter's home.

How many magazines were found in the school? Police found 11 magazines inside the school: Two in Room 112, six in Room 111 and three on the shooter's body.

How many magazines were found outside of the school? Police found 32 magazines outside of the school but on school property: One just outside of the school and 32 in his backpack, which he left outside.

How many magazines were found at the shooter's crashed pickup truck? Police found 15 magazines at the crash site. McCraw said Ramos began shooting at two men near a funeral home, shortly after getting out of the wrecked truck.

Magazines were flying off this guy like coins in a Super Mario side-scroller.

I had been picturing it as just on the edge of possibility that this kid straps on several chest rigs and loads up with 60 pounds of loaded magazines, like maybe he was preparing for some sort of running gun battle ending in a high-octane last stand.

Well, we got no last stand, no running gun battle, no gun battle, no shell casings, no bullet holes in walls, no spider-webbed glass, and a site soon to be scraped from existence.

I suppose we see that for the believers in this tale, it all somehow makes sense. They will make it make sense.

Thanks, WFAA, for the detailed account of this "event": By the numbers: How many rounds the Uvalde shooter fired, and how much police fired at him


TL;DR: The portrait on Neilia Hunter Biden’s wiki page in her wedding dress is fake. Why would such a photo exist? This leads us on a very long, very strange trip. Since everything is fake about Joe (including Joe!) this should probably come as no surprise.

The Photo

Look at the linked photo. Seems fine, right? Note that they only say the photo is from 1966, the year of their wedding. But it sure looks like a wedding dress and a fancy hairstyle, so we make the obvious conclusion that it’s her wedding photo. What you should note here is that, because we came to that conclusion ourselves, we will never, ever question it. It’s a technique beyond clever.

Okay, now tell yourself the photo might be fake, and look again.

Her head’s too big in comparison to her neck, and her face is also very pale in comparison. So did they paste Neilia’s head on a bride’s body?

Go to the original and zoom in around her hair. Not one single flyaway hair. Is that actually how hair looks in any real photos you have, ladies?

But perhaps we can’t see individual hairs due to the low resolution. Well, that just stiffens the case for fakery. This was a formal portrait (supposedly) taken in 1966, so it would have been on film, with resolution as high as you cared to scan it. So what was it scanned with? No cell phone ever had resolution that low (250x289 pixels). The ridiculously low resolution is--of course—to hide the fakery, a technique as old as the bogus Moon landings.

And while you’re zoomed in, look at her jawline. At no point is there any continuity down to her neck. There’s just a sharp line on her left, a shadow line below her chin, and a very odd fuzzy patch on her right. Not a smoking gun, but consistent with a low effort job. Hey, why bust your ass when no one’s looking anyway?

Finally, look at the lighting. The bright side of her face is on her left, but just below that we see that’s the shadowed side of her neck. The lighting was offset behind the photographer on opposite sides in the two different photos.

So there’s exactly one wedding photo, and just of her. Before you think that maybe these young, crazy lovers with stars in their eyes just couldn’t afford a real wedding photographer for their special day, understand that they met in the Bahamas on spring break just before Joe went to law school. You know, like all poor people.

Evidence Both Rare and Fake

As for additional photo evidence, I leave it to you, dear reader, to analyze and judge for yourself. I can only find six other pictures of them together.

One of them featuring the whole clan is another fake. It’s very well done but there are certain anomalies. The most important is that baby Naomi’s face should have some shadow but does not, indicating the baby was added later. Naomi will come up again.

The woman in the picture appears to be the same woman as the portrait. Her image also looks suspect and both her and the chair may have been pasted in. Let’s call her “Neilia”.

It’s important to make a distinction because all the other photos which are said to be Neilia and Joe look legitimate but are actually of another woman. Who is she? Hell if I know, but she appears in 1972 campaign photos so we have that marker. Let’s call her “SimNeilia”.

Why Does All Fakery Exist?

To account for the fake “wedding” photo, one thesis is that (believe it or not, young folks) there was still at that time some social stigma attached to having children out of wedlock. “Bastard” was not just some generalized insult. The idea would be something like they never actually got married and they had to retcon it. But that doesn’t really explain the appearance of this SimNeilia shortly before Neilia died. I think we’ve altered the line of investigation to why SimNeilia exists.

What Happened to Neilia?

Well, we would need a SimNeilia if the real Neilia was not “available”. Now the water gets deep. She supposedly died in a car accident along with her infant daughter, Naomi. Beau and Hunter were also in the car but not Joe (surprise!). Joe still blames the other driver but you should look up what his family has to say about that. This is not the last word on the car crash.

It turns out that Joe held only one office, on the New Castle County Council, before being rocketed directly to the US Senate. Neilia was killed in December 1972, a few weeks after the election, and Joe went to the Senate in January 1973. This brings up the idea of "elite sacrifice", where TPTB demand that a person consent to--or even participate in--the sacrifice of someone close to them in return for a career of riches and fame. There are many examples of such.

A one-term county councilor does not seem likely to go straight to the Senate, does he? So if Joe sacrificed Neilia and Naomi to assure a Senate seat, we would need a SimNeilia until her death could be staged. No one would necessarily expect to see the baby in public. (BTW, I believe Alec Baldwin “qualified” himself in just such a way last summer, and predict that he will run for Kirsten Gillibrand’s Senate seat in 2024.)

This would imply that the car accident was another hoax. Could it have been? Well, reference the photos of Joe swearing in to the Senate just a few weeks after the car crash. It took place in Beau Biden’s hospital room. Does Beau look injured? To me he looks like a little kid laying around on top of a hospital bed during a very crass publicity stunt.

Even Deeper?

A quite outlandish story popped up a while back--which we’ll discuss momentarily--but the upshot is that Neilia may have spirited herself and her daughter away before Joe got to use one or both either as a sacrifice or for his other “predilections”. Well hey, wouldn’t you? I have no information on Neilia, but given Joe’s Senate win and all future successes, we must speculate that she was indeed sacrificed.

How about infant daughter Naomi? Try this on for size: does Naomi still live on as Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court Amy Coney Barrett? What!?! Well, have we not we seen enough these past couple of years to realize we're way beyond the looking glass and should consider the case?


I wish I could say I discovered it, but here's where I stumbled across it: Is Amy Coney Barrett Naomi Christina "Amy" Biden? ("U.S. Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett is none other than Joe Biden's daughter Naomi Christina Amy Biden! She did not die in a car crash as reported back in 1972.)

The story is very long and very detailed, as if done by a thorough researcher. I tried to find an internal contradiction or an easily debunked point, but failed to. And I personally found the side-by-side photos of Amy and Ashley particularly compelling. They would be half-sisters but look more alike than any sisters I know who aren’t actual twins.

God only knows how you could come across such a story. The writer alludes to it "spreading on social media", but I never heard anyone talking about it anywhere else. My best guess? White Hats are trying to slowly leak out information on the very, very strange world we actually live in.

Alternatively, you might think it's disinfo planted by TPTB. But if TPTB are orchestrating the planting of elaborate disinfo that only a vanishingly small number of people will ever encounter—let alone believe—then they're so far ahead that we're all forked anyway.

In conclusion, did you notice that none of this actually gives a solid explanation why her wiki photo is fake? That suggests that even with all this insanity, we still haven’t even gone deep enough. But what else is new, eh?

If you read this far, thanks and I hope you enjoyed this trip through Our Fake History!


TL/DR: You know the Bill Hicks joke about showing new Presidents the Babushka Lady's film? Maybe that happened here.

If you look at his history, Zelensky was not in favor of the rampant Russophobia in Ukraine. He's actually a native Russian speaker himself. As president, he tried to get control of the neo-Nazis and failed. And as far as I can tell, he's just a regular Jew, not even a Zionist let alone some elite Sabbatean-Frankist. And putting up with those Nazis has got to rub any normal person the wrong way.

Yes, he's clearly a thrall of the oligarchs and their Western colonial masters, but you could still make the case he's a regular guy who thought he might be able to do some good, but was now in a bad situation. In the days and weeks leading up to the "intervention", he kept trying to tone down all the warmongering.

But boom, next thing you know he a younger, mentally stable version of Joe Biden, who will say and do anything his handlers tell him to no matter how ridiculous. And while the MSM reports of civilian massacres by the Russians are not to be believed, there's no doubt that his own people are suffering and dying, but he seems to care nothing about that. Just, "Mo' money, mo' weapons, mo' killin'!"

Preamble over, here's the juicy part....

Zelensky and Hutchins were born only months apart, although she was raised in Murmansk. It's unclear when she came back, but she didn't come to the US until 2010. It seems like she's done very well in Hollyweird. I'm going to guess she was at the top of the heap in the film industry back in Ukraine. I have no evidence, but I would think it quite possible she knew VZ personally.

It's too long to get into here, but the shooting of Hutchins was Baldwin's Elite sacrifice. And it was literally on a film set with cameras and everything. I'm going to guess they filmed the entire thing.

"They" have been playing lots of their big cards lately, so did they play that one here? Like, "Hey, Vlod, just in case you had some thoughts about how you're the President and all, why don't you take a gander at your old friend's farewell party?" I think we all know how brutal They can be.

I had thought they picked out Halyna as the sacrifice because Baldwin knew her, but maybe it was because Vlod knew her. And who knows how well? She was a single, pretty lady and he was a big movie star and a handsome, funny guy.

It sounds crazy but I think we all know of crazier things that have happened.


Dalrymple: "A Society of Emasculated Liars Is Easy to Control."

In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is…in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.

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