8/22: Russian Military Delegation Arrives in Libya at Haftar’s Invitation

8/27: Libyan National Army Launches Operation Against Chadian Rebels

9/11: Flooding creates a disaster zone in Libya from Storm Daniel

The destruction appeared greatest in Derna, a city formerly held by Islamic extremists in the chaos that has gripped Libya....

9/14: Flooding death toll soars to 11,300 in Libya’s coastal city of Derna, aid group says

... residents said they heard loud explosions when two dams outside the city collapsed.

9/14: Libyan authorities say floods may have killed 20,000 people


We all get that the NYT and WaPo should be called "The Daily Mockingbird" and the "CIA Newstetter", but it goes way beyond that. We think in terms of extreme bias and propaganda, but it turns out that sometimes they just make it up out of whole cloth. And outrageously and audaciously, they go beyond "unnamed sources" and "familiar with" and all the way to direct quotes from world leaders.

We'll analyze today's example:

Nuclear war is imminent – North Korea The US should abandon its “hostile” policy if it is truly interested in dialogue, Pyongyang believes (RT 8/15/2023)

The first thing to notice is that it's from RT, which we're supposed to believe is some sort of Russkie mouthpiece. Well if it is, they've got a mole or two and one of them planted this story But it reads in and of itself as entirely legitimate (if you believe the propaganda about the DPRK), so why do I think it's phony?

First, note that there are no links to the source material. Where did RT get this text? (That's a rhetorical question. Someone at Langley wrote it.)

The original statements are bigger issue than you might think. General Kang would certainly have been speaking in Korean. Government officials are very attentive to translations because that's where you can turn something like "honored friend" to "little faggot", and unless someone who understands the original hears or reads it and notices the mistranslation, it can very easily go undetected.

Okay, well maybe they were just lax at hyperlinking, so let's go looking for ourselves. Most official news from the DPRK is republished in English by KCNA Watch, with original sources like KCNA (Korean Central News Agency) and the Voice of Korea.

The most incendiary and shocking news we can find about the general is from over two weeks ago:

Minister of National Defence of DPRK Kang Sun Nam speaks at military parade (KCNA Watch 7/28/2023)

Note that KCNA includes a link to their source, the Voice of Korea English Language Service. Already doing better than our RT mole. Maybe we can find something concerning the specific event, the Moscow International Security Conference. Indeed we can!

U.S. Hegemonism – “Trigger ” for War KCNA Watch 8/31/2022)

At least it's got "war", right? Well, that's from last year's 10th conference, not this year's 11th, and the story is regarding statements made by Putin, such as:

The reality corroborates that the U.S. is indeed the wrecker of world peace and a chieftain of war which dares to do anything to realize its wild ambition for world hegemony. It also illustrates that the U.S. anachronistic ambition for hegemony would never escape from denunciation and rejection from all countries aspiring to the establishment of a fair international order.

Well, we've come quite a ways from "the Norks are going to nuke!", haven't we?


Egypt is on to how shady this guy is and they do not want him in their country (sacrificing people or whatever the hell else he has planned), and local media lays it out:

Egypt axes Travis Scott concert over rapper’s ‘strange rituals’ (Arab News 7/18/2023)

Europeans must be lied to, of course, so Spaniards are told that Egyptians are just a bunch of racists. I guess the angle is that people darker than them are backwards:

Travis Scott’s ‘strange rituals,’ or why the Egyptians don’t want a Black artist performing in front of their pyramids (El Pais 7/28/2023)

At the bottom of the ladder, stupid and gullible Americans are told the boldest lies, entirely fabricated:

Travis Scott Egypt Concert Canceled Due to 'Production Issues' by Live Nation as Rapper Says It 'Will Happen' (People 7/26/2023)

Now, no one really cares about Travis Scott and his doings, but look how much horseshit is shoveled down our throats concerning this trivial event. Just try to imagine the firehose of deception when it comes to really important issues.


They don't admit solitary confinement is torture right at the top (which is telling), but if you scroll down in the wiki you'll find:

Solitary confinement is considered to be a form of psychological torture with measurable long-term physiological effects when the period of confinement is longer than a few weeks or is continued indefinitely.

So who came up with this wonderful concept? In a plot twist, it turns out it was the polite, well-dressed oatmeal people all along:

Quakers and solitary confinement: We thought it was a good idea. Now we don’t! (CT Mirror 3/17/2021)

Oh well, we all make mistakes, right? The final reveal is that they may not at all be who you thought they were:

The SOCIETY of FRIENDS looks like another JEWISH FRONT (9-page PDF)

The usual caveats accompany the work of "Miles Mathis", but when you dig into the Quakers beyond what's included in the paper, it just looks worse and worse.


In a short clip from an interview with Dr. Drew, tweeted here, RFK jr. says:

When my uncle left office in 1964, 80% of Americans trusted the government and even more trusted the media... Today 22% of Americans trust the government and those are people who I would say are not paying attention.

JFK didn't "leave office", he had his brains blown out, and that was in 1963.

Ted was sworn in as Senator in 1962, and didn't "leave office" until he died the next century.

Did he might have meant to say "father" rather than "uncle"? RFK stepped down as AG in 1964 to run for the Senate, and was sworn in only 4 months later in 1965. Hardly seems a landmark break to stand out in the mind of a nine-year-old.

Since it looks like RFK Jr. is being sold to us as the new messiah, acceptable to both old school Democrats and America-firsters, I thought it would be prudent to look at the company he keeps and even presumably shares a bed with: Cheryl Hines, the Hollywood A-lister to whom he has been married since 2014.

What drew my attention and probably should draw yours is that Cheryl Hines is best known for portraying Cheryl David on Curb Your Enthusiasm, which may be the Jewiest show that's ever been on television. It's not just that it has a lot of Jews on it, because they all do, but that it's actually about Jewishness.

I mean, is there a more prominent Jew in modern America than Larry David? One might say Bernie Sanders, but I bet many don't even know he's a Jew. I've never heard him bring it up. But could you watch an episode of CYE without realizing it was about Jews? Maybe you'd just think people Hollywood were very, very eccentric. But back to the actress portraying Larry's fictional wife....

Cheryl was born in Florida. What can I say? Florida has a lot of Jews. Wiki tells us she was raised Catholic. Maybe she was, but here's a twist you didn't see coming: her middle name is Ruth.

What a big fart of a reveal, you're saying. Wait, there's more! Ruth is a Hebrew name, and very popular for Jewesses given that Ruth is the Jewess heroine of the eighth book of the Old Testament. She was even the great-grandmother of King David. But here's the twist: Ruth was not born a Jewess, but rather a Moabite. So a goy who becomes a famous Jew, you see?

Before getting her break in Hollywood, Hines worked as a waitress, television reporter, and telephone operator, as well as personal assistant to Rob Reiner after she moved to Los Angeles to pursue acting.

Rob Reiner? Can anyone name a more unhinged never-Trumper? He's Patient Zero for Trump Derangement Syndrome, as well as a general promoter of all things Globohomo World Order. Oh, he's also very much a Jew.

Now's this caught my eye on her wiki:

Hines began her acting career by performing improvisational comedy at The Groundlings Theater. Among the people with whom she studied was Lisa Kudrow.

Kudrow is the only one of the Groundlings they name. Well, everybody knows what show she is most famous for, and I would say that show was top of the heap for Jewiest, both actors and characters, until CYE came along.

(Tangent here: Cheryl made her directorial debut in 2009 with a movie starring Meg Ryan. Now, Ryan isn't a Jew as far as I care to research (about 30 seconds), but did you know she went to Bethel High School? "Bethel" is a Hebrew word meaning "house of G-d". That just seemed odd to me.)

Finally, a bizarre quote in her wiki:

On January 23, 2022, at an anti-COVID vaccine mandate rally in Washington, DC, he invoked a comparison to Anne Frank. Subsequently, Hines condemned his remarks in a tweet, although the tweet has since been deleted.

Anne Frank? Icon of Jewish fiction? Well, okay, whatever, but why does Hines condemn it, exactly? Is it simply because she disagrees with her husband on policies concerning whackseens? If so, can't she discuss it with him in private? Or is it rather because one may not take ha'shem of Anne Frank in vain?

This is all much more than I thought I would find, and it's only from reading her wiki. One may make of it what one will. I know what I make of it. (Hint: it confirmed what I was guessing, which is exactly why I was looking in the first place).


I've posted several comments analyzing the two detonations in Khmelnytskyi on 5/13 and an earlier one in Pavlohrad on 4/30 as all being nuclear strikes, so I won't repeat that analysis here. If you simply cannot believe nukes were used or don't exist or any other such nonsense, there's no need to read further as it will just make you upset and feel compelled to tell me about it.

With that out of the way, let's look at recent developments from three articles, all from The Intel Drop, followed by my short comments on Ukrainian nukes and "cooking off", depleted uranium and gamma radiation, and TID itself:

Did Russia just obliterate depleted uranium munitions delivered by UK? (5/16/2023)

TID: IAEA says, not publicly, that this is a 10 plus kiloton tactical nuclear weapon ‘cooking off’ from fires caused by rocket fuel stored at a major black market shopping center…Nukes for All…Protected by Israel

Experts announced jumps in radiation in the east of Poland in the atmosphere (5/17/2023)

Classified and Confirmed: Russia hit a stockpile that included illegal Ukrainian tactical nukes, some recently sold to Taiwan…and one of the weapons ‘cooked off’ as confirmed by a highly qualified particle physicist at the IAEA

Ukraine Evacuating Radiation Victims from Khmelnitsky (5/17/2023)

The IAEA says depleted uranium is a cover story and that radiation levels are 10 to 20 times higher than announced and that areas of Poland can expect soaring cancer rates (TID: This is closer to the truth)

Ukrainian nukes and "cooking off"

It's a longer story, but I do not believe Ukraine has any nukes whatsoever, built or bought, tactical or strategic. But let's suppose they did for a second. Could they have "cooked off", as suggested in the articles?

I have no knowledge of any nuke anywhere going off accidentally in any situation. I put it at the extreme edge of possibility that the explosives that force together the sub-critical fissile masses could be heated enough to spontaneously detonate, and any such detonation would simply blow the device apart. So extremely unlikely, I would say.

But let's suppose that such an extremely unlikely event took place. As you can see in the Khmelnytskyi video, two virtually identical explosions took place a couple of hundred meters apart within seconds of each other. If you can believe two extremely unlikely events took place in such a relation to each other... well, what more could I say?

So did any of these "cook off"? No.

Depleted uranium and gamma radiation

If these storage facilities held depleted uranium munitions, and they were blown apart, could that explain anything to do with increased gamma radiation? Uranium is radioactive, right? In a word: no. We can study a few key characteristics right on the wiki for depleted uranium.

First, DU doesn't emit gamma radiation. In fact, it's one of the prime materials for blocking it:

Depleted uranium is the best radiation shielding by weight, due to the high atomic weight of the uranium atoms; materials are more able to block radioactivity the higher their atomic weight, and uranium is one of the heaviest natural elements.... Industrial radiography cameras include a very high activity gamma radiation source.... Depleted uranium is often used in the cameras as a shield to protect individuals from the gamma source.

Second, if anyone is suffering from "radiation poisoning" of any type, it almost certainly has nothing to do with DU:

It is only weakly radioactive because of the long radioactive half-life of U-238 (4.468 × 109 or 4,468,000,000 years) and the low amounts of U-234 (half-life about 246,000 years) and U-235 (half-life 700 million years).

Third, if you're thinking that all the horrible health problems and birth defects caused by DU shells in Iraq is proof of some sort of radiation creating genetic mutants, that was never the method of action:

The use of DU in munitions is controversial because of concerns about potential long-term health effects.Normal functioning of the kidney, brain, liver, heart, and numerous other systems can be affected by exposure to uranium, a toxic metal.

That is, these effects are over the long-term, not 3 days, and are caused by toxic metal poisoning from particles inhaled or ingested, not glowing green gobs of metal.

The Intel Drop

TID is a place where you need to walk carefully. It's full of very valuable information not available elsewhere, to my knowledge. You'll also find it polluted by some amount of disinfo, like frequent rants full of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

The site is a spin-off of Veterans Today. The guy that ran VT and I would suppose runs TID, Gordon Duff, has admitted that, yes, he does publish disinfo, and that otherwise he would not be allowed to publish the other stuff. Some sort of deal in place then and still.

So are they lying or simply incorrect? If I had to choose, I'd say lying. More precisely, I'd say they are compromised and are doing what they are required to do. Well, they really say as much themselves with the comment, "TID: This is closer to the truth". Why not just the truth, right? Well, we are in very deep waters. Nukes are flying. Markers are being called in.

They used to like to say "the revolution will not be televised". All I would say is that WW3 won't be either. You'll have to piece it together yourself, just as I have done.


The E. Jean Carroll case involves a alleged act so old she can't even remember exactly when it happened, specifying it only as "late 1995 or early 1996". (This alone tell me it never happened because any normal person would anchor it in time to something like, "before Christmas", "between Christmas and New Year's", or "just after New Year's". Bad scriptwriting is to blame.)

So due to no popular pressure whatsoever, along comes the State of New York's Adult Survivors Act:

The Adult Survivors Act (ASA) is a New York State law enacted in May 2022 which amends the state's statute of limitations to allow alleged victims of sexual offenses such as sexual assault and unwanted sexual contact in the workplace to file civil suits....

"Well IDK," you're saying to yourself, "maybe these poor people really do need justice, even after all this time." Perish the thought! "They" do not give a rat's ass about any such victims, and their hand is tipped by the finish of that quote:

... between November 24, 2022, and November 24, 2023.

Uh, so "justice" now has a brief window? But let's cement the coffin lid shut on this "legislation" with the very next sentence on the wiki:

On the day the law took effect, it was utilized by the writer E. Jean Carroll in expanding her litigation against businessman and politician Donald Trump from a defamation charge to one for battery as well.

Do you think we'll see even a single other case filed under the terms of this Act before it expires? Me neither! No lawyer would take such a case unless it was all cash up front, and maybe not even then.

The whole thing is so astoundingly transparent, compounding by how crisply they write it up for us on wiki. Once again we find that They don't need to keep many secrets these days, because They know no one is looking. Even the few that look do not recognize what they see.

(For the wider context, note that this is all a workaround for the Constitutional restriction: "No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed".)

UPDATE: Apparently, word was getting out about the loophole they constructed, so they decided to get ahead of it by talking about how great the law is:

E. Jean Carroll Admits She Helped New York Dems Change Law So She Could Sue Trump (Daily Caller 5/10/2023)

Their praise is absurd, of course, because they avoid saying why such a great law should expire. CNN’s Poppy Harlow plays her part by not asking. Then she throws in this double-whammy admission/omission:

“They passed it just a few years ago. Were it not for that law, you never would have been able to bring this case.”

She admits it was only this law that enabled the suit against Trump, but first misdirects us with the "few years ago" preamble. No it wasn't. It was passed May 2022. It's all about Trump.


I saw a clip of the strike the night it happened. It looked like a nuke at first glance, but not conclusive. I didn't bother researching it because it turns out no one really cares about analyses such as these. (Much easier to make stuff up or just ignore it, you see.) I was finally triggered (haha) to take another look by this story:

Exclusive: IAEA Said BIG Tactical Nuke Used by Russia Near Kherson, US Ordered It Covered Up (Confirmed) (The Intel Drop 5/5/2023)

Why precisely did the US order it covered up? That's what I wanted to know. I didn't find out in the article because it has no text. Knowing their (purported) calculus could be important and it's still an open question.

But let me note here that many, many dozens of nuclear devices have been used in various hostilities over the decades. That includes in the current conflict, like this 2014 blast at a depot in Czechia holding munitions for (you guessed it) Ukraine:

A Look Back At The Deadly 2014 Czech Depot Blast That Prague Is Now Blaming On Russian Agents (RFE/RL 4/18/2021)

Look at the size of the crater, and how almost all of a reinforced concrete bunker was obliterated by a blast centered outside the structure. Oh yeah, and the dude in the full hazmat suit.

The night of the Pavlohrad strike, there was--interestingly enough--a rumor on 4chan reposted on Reddit that Kiev got nuked. Maybe it did too, but I have no info:

Kyiv nuked according to 4chan, thoughts? (5/1/2023)

First, was there anything in Pavlohrad worth nuking? Maybe. Estimates in the recent "leaks" were that Ukraine was going to run out of air defense missiles later this month. This strike may have moved that up to about... now. The third-hand rumor you can read in this tweet claims two divisions (up to 16 installations) of S-300P, along with supply vehicles and reloads, were destroyed. One would guess these were staged for whatever spring Kherson "counter-offensive" Ukraine/NATO has in mind. Maybe it's off the table now.

On to the meat of the analysis and the article I stumbled across today:

Incredible Destruction Seen At Ukrainian Rocket Storage Site That Detonated After Russian Strike (Updated) (The Drive 5/4/2023)

About 2/3 of the way down you'll find this tweet with b/w security cam footage of the event. What you'll see is this: First, far in the distance, a conventional cruise missile strike. Then at 0:25, there are two more or less simultaneous detonations. The closer one is another conventional warhead, and you can't even see the shadow of the column of dust and smoke for a few seconds because the camera sensor had it's soul blown out by the glare of the nuke behind it.

There are a few things to notice about the nuke blast. It's obviously different than the other two, dwarfing them. The glare is huge, and persists for quite a while. The shockwave is clear and titanic. Chunks of flaming missile propellant and explosives are scattered very, very far. Also note that it's "all in one go", not the slow "cooking off" process of an ammo depot fire.

Now to orient yourself, I refer you to the last couple of sat pics in the article. The security cam was off to the "left". You can see the pinprick of damage by the conventional warhead on the left, and the devastation on the upper right. They knew just what bunker to hit and they annihilated it. The blast also ravaged all the nearby bunkers. Remember these are reinforced concrete behind earthen berms.

Finally, the first half of the article includes closer photos of the bunker. More precisely, where the bunker used to be. Note that the extreme heat of the nuke and wide scattering of flaming debris burnt all the greenery for hundreds of meters around the site.

So did the Ukraine War go nuclear, yes or no? You probably didn't expect it, but it's really a philosophical question, isn't i? As I mentioned, nukes have been used in anger numerous times.How do they keep it secret? Easy: they don't tell you about it. Well, you'll say, people could find out for themselves. I know. I just did. But virtually no one else does. That's my point. Not hard to keep a secret when no one is looking for it.

Using inductive logic, we can do some further thinking:

First, let's dispense with all the talk of a "fake war". What do you need real nukes for in a fake war? People that buy into this seem moronic to me. I invite any morons to declare themselves.

Second, there's so much talk about NATO conducting a "nuclear false flag". Well, they could have just called this one out for what it was, right? But they didn't, and there's something to be learned from that. (Personally, I think "They" do not have control of any nukes any longer.)

Third, Russia is "in it to win it", and they are going to do what they feel is necessary and appropriate to accomplish that. So many people say, "Russia issues all these warnings, but the pussies never do anything about it!" Well, now we've all seen them do something supposedly "unthinkable", they just didn't bother announcing it. So again, all the people that include "russkies are pussies!" as part of what they call thinking seem like total ignoramuses to me.

If you read this far, thanks, and I hope you got something out of it. Also, congratulations on having an attention span on the far-right of the bell curve.


When Ryland was a toddler with long, flowing blond hair, he could pass as female of course. Supposedly at age three he "communicated" to his parents that he was really a boy and began his "transition".Here's the original coverage from seven years ago when Ryland was eight:

"Raising Ryland": Parents open up on child's gender transition (3/17/2016)

Take a look starting at 2:15 when Ryland is batting and throwing a ball. Does that look like any eight-year-old girl you've ever seen? Me neither.

The real giveaway, in my opinion, comes more recently now that Ryland is 15:

California transgender teen hopes to be an inspiration to others (6/12/2022)

Listen to his voice starting at 0:45. Sounds like any other teen boy you've ever heard, doesn't it? Females don't just have higher-pitched voices, but they speak with a "musicality", and Ryland has none of that. (This same characteristic is the basis for the classic "gay" voice, the root cause probably being decreased testosterone or increased estrogen). Trying to change voices FtM with hormones always leaves them sounding like they have a kazoo stuck in their throat.

The parents seem normal enough at first glance, but check out the dad at 1:56. Dude's got those crazy eyes. Maybe these people are Satanists and those children are just lucky to be alive.

Finally, for the shills who are going to weigh in with, "No, no, you're wrong, Ryland really IS a girl who's become a boy!" I would just say: okay, alright, we get it. Give it a rest because you're making my point for me.


The narrative now is all about, "QAnon Shaman is innocent!" and "Chansley's lawyer says he was denied evidence!" Those are not the primary issues are they? Why didn't the cops just say, "GTFO or at least put a shirt on, weirdo", and then just steer clear of this obvious freak and troublemaker? On the other hand, were they escorting any of the ordinary people around?

No, of course they did none of that. This different treatment is prima facie evidence that there was an open-air dramatic presentation that day, and that Angeli and his pals were part of the cast.

Further, ask yourself why you're reading about this on some little-known social media forum, instead of from Tucker or Gaetz or Trump or MTG or Bobert? Do they not realize this? It's easy enough to point out, as I just did.

Actually, I'm not highlighting this to slam them. Personally, I think there's a deeper game at play and even fake-ass crisis actors like Chansley et al are not even worth exposing. I think we may have to endure some minnows swimming free while sea monsters are being hunted.

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