TL;DR: The “true story” on which “The Exorcist” was based was itself a hoax run by the Elites. Why They did it is hazy, but we see a lot along the way.
As always, I never go looking for this stuff. I just stumble into it. In this case, I was in bed in the wee hours of the morning listening to a podcast that happened to come up in my podcast subscriptions, an interview promoting a new book:
Demonic Possession and The Unwelcomed – The Paranormal Podcast 839 (Jim Harold 7/2/2024)
THE UNWELCOMED: The Curious Case of Clara Fowler (Ron Felber 2024)
Just so everyone is clear, let me say that I am interested in the subject of demonic possession because I believe 100% that is exists. Now, owing to my research into the Anunnaki and various other subjects, I would describe it in very different terms than anyone else. When I hear analysis and discussion from other people, it always seems like partial and corrupted understandings. That’s not our subject, but no one should think I’m trying to “debunk” the all-too-real and all-too-destructive phenomenon.
Now this next item seems trivial but I think it’s important, although I do not know what it all means. Starting at 3:30 (coincidence) in the interview, Felber describes how he was personally handed a story as an 18-year-old all the way back in 1972 by William Peter Blatty, the author of the novel on which the movie is based. Blatty had uncovered it as part of his research for “The Exorcist”.
Felber tells us it was the story of Clara Fowler, a young woman from Radcliffe, just before the turn of the 20th Century. She “showed all the signs of demonic possession”, as he puts it, and was studied by a team from Harvard. Great! As stated, I’m very interested in the reality of demonic possession and here was a chance to learn something more about it from another angle.
A bit later, Felber mentions that one of the team was named Putnam. “Can’t be,” thought I, and literally got out of bed to put my mind at ease that this wasn’t the Elites at work in the shadows once again. It was.
But before that shoe drops, we should talk a bit about the movie. It has been forgotten, but The Exorcist, at the time it was released in 1973, was terribly traumatic to the population:
Some viewers suffered adverse physical reactions, fainting or vomiting to shocking scenes such as a realistic cerebral angiography. Many children were allowed to see it, leading to charges that the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) had accommodated the studio by giving the film an R rating instead of an X rating to ensure the troubled production its commercial success. Several cities attempted to ban it outright or prevent children from attending.
Okay, the Elites alchemically processing the people once again, right? Makes sense. The puzzling part is that it lent legitimacy to demonic possession and exorcism, did it not? Before that, the mainstream population--even Catholics—had about as much familiarity with those subjects as people (up until very recently) did with what Haitians got up to with cats and dogs. Unknown and outlandish, in other words.
The issue is this: demonic possession is tied closely to the Anunnaki, and this is one of the Big Secrets. Why would They care to draw any attention to it? If someone thinks I’ve lost it and I’m tying together pushpins with a 50-yard piece of red string, recall this: the opening scene of the movie is a priest at an archaeological dig recovering a demonic-looking stone talisman. Where are they? Mesopotamia, home base of the Anunnaki.
All that crazy stage being set, our story takes an immediate left turn. You see, contrary to what Felber says in the interview, the story of Clara Fowler has nothing to do with demonic possession. Then again, maybe it does, but I guarantee you it’s not in any way Felber or anyone else is going to tell you about. We’ll cover that at the end.
If you look up “Clara Norton Fowler”, you’ll find her under ”Christine ‘Sally’ Beauchamp”. That was the pseudonym under which she was studied. But now that we know her real name, guess what else we can find out about Clara?
Almost nothing, that’s what. Clara is an Intelligence legend. She has no existence outside of immediate reference of the study between 1898 and 1904. Here are a couple of sources on “Clara”:
MULTIPLE PERSONALITY: An exercise in deception (Ray Aldridge-Morris 1989, Google Books)
Feminists Theorize the Political (edited by Judith Butler and Jean W. Scott 1992, 507-page PDF)
Those sources conflict even on the few facts given. One says she was a Radcliffe student, the other that she went there after the study was over. One says she was 23 in 1898, the other that she was 39 in 1912. Does not compute. And it’s not just indicative that Clara was a fake person, these are supposed to be academic scholars. Full of bullshit, as usual.
Now for more bullshit: Christine/Clara’s wiki tells us she “later married one of Prince's assistants”. (Morton Prince was the Harvard doctor who led the study and later wrote it up.) Their footnote is to the “Multiple Personality” book, but guess what? That information is not in that book. In another strange twist, it does exist in the “Feminists” book.
Then who was Clara, really? Some Elite, would be my guess. She married into their circle, as they admit. To me, though, the persuasive evidence is that they really went over the top with her legend, giving us the typical cover for an Elite of “just a down-on-her-luck nobody from nowhere”:
THE DISINTEGRATION OF AN IDEAL: Morton Prince, Sigmund Freud, and the extraordinary case of “Christine Beauchamp” (Cabinet Magazine, Fall 2010)
… a young woman of motley Irish descent. Extremely nervous, with different parts of her body incessantly in motion, Fowler betrayed, Prince opined, “the general appearance of an hysteric.” Though it emerged that she was holding down a job as a stenographer while belatedly completing her high school education, and was well regarded by friends for her ideals and conscientiousness, Fowler’s private life was a shambles….
But then she winds up this study—not treatment—and walks into Radcliffe? No longer a head case barely holding down an entry-level gig? Lots of money and connections in the steno game? Okay.
If you’ve been perusing the links, you may have picked up on what I mentioned before: her case has nothing at all to do with demonic possession, but with something else entirely as wiki says:
This case was widely cited as the "prototypical case" of dissociative identity disorder, even into the 1970s.
The closest to demonry that you get is that Prince called one of the personalities “the Devil”. Don’t hang your hat on that, though, it was only because that alter was “regressive, child-like, and ill-tempered”. The others were “the Saint” and “the Woman”.
But then again, is there some strange, buried connection that we should discuss here?
Many will already be familiar with this, but Satanic Ritual Abuse bears a strong resemblance to MKULTRA-style trauma-based conditioning. Maybe just the outfits and ambience are different, eh? But one of the main features and benefits of trauma-based conditioning is that the mind gets so stressed that, to protect itself, it creates one or more alternate personalities to endure the suffering, artificially creating a condition we now call… dissociative identity disorder.
So there’s the connection, but remember, we drew that connection here. It was nothing any of Them showed us or even hinted at. Mere coincidence, synchromysticism, or some lower-level program at work? IDK. You decide.
Let me end with this horrible little Easter egg I found which wraps it all up: When I first searched for the mysterious Clara Norton Fowler, one of the first results I came up with was Harriet Putnam Fowler. The ages don’t match at all, nor any other details. I skipped past it. Very nearly.
You see, this Fowler was in the same tight circle of Hidden Elites. She was from Danvers, just outside Boston, and married a Putnam, one of the Boston Brahmins. You may have noted in the “Feminists” book that Clara’s husband was an assistant of James Jackson Putnam. Tight little clique, right?
That’s not the horrible part, it’s this: look at the sidebar on Harriet’s page. You’ll see “Spouse: R. C Parker”. OMG. He’s not mentioned in the main text, and you’ll never find out who he was from another source.
But I recognized the family, for sure. If you’ve followed my work, a lot of it lately has been on all the shenanigans the Parkers have gotten up to over the centuries, along with all these other Spook Families. The kicker, if you will, is that the Parkers are also generational Satanists:
Jay Parker | Satanic Ritual Abuse, Entity Invocation, & The Power of Consciousness (The Higherside Chats 12/9/2017)
Jay doesn’t make the connection (so far as I know), but I do. So when I see the name Parker come up in this “Exorcist” mess of… whatever it may be, I think, “Well, at least it makes some sense.”
TL;DR: We recap that the sinking of both the Titan and the Titanic before it were hoaxes. A reference was placed in the Titan narrative (which was itself a reference) to a real-life supervillain at the very birth of the British Empire. The US never “got corrupted” or “fell” or anything like that, since They were there from the start.
This is a long and unexpected journey which began innocently enough with an update to a run-of-the-mill global hoax:
Newly Released Images Show OceanGate Titan Wreckage Found 1,600 Feet from Titanic’s Bow (The Gateway Pundit 9/16/2024)
Take a quick look at the story and, even if we had no idea either sinking had been hoaxed, there’s already a big question that should draw our suspicion: why are they only releasing this video now? You see, I had assumed this was news because they had just found the wreckage on the seafloor. That was the new event, right? The new event is actually a US Coast Guard hearing on the sinking, and it was they who released the video. They don’t say why they were sitting on it for over a year. Personally, I think the hearing itself is fake and staged, but that’s not even worth getting into. The whole point of the exercise is, IMHO, primarily to periodically reinforce their fake history.
I fear at this point that to get a sensible context, we’ll have to make a long story long. We’ll begin at the Lost Empire of Tartaria. If you’re not up to speed on Tartary, this will make more sense soon.
The advanced Tartarian civilization left behind many remnants, mostly buildings but also ships. What became the Titanic was one of them. You can tell the Titanic “should not have existed” because it used full-thickness welding techniques for its hull construction, which were not developed until more than a decade after it was finished.
Going in chronological order, then, we have this pre-existing ship, and the Elites seem to have had in mind They might want to get rid of it someday, perhaps with a phony sinking. They were getting rid of many other Tartarian relics with their World’s Fairs and Great Fires at the time.
So in 1898, a stooge of Theirs writes a novel about such a sinking titled, “The Wreck of the Titan: Or, Futility”. If anyone was familiar with that controversial and puzzling book before, you can see we don’t need time travel or synchromysticism or conscious manifestation of the Universe or anything like that. We just need bullshit. So the real book Futility and the fictional ship Titan go into the little-known but well-documented historical record.
Along about 1912, They decide to go ahead with it and stage the “construction”. Then They orchestrate the whole iceberg collision business. You can read up on it in this classic paper:
The Titanic: the Fraud that Keeps on Giving (Miles Mathis 10/2/2018 39-page PDF)
“Miles” is a disinfo agent, to be sure, but he surfaces (haha) more than enough evidence that you can validate for yourself. He leaves out Tartaria, for example, and that John Jacob Astor IV was a fake person, and he adds in that every other person associated with the Titanic was secretly a Jew. But as I said, there’s more than enough reliable evidence made available.
Then in 2023, when they decided to stage this new sinking and reused the name Titan, I could not believe the audacity. But then They know no one will notice, and no one does (almost!). Finally we get to 2024 and this latest psychodrama….
You’ll find screencaps from the video in various articles, but for some reason they’re cropped. Huh. The “official” release would seem to be this:
Coast Guard Marine Board of Investigation releases remotely operated vehicle footage from the Titan submersible incident salvage (Defense Visual Information Distribution Service 9/17/2024) (<- seems like a CIA proprietary, but whatever)
A few notes about the video itself: They got the depth correct. I checked that first. But remember how I pointed out the screencaps were cropped? The HUD is where you can see it was taken 6/22/2023, only three days after the “sinking”.
Also, see how it’s labeled “Dive: 01”? They tell us elsewhere that the wreckage was 1,600’ from the bow of the Titanic, and at a depth of 3800m. Are we to think they hit this on the very first go at the bottom of the fricking ocean? You can read about the off-the-chain search for and location of the wreckage in these articles:
Here Are the Vessels Working to Find the Titan Sub (gCaptain 6/21/2023)
Titan Lost: Debris Field Consistent with ‘Catastrophic Implosion’ of Tourist Submersible (gCaptain 6/22/2023)
Well, I’m not going to assume that all those ships were not really involved. Let me explain it another way: they searched back and forth and all found nothing because there was nothing to find.
But then what about the Coast Guard and the ROV and the video? Like a magic trick, it’s not what you see, it’s what you don’t notice and what you never think about. We look up the magician’s sleeve in this paragraph from the second article:
The Coast Guard said earlier that the debris was located by an ROV from the Horizon Arctic, an Anchor Handling Tug Supply (AHTS) operated by Horizon Maritime, after its ROV reached the sea floor earlier Thursday. The company also operates OceanGate’s expedition support vessel Polar Prince, which launched the Titan sub on Sunday morning and later reported it missing after losing contact with the vessel.
It was all contained by Horizon Arctic, you see? So a phony dive to a phony wreck site, a phony implosion, phony submersible wreckage, a phony ROV video, etc, etc. And like other magic tricks, when you look it the right way it doesn’t seem that hard at all to pull off, does it? But you can fool the whole world.
Let’s get to the bonus. Not only was it all I ever meant to do, I stumbled into it completely by accident trying to score easy upvotes. See in that last paragraph how the Titan’s support vessel is named Polar Prince? I had the idea that reference might turn out to be a cartoon hero whose sleigh was pulled by 33 reindeer or some such. Conspiracists love to upvote that kinda thing.
Nope. Way deeper.
Before it became the privately-owned Polar Prince, that ship had been the Canadian Coast Guard ship CCGS Sir Humphrey Gilbert. Some development-league Elite bureaucratic Sir douche, right? Nope, and this is where we really step in it.
Sir Humphrey Gilbert was a real Elite, and you know he’s a real one because you’ve never heard of him. You can read up on how this guy was connected at the highest levels, and I’m sure they’re downplaying and soft-pedaling. And then they include this, which makes him sound worse than we’re supposed to think (Putin+MBS)*Jong-un is:
The heddes of all those (of who sort soever thei were) which were killed in the daie, should be cutte off from their bodies and brought to the place where he incamped at night, and should there bee laied on the ground by eche side of the waie ledying into his owne tente so that none could come into his tente for any cause but commonly he muste passe through a lane of heddes which he used ad terrorem... [It brought] greate terrour to the people when thei sawe the heddes of their dedde fathers, brothers, children, kindsfolke, and freinds...
The hell, right? Guess he was a guy who could get the job done. They describe it as:
He was outstanding for his initiative and originality….
Okay then. Actually, the last part of that sentence is also key:
He was outstanding for his initiative and originality, if not for his successes, but it was in his efforts at colonisation that he had the most influence.
See, people these days (thank you public school system) think that Americans were just a bunch of backwards farmers that were a tiny part of the mighty British Empire. Not so. The American colonies were the first overseas settlements of the British, and thus mark the very birth of the Empire.
You can read that he was key to the Roanoke Colony, which many would think of as the first American colonization effort, but his own son Raleigh Gilbert was second-in-command of the even earlier but failed Popham Colony. BTW, the sponsor of the colony, Judge John Popham, presided over the trial of the phony Gunpowder Plot. All really ties together after a while.
And speaking of tying it all together, the last sentence from Gilbert’s wiki is:
Certain contemporaries speculated that he was a pederast.
As the French say, “Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose.”
TL;DR: This is another in the series of posts on the centuries-long historical hijinks by the Parker Family of generational Satanists. In this installment, we find the Parkers were behind one of the most prominent incidents in UFO lore, the Pascagoula Abduction of 1973, and we’ll tie into two other famous UFO incidents. You might think of these as Golden Age of TV episodes of Project BLUEBEAM. Stick around to the end for the Crowley bonus. It’s not that he was involved, but by tracing the connections you learn more about the much bigger web.
If this is your first time reading about the Parkers, I’ve written up just a fraction of the material I’ve collected on them in posts about Vietnam’s Phoenix Program, Jim Jones and Jonestown, and the Parker’s connection to other Spook Families. There’s much more where that came from and this is meant to add to the pile. Also be sure to listen to Jay Parker’s THC interview on Satanic Ritual Abuse, which is the Parkers’ connection to generational Satanism.
First up, a quick note right off the wiki: The incident supposedly took place on 8/11/1973. In his voluminous work, Miles Mathis has pointed out the nauseating frequency with which these hoaxers use “aces and eights” numerology. Something to do with Jewish mysticism and the number 18. FWIW.
Second, we’re not really here to determine the validity of the incident by examining the facts and evidence of the incident itself. That’s already been done and the wiki tells us what we need to know:
Aviation journalist and UFO skeptic Philip J. Klass found "discrepancies" in Hickson's story, noted that Hickson refused to take a polygraph exam conducted by an experienced examiner, and concluded that the case was a hoax. Skeptical investigator Joe Nickell wrote that Hickson's behavior was "questionable" and that Hickson later altered or embellished his claims. Nickell speculated that Hickson may have fantasized the alien encounter during a hypnagogic "waking dream state", and suggested that Parker's corroboration of the tale was likely due to suggestibility because he initially told police he had "passed out at the beginning of the incident and failed to regain consciousness until it was over", a claim supported by Hickson during his To Tell the Truth appearance.
BTW, I know that Nickell I a POS that you want to punch in the voice every time you hear him, but it doesn’t mean he’s wrong about this. In any case, this is our jumping off point. You see, what’s novel here is exactly the nature of Calvin Parker’s involvement. Normally, you’d point to the Elite and screech that he was the hoaxer behind it all. That does not seem to be the case here.
You can see from that paragraph that Calvin had a very odd experience, and it’s just not the kind of lie you make up as part of a hoax. Also, Calvin is not a Satanist but professes a faith in Jesus. Watch an interview with him. As far I can tell, he’s totally sincere.
So what really happened to him? I don’t know. What I do think, though, is that he was picked out as a participant because he was a Parker and they wanted someone from the family, even if he wasn’t “in on it”. He may have already had some kind of conditioning. Who knows?
Again, I said we weren’t going to be looking at the evidence, but more “around” the evidence. These are the informative little splinters They shave off of history as They continuously rewrite the narrative to suit Their contemporary needs.
To find it, we have to go to the original case file of the aforementioned Philip Klass. I found it on a page flogging a new book about the incident from 2018 (what did I say about constantly rewriting?) titled: Pascagoula: The Closest Encounter - My Story. That leads to a page called Calvin Parker – Philip J. Klass File. That contains an embedded 183-page PDF which you cannot download. Fortunately, I extracted the link you really want if you really want the file (and we should probably be archiving these things, right?):
At this point you may be thinking, “Hey, Calvin is just some dude with a UFO story that just happens to be named Parker. Just a coincidence!” Maybe, but on page 111 of the file we find a newspaper clipping of an article titled “Federal government will not get involved” with the text:
Capt. Dennis Parker, who said he checked with higher authorities in the Pentagon, said the Air Force would only investigate if there was a threat to national security.
There’s the Parker that’s controlling the psyop right there! He shuts down the government end and you’ll read just after that paragraph that he shuts down the local sheriff too. That’s how it’s done, folks.
Okay, maybe you’re still thinking it’s just two coincidental Parkers, right? Scroll up a little to page 107. Inset in the article about Pascagoula is another titled “Engineer believes UFOs have landed”, where we read:
Stephen Putnam, who passed out name cards with U.F.O. Research printed on them, said he became friends with Betty and Barney Hill…. Putnam, who works with Sidmar Enterprises in Medway, Mass., said he also investigated another UFO sighting in Massachusetts that later became the famous Incident at Exeter.
A lot to unpack. Is that a lazy phony or the world’s most generic business card? Who was this guy, really? Go back to the link at the beginning about Jonestown and you’ll find the Putnams were closely connected. Jim’s mother was Lynetta Putnam. Those Putnams were a branch of the Boston Brahmin Putnams. Where is Medway? Just outside Boston.
How about those other two famous UFO incidents? “The Interrupted Journey” took place near Mount Pemigewasset, a couple hours north of Boston. Exeter, NH, is less than an hour north of Boston. Really popping off in the Boston area, wasn’t it?
This turned out a lot longer than I expected. There’s always a lot to explain because this material will be familiar to few or none. But if you’ve read this far, here is our bonus link to Aleister Crowley (and in the midst of all these fakers, IDK how anyone could possibly believe there was anything legit about him)….
Scroll back in the Klass file to page 111 that we looked at before. See that picture of two long-haired teens that saw a flying saucer? The one-paragraph story begins, “Frankie Pierce (left)….” Now what could I possibly make of this? Well, look how artificial the story seems. One paragraph placed in the corner is all they have to say? I contend it was phony and planted as one of Their little signals to each other.
You may remember there was a US President named Franklin Pierce. One of his direct descendants was named Marvin Pierce. He had a grandson, his namesake Marvin Bush. You may remember him as being on the board of directors for SECURACOM/Stratasec, who provided security for the World Trade Center. Marvin was on the board from 1993 (when the WTC was first bombed) to 2001 (when it was last bombed). Marvin is the more talented and less visible version of his brother George, who also happened to be a US President in 2001.
But more fun is that Marvin Pierce’s wife was Pauline Pierce (nee Robinson), and their daughter was Barbara Pierce, later to marry George HW Bush (another US President!). Some suspect, though, that Barbara’s real father was not Marvin, but (drum roll) Aleister Crowley.
Quick double bonus in case you thought that was a reach: In the Battle of Lexington and Concord, the colonial militia on Lexington Green was commanded by John Parker. The Brit in command of the Redcoats in the area was Hugh Percy. Long story, but the English Percys became American Pearces then Pierces.
Quicker triple bonus: Hugh Percy’s illegitimate half-brother was James Smithson, founder of the Smithsonian Institution, which defines institutional shadiness.
Out of breath? I am.
TL;DR: The Phoenix Program was horrifying, making napalm strikes on villages seem humane in comparison. The CIA officer that ran it was Evan Parker Jr., a spook you can find almost no trace of now. He was of the Parker family of generational Satanists/historical manipulators, stretching back 400 years to the Puritan Migration and with Elite roots still back in Britain.
Like any creatively bankrupt high school English paper, we’ll start off with a definition. Aleister Crowley defined magick as “the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with the will”. Let’s ask, “Under that definition, what magick did Crowley ever do?”
Well, what changes of significance did he cause? None of which I am aware. And before you raise your hand with an example, let me predict that you’re going to bring up something we heard from Crowley himself about something Crowley claims he did. Nor is there anything “occult” about Aleister Crowley. We’ve all heard about that clown’s antics a hundred times. Nothing “hidden from the eye” about that, is there?
That brings up the motivation for this writeup: I will show you real magick. These were significant actions in the world, done according to their will. And I will also show you the real occult, that which has been nearly entirely hidden. I was barely able to scrape this info together. If you want to know something you’ll read about in only one place instead of a hundred, this is it.
If you’re not familiar, the Phoenix Program was supposed to be a CIA counter-insurgency initiative that ran from 1967 to 1972. If you read that wiki, they really want to tell you how effective it was, and they do their darndest to downplay and soft pedal some of the, hm, more controversial aspects of the operation.
I won’t. In addition to all the illegalities and immoralities and ineffectiveness of the Vietnam War as a whole, I take the counter-insurgency aspect of the Phoenix Program to be only the alibi for an orgy of rape, torture, and murder. They also try to tell you the name of the program came from a contest among locals. I think many of us see a deeper significance to the symbology.
Whatever you read in that wiki, just keep in mind that it’s only what they’re willing to admit to. They really want you to believe it, in other words. The more you research the Phoenix Program, the darker it gets, so toxic that they have yet to follow SOP and release a mainstream movie to rewrite (ie, write) history. A Chuck Norris movie just brushing up against it was made way back in 1978, but that was only through subterfuge (Phoenix Program Movies: Good Guys Wear Black, Spy Culture).
So who ran it? Scan up and down that wiki and you’ll see that they leave out almost all names, reminding us of the passive-construction “mistakes were made” gambit. To get any substantive answers, you’ll have to go to a journalist mentioned in the wiki that had the huevos to actually study the Phoenix Program, Douglas Valentine. You can start here:
Whose Side Is the CIA On? (WhoWhatWhy 9/6/2018)
There you’ll find some names, and among them is the key man: Evan Parker, Jr. The spook is literally wearing shades in the single picture of him in that article. It may be the only picture of him in existence, for all I know. Little is said about Parker there, but you’ll find more here:
The History of BUNCIN: The US Bureau of Narcotics Covert Intelligence Network (openDemocracy 7/20/2010)
That’s an excerpt from one of Valentine’s books, but in it he relates the odd tale of how Parker “accidentally” lets him copy a list Phoenix officers. A shred of a guilty conscience in an old man with too much time to reflect? I leave it to the reader to decide.
Even there, Parker is still a true spook about whom we know nothing. And you will find nothing about him online. If you try, I wish you good fucking luck. I was able to come across his name in only two documents, but due to taking my vitamins and generally refraining from swearing, one had a tiny shard that will be enough to take us all the way:
Marine Advisors with the Vietnamese Provincial Reconnaissance Units 1966-1970 PCN 10600001700_1 (History Division USMC 2009 46-page PDF)
Although Komer would be the Phoenix “Czar,” he needed someone to actually run the program. Here he fingered CIA’s Evan Parker Jr. of the Parker Pen Company. He couldn’t have made a better choice. Evan Parker was a first-generation paramilitary officer, having served with OSS Detachment 101 during World War II as a liaison officer with Merrill’s Marauders and the British. He was a GS-16 [like a General officer] at the time, considered highly intelligent, soft-spoken, well organized, enormously respected, and extremely capable. He also came from my parent Special Operations Division at CIA headquarters and later became its chief, an organization I would later head.
Well, well. Evan was a very heavy hitter, wasn’t he? You think we’d know all about him, or he’d at least have a wiki page like the super-spooks Cord Meyer or Robert Maxwell, right? Nope. He doesn’t even have a page on WikiSpooks. That’s how real spooks are, you see, the ones They don’t care for us to know about.
Did you catch the real “break in the case”, though? Maybe not. It was the Parker Pen Company. Given that he’s a ghost, we have no genealogy for Evan, but if he was of Parker Pen, I think we can reasonably assume he was related to the founder. That would be this guy:
George Safford Parker (1863 - 1937) (WikiTree)
Go there and you can keep clicking on the “father” link to arrive seven generations back at this guy:
William Parker (abt. 1614 - 1686) (WikiTree)
The story runs into a snarl here. Rather than trying to lay it all out now, I’ll summarize. You’ll see that William has no siblings, and his father is listed only as “John Parker” with no record to trace back. Putting that and much more together, it looks to me like William was the bastard son of a guy named John Parker who was a Master Mate on the Mayflower. John had two other bastards, Thomas and Abraham, who the records list with unknown fathers and no siblings. So it adds up to this spook family emigrating to the New World together, which would also be a perfect time to drop the messy family connections.
Then there’s another very long story we’ll keep very short, but these Parkers have been involved in a shocking amount of shenanigans in American history, only a fraction of which I have documented in other posts: Ouija boards, theft of the Kingdom of Hawaii, Jonestown, and the bizarre associations with “Evergreen”. I have yet to write up: Battle of Lexington, Continental Congress, Georgia Guidestones, LAPD, Facebook, Napster and Spotify. Oh, and we can’t forget good old Robbie Parker and Sandy Hoax. You get the picture.
Okay, so they’re generational social engineers, but why should we think they’re Satanists? Well, I haven’t studied his work and only ever heard this one interview, but this gentleman says he’s from one such family of generational Satanists, and you will note his name:
Jay Parker | Satanic Ritual Abuse, Entity Invocation, & The Power of Consciousness (The Higherside Chats 12/9/2017)
It’s as hair-raising a testimony as I have ever heard, and there were a couple of very, very subtle markers that leant credibility to his story for me. Personally, I think it’s far too big of a coincidence to believe he’s just a fantasist that happens to be named Parker.
TL;DR: They just made up “Thomas Matthew Crooks”, and throw us tasty treats about “who he really was” to keep us occupied until the heat blows over. There’s nothing important about him since he’s a phantom, except that if we look very carefully, we can see how “They” have been woven through history and see Their hand again orchestrating this latest event. We begin….
First, a hat tip to Isaac Weishaupt, but not for his insight. As his revenue model has strengthened, his analytical acumen has dropped to nearly zero. You see, if you collect money for your important analysis of events, you will provide an analysis—regardless of whether you have found anything of importance to analyze.
In part 2 of his latest show about Trump et al., Weishaupt was talking about how important James Shelby Downard and JFK’s “Killing of the King” ritual was in this Trump assassination. In Downard’s now classic essay, ““King-Kill/33: Masonic Symbolism in the Assassination of John F. Kennedy," he emphasizes how crucial the Hellfire Club was. This discussion of symbolism leads nowhere, other than to show They were present.
Isaac wandered off into the weeds with it, of course, but he did happen to mention that the founder of the Hellfire Club, Francis Dashwood, 11th Baron le Despencer, had written a book with Benjamin Franklin. That locked right into something I had been musing on regarding TMC’s fake name. I don’t fall off my chair anymore, so it was more like, “Oh, Christ. Again. Still. These people.”
What caught my attention was that Ben Franklin is an extremely spooky guy. I startle every time I hear his name. And I do not mean “skeletons in the basement” spooky, I mean “spooky” as in Intelligence and the Spook Families woven through history. They freely tell you about skeletons and drinking and orgies in caves because it keeps your eyes off all the rest. Works perfectly.
You see, I had been wondering if there was any occult (as in hidden) significance to his made-up name. Thomas and Matthew are both fairly common names so I was willing to let it go, but what caught me up was that I was well-aware of the crucial role played by a guy named Governor Thomas Mayhew, the Elder with all these historical Spook Families. BTW, “Mayhew” is just an older variant of “Matthew”, so don’t let that throw you off.
Read Mayhew’s page and you’ll find that the other crucial guy in getting the spooks set up in America was Matthew Cradock. Some may vaguely recall from school the name John Winthrop as the first Governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony, but he was preceded by Cradock as the first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Company, which set up the colony. See how the spooks operate from just outside the spotlight?
So do we have “Thomas Mayhew/Matthew Cradock” -> “Thomas Matthew Crooks”?
Well, guess who Thomas Mayhew’s right-hand man was? A dude named Peter Folger (or Foulger). Guess who Pete’s grandkid was? Yep, you got it: Benjamin Franklin, by far the most famous member of the Hellfire Club. Let me pause here to note that if you thought Obama was an Elite because he has a pad on Martha’s Vineyard, just know that Mayhew and Folger were orchestrating the settlement of that island and Nantucket in the 1640’s, so these spooks have been at it a very long time and very far from even conspiracy theorists.
Peter Folger is the hub in a wheel. If you were thinking, “Haha, Folger as in Folgers Coffee?”, yep, traces back to him. One of his daughters, Bethshua (or Bethsua or Bathsheba) was one of the primary witnesses at the fake Salem Witch Trials (10/16/2015 17-page PDF). One of his descendants, Abigail “Gibby” Folger, was one of the VicSims of the fake Manson murders (6/29/2014 95-page PDF). We’re getting the picture, right? Maybe this idea for the source of the fake name is not so much of a stretch, huh?
The other confirmation that TMC is a phony person comes via a completely different path. The style of research is the same, though, where you have to have some fairly broad knowledge, recognize clues for what they are, and focus on anomalies. Isaac Weishaupt does none of that (sounds like I’m really bagging on him and maybe I am) but he also mentioned that Crooks had been researching a member of the royal family. Okay, that’s your anomaly right there:
Failed assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks researched Trump and Biden, and even a UK royal, before shooting (New York Post 7/18/2024)
As well as researching Trump and Biden, Crooks searched for FBI Director Christopher Wray, Attorney General Merrick Garland, and a member of the British royal family, the Times reported, without specifying which royal it was.
Was he planning on carrying his ladder and rangefinder across the Pond? This makes no sense in any scenario. The anomaly is magnified because they won’t name who it is and state no reason for that. Imagination time: for what reason would that possibly be hidden?
There is no reason. As of this writing, these buttmunchers are getting away with it and They just cannot stop Themselves from dropping a little clue to ritually mock everyone who “doesn’t get it”. I’ll tell you who They’re talking about: Princess Diana. So WTF is this story really about?
Frankly, someone somewhere may be reading this and They may change Their minds before making an announcement as to which royal it was, or They may just never announce it at all for fear of giving too much away. I’ll have to convince you that—as creative as I am—there’s just no way to make this shit up. You’ve already seen the necessary clue, which brings in what I mentioned about having a broad base of knowledge.
Remember the founder of the Hellfire Club, Francis Dashwood? Before I get to the messy details of the aristocracy, one name that might have rang a bell on his page is John Wilkes. Haha, as in the Lincoln assassination? Yep, the fake assassin in the fake assassination (2/19/2014 42-page PDF) was named after him. See how we’re shaping up already?
You probably did not note it, but Dashwood was the 11th Baron le Despencer. If you drill down, you find that they are of the ancient house Le Despencer. There, a crucial connection is severed and you can’t go any farther. You have to already know about the claim that the aristocratic Spencer family is a branch of the Despencers. Read that page and they go to great lengths to tell you the claim is bullshit. I call bullshit on them.
If you look at that page, you’ll see that the Spencer family is tied up tightly with the Churchill family, who are the very powerful Dukes of Marlborough. Like the classic American cigarettes? You bet. Philip Morris originally set up shop on Marlborough Street, named after one of those Dukes. And if that name reminded you of the famous PM, yep, his full name is Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill.
But as to my calling bullshit on the claim, go back to Dashwood’s page and you’ll find this:
As a contrast to the frivolity of Medmenham Abbey, Dashwood erected a church on a neighbouring hill. Charles Churchill, who previously labeled Dashwood "a disgrace to manhood" over his actions at Medmenham Abbey….
Yep, running some dumb psyop or other with Charles Churchill. Read his page and he looks like a gay lifetime actor. You’ll also see this baffling caption for a book cover:
Charles Churchill's portrait was engraved and used by Paul Revere as a fake portrait of Colonel Benjamin Church to illustrate a 1772 edition of Benjamin Church's The Entertaining History of King Philip's War.
So they were literally writing (fake) history with a fake portrait, sadly bringing Paul Revere into question. As an aside, I have recently found these spooks scattered through every famous event in the American Revolution. Quite dismaying, particularly because it’s no longer surprising.
Okay, so They’re smearing around the history of the Spencers and the Churchills, but what about the late, lamented Di? Did you forget that Diana, Princess of Wales, was born Diana Frances Spencer? Interestingly, although there are any number of articles documenting it, neither one of their wiki pages mentions Winston and Di are related. History is primarily rewritten by silently snipping little connections. (Fun fact: Winnie’s first child was named Diana.)
So we started with the deep occult symbolism of JFK and the Hellfire Club, and worked our way to Princess Diana. Now, suddenly, we are told TMC was researching a Royal Who Shall Not Be Named. Coincidence?
C’mon, man!
Julian Assange is dead and has been since October 2016. His "release" is (hopefully) the last act in the long-running movie everyone has been watching since then. Here's the basic story and then we'll stomp on it:
Julian Assange pleads guilty to publishing American military secrets — opens door to Australia return (NY Post 6/25/2024)
You know what they already memory-holed the very same day because it was too revealing? This was the original headline:
Julian Assange arrives at court in Saipan after $500K private flight
You can still see it in the URL for the article. It raises questions. Where in TF did JA get $500k? If he had $500k, why would he blow it all on a plane flight? Hasn't this guy been in prison for 14 years with no income? Is he going to Venmo the charter company $500/month for a thousand months?
It would be at least possible if they told us he bought Bitcoin for $0.08 back before they sent him to the joint. But look at the article closely: they do not even address these questions. Of course not, because they have no reasonable answers and they don't want to Streisand it. Again, that's why they Mandela'd the headline.
We're told the reason for the flight to Saipan, a US territory, was to avoid the US mainland. Are there no commercial flights leaving the UK that do not land in the US mainland?
But why avoid the mainland at all? Are we supposed to think JA believe this: The diabolical USG is luring him out with a plea deal, but that's a ruse because they're going to snatch him and throw him in GTMO? Um, okay, they would do that but they would not offend Saipanese sensibilities and legalities by doing it there? Everything is preposterous.
They also fail to address why his wife didn't spend an extra K or 2 to fly to Belmarsh for his release, or to Saipan for his court appearances. Nope, guess she has to unload the dishwasher or something and will see him when he gets home. Same issue for his attorneys. "Ehhh, I'll just get a couple of locals after I land. Cost ten bucks American."
Anyway, I hope she remembered to text him his address.
Bonus: If you're not convinced this whole affair is another lame-ass bullshit psyop, here's the cherry on top:
Julian Assange flew to freedom on same $40M private jet Taylor Swift chartered to Super Bowl (NY Post 6/25/2024)
Fuck me, you can't make this shit up. It reminds me of Jeffy's ride:
Aircraft N-number N474AW shared by Jeffrey Epstein, DynCorp, the State Department and the CIA
TL;DR: Jim Jones was really Jim Parker and a member of a very high-level spook family, but this genealogy has been almost entirely erased. The reason for this obfuscation bears a strange echo to the Queen, who was a Parker by marriage.
(I can’t resist saying it here, but you can’t imagine what I’ve found out lately about the Parker family and where it all leads. What you’ll read here is very minor in the big scheme, but stay with the story. We need to be complete.)
This is another long, boring post, but there’s a meta-point to be made. For all the attention that has been given to Jonestown over the decades, by both conventional researchers and conspiracy theorists, how is it remotely possible that you’re going to read anything novel here, things not exposed elsewhere? I’ve looked at numerous such sources over the years and never saw this material before.
You can come to your own conclusions, but as for me it inevitably adds up to this: conventional research is full of disinformation agents and diversion (which I think we all knew) but conspiracy research is also full of disinformation agents and diversion. And yes, I’m talking about most or all of your personal favorite conspiracy outlets.
If you’re feeling yourself getting defensive about this, you’re already in waters way over your head. Think about it for a minute: do you really think TPTB would infiltrate and subvert all conventional media, but somehow it never crossed their minds to infiltrate and subvert alternative media? Seems retarded to even suggest it. If you feel you never saw it coming, yeah, that’s how it supposed to work.
Anyway, on to the subject at hand, Jim Parker and Parkertown. We begin with our gold standard of deep conspiracy/deep disinformation, Miles Mathis:
San Francisco and Jonestown (1/9/2019 21-page PDF)
Mathis takes us a long way, we just need to be alert to when we’re being pushed off a cliff. As to Jones’ background, he writes:
Well, the first red flag hits hard, when we find his mother was a Putnam. We could quit on just that. Without further research, that tells us this entire event was a fake. Why? Because these are the Boston Brahmin Putnams who go back to Salem, of course. The Putnam family came over from England in about 1600, with John Putnam being the first over. His wife was. . . are you ready? . . . Priscilla Gould. Jewish.
Okay, there was the cliff. We did not have to stay alert for long. But was the Putnam family not rich and powerful, as he says? Certainly, but I’ll put it in the true context later. Did he not marry a Jewess? Who cares, no importante. That’s how a lot of disinfo works: you’re handed truth but not the whole truth, or truth which is tasty but not relevant or important. Off you run like a fat kid who robbed a candy store.
Here’s something else not really relevant or important: what actually happened at the massacre? Personally, I think the visit by the Congressman was unwelcome and unexpected, so they whacked him. That, in turn, forced them to activate their “exit strategy” of this Flav-R-Ade psyop. In true CIA style, they shot some number of people who were “not on the list”, staged the “massacre”, and cleared out of Dodge. So, basically a “hoax+”. A fun detail from after the Mathis paper is where they signed their work:
33 people made it out alive
Hilarious! Interestingly, you can compare that number with the scholarly info given here:
How many people survived November 18? (San Diego State University: Alternative Considerations of Jonestown & Peoples Temple)
They detail the number as 36. So the observation here is about numerology and gematria and all that jazz. See how a few years ago they just stuck “33” into the historical record? There’s no occult synchro-mysticism at work or any of that other garbage. Believe in all that if you like, but what we see here and many other places is just buttholes playing their stupid games.
Okay, if that “fat kid” comment felt personally insulting, well, I did exactly the same thing. But then I came back to take a closer look at that candy store. The only credit I give myself here is that I knew Mathis had connected Jones to the Putnam family, and being a little more skilled than when I first read his paper, I wanted to see if I myself could trace at least a bit of that genealogy. For practice, really. I did not doubt what he said.
It began innocently enough with his mother, Lynetta Jones (Putnam), then I clicked on her father, which is where she got her name, Jesse Putnam (born 1880). That’s where it all very unexpectedly blew up in my face.
First, in tracing the name for the paternal line, no father is given for Jesse. Second, and worse, is that his mother is given as Cora Putnam (born 1851). There’s almost nothing there: no mother, no father, no maiden name. She was born in the 19th Century so she wasn’t someone’s waifu. A mystery is afoot!
In typical fashion, I thrashed all around trying to figure out just WTF was going on. I came across this, which is inscribed on his mother’s gravestone:
“Everyone in the World is my Friend”
Seems like a nice lady, right? In particular, she doesn’t seem like someone who spawned either one of history’s great psychos or a CIA asset. Then I stumbled across something crucial, and almost lost to history. The clue is only to be found in a book from 2019. What little I read of it was horseshit, of course. It’s behind a login wall but don’t worry, there are only a couple of important sentences in it:
“I Have to Be All Things to All People”: Jim Jones, Nurture Failure, and Apocalypticism (New Trends in Psychobiograhy 8/7/2019)
Lynetta's tendency to idealize is further evinced in her partly invented narrative about her grandfather Lewis Parker, who for her was a noble soul who used his wealth to ease the burdens of the poor in southern Indiana. Indeed, Jim Jones' mother taught her raven-haired boy that he was a great, world-changing soul, a reborn Lewis Parker.
Parker? Well, I know that name and I hope readers of my other posts do too. This was real pay dirt so I scrubbed all around Geni looking for a Parker connected to Jim Jones. I’ll save you the trouble but you already know what I failed to find. The mystery deepens. Has there been some sort of terrible mistake? No. I tripped across this:
REV. JIM JONES GENEALOGY, 1980-1982 (2/7/1994 3-page PDF)
It’s an inventory of boxes of paper records from a time when someone apparently tried to research Jim’s genealogy to see if mass homicidal behavior ran in the family or something. I’m not going to Indiana to see what’s in it or if it exists, but I got enough for now: it specifically mentions the Parker family and Lewis Parker.
So he exists, but where is he? More thrashing about but I cannot find anything about a prominent philanthropist in southern Indiana. Somewhere along the line, I stumble into this guy:
James Lewis Parker (1864-1938)
Do we have the right Parker? Well, our first clue is that he was born in Putnam County, which indeed was named after the Putnam family. But the big hangup is this: James Lewis was only 15 or 16 at the time of Jesse’s birth in 1880. Too young? Not technically, no, but, well, I’ll come back to that.
If you take a look at the FindAGrave for James Lewis Parker, you’ll find this noted:
James was married, secondly, to a woman named Cora, b. about 1888 in Missouri.
I think we have our man! Further, I don’t believe “married”, “secondly”, “1888”, or “Missouri”. FindAGrave also lists his first child as James Parker in 1887, and I don’t believe that either. Everyone is free to disbelieve my conjecture or make up their own soap opera, but I’ll give it to you anyway.
You have to keep in mind that we are dealing with very wealthy, very old families. Specifically, the kind that have domestic servants. I suspect the mysterious Cora was one of those domestic servants, who would have been 28 or 29 when this was going on. James Lewis, then 15 or 16… well, whatever the particular circumstances, you get it.
This is an important point in understanding the Elites: I like to think the baby was born of love, that a nice kid from a terrible family found some solace with a friendly soul. I also think that’s why—generations later—Jim is made to atone for the sins of his great-grandfather by being painted as a legendary psycho-killer. Jim was a Parker and there are dozens of other Parkers scattered through history, none of whom are villains.
Of course, knocking up the help is something which is Just Not Done. I guess they’re not going to just smoke the kid since he’s a Parker and bloodlines are incredibly important for these freaks. James Lewis goes off to live a fairly normal life and give away some of the family money--all record of which has been erased--probably because he was a good person.
Baby Jesse must be raised since—again—he’s really a Parker, so Cora is handed off to a Putnam. Remember how prominent Mathis said the Putnams were? Note the direction here: the Parkers clearly outrank the Putnams. IDK, but maybe that’s why disinformation agent Miles is telling you about Putnams and Jews.
Which brings us to the Queen of England. I told you we’d find an echo with her. Do you remember her real name? Camilla Parker Bowles. You might conclude she’s a Parker, reflecting her aristocratic descent through using her mother’s maiden name as her middle name. Not that simple.
Queen Camilla gets that name from her first husband, Andrew Parker Bowles. This post is already too long, so suffice to say that these Parkers are the Earls of Macclesfield, and that they are the same family that sent emigrants to the colonies in the 17th Century, producing the American Parker Infestation.
Now, I really hate to be crude about it but I need to hammer home a point. In Jim Jones’ genealogy, we see a Parker handing down his sloppy seconds to a Putnam. In the current day, we see a Parker handing down his sloppy seconds to the King of England. I have to say it that way so you start to realize the kind of people we’re dealing with.
Bonus: This post is too long, so I won’t include the links (use it for research practice!), but there’s another item I never hear mentioned about Jonestown. In fact, I’ll just give you a couple of quotes from two different sources to look up:
George Phillip Blakey, a pivotal figure in the forming of the Jonestown community, placed a $650,000 down-payment on the land in 1973. It was Blakey, more than anyone, who was eventually responsible for the People’s Temple relocating to Guyana, far from the scrutiny of the US Authorities.
[George Robert] Blakey was Chief Counsel and Staff Director to the U.S. House Select Committee on Assassinations from 1977 to 1979, which investigated the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. under the direction of Louis Stokes. Blakey also helped Stokes draft the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992. He and Richard Billings, the editor of the final report of the committee, would later write two books about the assassination.
Double-Bonus if you read this far: It gets deeper and darker with these Parkers. A few years ago, I listened to an episode of “The Higherside Chats” with a firsthand account of Satanic Ritual Abuse from a member of a family of generational Satanists. It was hair-raising.
By this point, I’ve listened to interviews with and read the work of—who knows?—ten thousand liars and disinfo agents. They give themselves away pretty quickly. In that THC interview, he didn’t offer any corroborating evidence, but I could not find a single logical flaw in his story. It was more disturbing than any other such testimony to which I give any credence. The other day I happened to recall the interviewee’s name: Jay Parker.
Does anyone want to tell me it’s a coincidence?
TL;DR: Jack Parsons is descended in a direct line from people that faked witch trials decades before the famous ones in Salem. They were phony just like the “occult” that we’ve all been getting sold for well over a century. We’ll take a look at what is actually occulted—that which They don’t want you to see—as we climb around Jack’s family tree and find out he’s related to some very rich, powerful, and spooky (in the Intel sense) people.
Warning: This will be a long post because it covers information not talked about elsewhere, and that takes a lot more time. The world operates significantly differently than even conspiracy theorists believe, and it requires a lot of effort to shove things back into their places. If that’s not really what you’re after, then it will be excruciating and objectionable.
If you’re still here, then before we even begin I will note that I’ve never heard a breath of any of the following information in any of the—what, fifty, a hundred?—interviews that I’ve heard over the years about Jack Parsons. And that’s how disinformation works: everyone gets literally fascinated by tales of Jack and Aleister Crowley, and jerking off or whatever in the desert before rocket launches, and getting his wife cucked and his money jacked by a complete scumbag, and on and on.
I can’t make this point strongly enough: there is literally nothing occult in what you are told repeatedly about the occult (or any other matter) by all the popular researchers. Get it? It’s not hidden! If you want to know about that which is truly “hidden from the eye” then you have to dig around and that’s what we’re doing here.
Start by asking yourself this: Just who is Jack Parsons? Well, it’s not like anyone told you this in so many words, but he’s some rando that had an interest in rocketry and then got involved in some crazy shit, right? I mean, if there was anything more to it then surely you would have heard about it from one of these numerous knowledgeable researchers, correct? Well, again, that’s how disinformation works.
You can learn a whole lot about the Elites—most importantly detecting their presence in the first place-- by studying names and researching genealogies. I learned that from reading the work of Miles Mathis. I also later figured out that he’s the highest level disinformation agent of which I know. We’ll take a look at what he has to say about Jack, and then you can decide if he’s diverting us or if I’m just a better researcher than the whole team at Langley (hi guys!).
In his paper “Jack Parsons and JPL” (7-page PDF), Mathis writes:
The first thing we learn is that he was born Marvel Whiteside Parsons. Those names are all surnames, and we also find Wood, Lewis, Dikeman, Washburn, Platt, Sherman, Skidmore (Scudamore), Ayers, Smith, Clark, Monroe, and Kendall in his genealogy. So he is of the Families, being related to the Earls of Rosse. This links us to the Pelham-Clintons, the Hawke-Harveys, the Lloyds, the Sheppards, the Philips, the Walsinghams, and the Hamiltons. They admit Jack Parsons was from a wealthy family, but don't tell you any of that.
That’s all he says about Jack’s family, but boy, that’s enough isn’t it? I remember being blown away reading stuff like that. What impressive knowledge! Well, fast-forward and now I’m here to tell you what “Miles Mathis” isn’t telling you. The big difference—in case you were wondering if there was one—is that I’ll give you all the links and you can look at exactly the same info I did.
One area Mathis skips over is that--for some reason I have yet to divine--They always monkey around with their names. What’s baffling is that they don’t just pick some random name and cut themselves off from their genealogy. None of this work would be possible if they did that. It seems to be evidence that their bloodlines are of ultimate importance to them and that they are unwilling to part with them even to that small extent.
Read just the “Early life: 1914-1934” section of Jack’s wiki closely, paying attention to his name. It’s bizarre. Everyone refers to him today as “Jack” and if you’re listening to a “really knowledgeable researcher”, he will note that he was born “Marvel Whiteside Parsons”. He was named after his father, and wiki tells us he was called Jack around the house to distinguish him from his dad. Then after Mom and Dad get divorced, Mom starts calling him John. But wait—Jack is a nickname for John, not the other way around. Where did John come from, or Jack for that matter? And it was not just a childhood thing. A sidebar on the wiki contains his obituary from the local paper referring to him as “John W. Parsons”. It literally lasted his entire life.
My own sidebar: In the same time frame there is another John Parsons who worked for NASA and became Associate Director of Ames Research Center, just a few hours north of Pasadena (“HISTORICAL NARRATIVE - LYNDON B. JOHNSON SPACE CENTER - HOUSTON, TEXAS” [7-page PDF]). You can also see that he worked for NASA all the way back to when they were based in Langley (!!!) (“American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics - Historic Aerospace Site - NASA Ames Research Center - Moffett Federal Airfield, California” [12-page PDF]). Could this be an actual, real-life coincidence? Strange, in any case.
I suppose now we have to get it out of the way, but this is Jack’s direct line of ancestry:
Marvel Harold Parsons (8/23/1889-5/12/1947)
Charles Henry Parsons (6/18/1864-3/17/1947)
Oh boy, great, we have to stop right there. Did you catch those dates of death? Jack’s father and grandfather died less than two months apart, and I might be willing to let that go but both were in the very strange year of 1947. Specifically, that was the first year of the CIA, and the number “47” crops up all the time in psyops. Strange, like the “John Parsons” thing, but let’s press on….
William Henry Parsons (1822-1907)
William Parsons (1792-1876)
Thomas Parsons (1735-1811)
Joseph Parsons (1702-1765)
Rev. Joseph Parsons, III (1672-1740)
Hon. Joseph Parsons, Jr., Esq. (1647-1729)
Joseph “Cornet Joseph” Parsons Sr. (1620-1683)
Finally, we pay dirt! But the point of the foregoing is to let you know in visual demonstration of painful detail just how far back all this goes. His FindAGrave page is where we find the gold:
Joseph “Cornet Joseph” Parsons Sr.
Interestingly, we can’t even get started without some insanity showing up right at the top. Why is there some Photoshopped (Paintshopped) picture in existence of a guy from the 17th Century? Who would have done such a thing? And why? Who knows?!
Let’s preface the next part by noting that the famous witch trials—regarding which the social engineers and virtue signalers are still bitching about misogyny and superstition three and a half centuries later—were staged:
The Salem Witch Trials WERE FAKED (10/19/2019 17-page PDF)
Yes, written by disinfo agent Miles Mathis himself. You be the judge, but that paper surfaces a tremendous amount of facts and the final conclusion is solid: they were phony. I consider it foundational, and have found these same clowns coming up over and over and over in my research.
But the Parsons family preceded even those clowns by decades, as that FindAGrave writeup tells us:
In Dorchester, in 1656, almost 40 years before the witchcraft travesty in Salem, MA, Joseph Parsons filed a lawsuit for slander, seeking damages against Sarah Bridegman, wife of James Bridgman. The suit accused Sarah Bridgeman of calling Mary Bliss Parsons a witch. Sarah Bridgeman's child had died and she accused Mary Parsons of causing the child's death. Other neighbors came forward with similar accusations. The quality of the evidence produced against Mary Bliss Parsons is indicated by testimony of Mrs Bridgeman on behalf of an older son, whose knee, being fractured and it being set, the child screamed in great pain that Mary Parsons was pulling his leg off and that he saw her on the shelf; when she went away, a black mouse followed her. Trial resulted in a verdict for Mary Parsons, which prompted the suit for slander, won by Joseph and Mary Bliss Parsons. The defendants were order to make a public apology and to pay the plaintiffs' costs: "seaven pounds, one shilling and eight pence."
There’s even another round two decades later! It’s worth noting that there’s no quit in these Elites.
Now, we could go on all day about people connected to Jack and his line (and none of them would be people Mathis bothers to tell you about), but I’ll just tell you about one. We’re actually jump-started on this one, because Cornet Joseph’s Geni page states his genealogy down to Levi Parsons Morton. (And Bess Truman, actually, but I don’t even consider her an interesting connection to Jack.)
Levi’s mother was a Parsons and that’s where he got his middle name, in true rich person style. He was an investment banker, member of the US House, Minister to France, VPOTUS, and Governor of NY. Typical career for these Elites.
More interesting is his wife, the very innocuously named Anna Morton. Turns out her full name was Anna Livingston Reade Morton, and she was descended from Robert Livingston the Elder. Back in the day, he was granted Livingston Manor, a 160,000-acre tract of land in the Province of New York. Not bad, huh? It turns out lots of members of the Livingston family did okay for themselves:
Descendants of the Livingstons include Presidents of the United States George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush, First Lady of the United States Eleanor Roosevelt, suffragist Elizabeth Cady Stanton [founder of modern Feminism and another fake occultist predating Jack], Congressman Bob Livingston of Louisiana, much of the wealthy Astor family, New York Governor Hamilton Fish, and actress Jane Wyatt…. New Jersey Governor William Livingston [was] a signatory of the Constitution.
So if anyone wants to hear one more time about the dumb phony occult sex clubs Jack set up, I suppose they will have to look elsewhere.
BONUS: Hard to believe anyone read this far, but we are still living with these motherscratchers and their antics even to this day and here is an example. About halfway down Jack’s genealogy, you find William Parsons. He had a sister named Abigail Parsons. She married the very oddly named Isaac Marble Parker.
I’ve thrown a bit of a light on them before, but these Parkers are incredibly spooky. It’s beyond anything you imagine. I suspected it before, but now I’m certain that one of them is the notorious Robbie Parker. (Again, why don’t they change their names?) But just like with Jack Parsons, I would guess that up till now you thought Robbie Parker was just some dude.
Yes, is the answer to every such rhetorical question.
Now, no one cares about women's basketball, nor do I, but this is about the continuous process of separating us from reality. In this case, we're all supposed to be gaga over a strong and capable female athlete who is actually just a guy.
Since no one cares about girls' hoops, the WNBA needs all the press it can get and Caitlin Clark has set ladies' basketball on fire in a historic way. So why this baffling development?
Caitlin Clark SNUBBED from US Olympic Team – THE GREATEST SHOOTER OF ALL TIME! – Like Leaving Michael Jordan Off Dream Team! – WTH? (TGP 6/8/2024)
I'll tell you why: if he goes to the Olympics, he'll have to undergo mandatory sex verification. Because it's international, they have less or no control, and either cannot or would simply prefer not to try to dodge this. Better to just take the minimal "L" now of a "decision you might disagree with" and keep the psyop running.
I could stand to be corrected because it's choked in detail and gobbledygook, but from my study of the page "Sex verification in sports", it looks like the IOC does some form of sex verification but the WNBA is not even mentioned.
The program of "inversion of reality" has been long-running, and with all the trannies floating around I started to suspect something as soon as Caitlin's end-of-the-bell-curve performance started to spill over into general news. And take one look at the guy: do you see a very muscular and masculine woman (like everyone else in the WNBA) or a feminine man?
That Caitlin is actually just a man playing against women--in a sport that desperately needs all the positive press it can get--also explains the strange and brutal reception he has gotten from his sororal athletes:
Indiana Congressman Jim Banks Calls on WNBA to Take Action to Protect Rookie Caitlin Clark from Attacks (TGP 6/7/2024)
I'd say some (or many or all) of the women he plays against know or strongly suspect the truth, and they rightfully resent both the unfairness and the deception. But I think we all know what happens to athletes that have the temerity to say what they actually think: they quickly get reminded that all their names are actually Toby. So we get what is called "acting out".
For the final insult to the intelligence that no one appears to have any more, we are given the "reason" for Caitlin's failure to make the squad:
Team USA veterans were concerned about how Caitlin Clark's millions of fans would react to her likely limited playing time on a stacked Olympic roster....
Check my math, but now his fans will see his playing time limited to zero minutes as he sits at home. That's average on a per game basis, of course.
EDIT: After posting, I noticed this other post, which did not have any of the same reasoning but just coincidentally (I guess!) came on the same day:
Caitlin Clark is a Dude? (r/conspiracy 6/8/2024)
It was downvoted to oblivion among supposed "conspiracy theorists", so I think we can take that as confirmation of the thesis. It all becomes very transparent after a while, doesn't it?
TL;DR: Jarl Mohn is actually Johannes Mohn, the son of Reinhard Mohn. The late billionaire Reinhard was the head of Bertlesmann and that’s where Jarl really got his money. Bertlesmann was originally a publishing company, and Reinhard’s father specialized in—you got it—propaganda for the National Socialists. Jarl is the guy that ruined MTV, so maybe now that makes sense, too. Stick around to the end and you’ll find out that, yes, “They” do censor email.
Normally I stumble around so much when I’m researching that I simply can’t remember how I got to where I ended up. In this case, even though it was a decade ago, I remember a bit about the sequence so that’s how we’ll walk through it.
It began with the “No Agenda Show” podcast. Adam Curry, one of the original MTV VJs, was hired for the job by a man named Lee Masters. Adam had casually mentioned that Masters was a former DJ himself and went by his radio name. His less catchy real name was Jarl Mohn. Interesting inside baseball trivia, and it always stuck with me.
Years went by and I read hundreds of papers by high-level disinfo agent Miles Mathis. One of the themes that came out of that was how much you could learn just by paying attention to and researching names. Jarl had by that time moved on to CEO of NPR. Then I chanced across the factoid that Bertlesmann was run by a guy named Reinhard Mohn. Two Mohns running two giant media properties on two continents? What are the odds? Time to check it out.
First, though, let me accent the level of media control here. As mentioned, Jarl had turned a simple music video channel into a twisted social engineering outlet that has skewed the reality of a couple of generations by this point. NPR was no slouch, either. At the time I was researching, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity were all the talk of talk radio, each with a daily audience of about 20 million. Meanwhile, NPR’s “Fresh Air” and “All Things Considered” each had an audience of about 30 million. See how They keep things low-profile and you just somehow never notice?
As for Bertlesmann, there are no apples-to-apples comparisons but we can put it up against media behemoth Warner Bros. Discovery, which Forbes lists as the fourth largest worldwide. Warner has revenue of $41B and 35K employees, while Bertlesmann has revenue of 20B euros and 165K employees. In any case, a very heavy hitter on the public consciousness.
Obvious initial question: do they just admit Jarl is Reinhard’s son? No. But they do say he had a son named Johannes and two daughters. Suspicious “J”’s, eh? But okay, if we could just ascertain the whereabouts of Johannes, we could probably put the matter to rest. And this is where the hook was set.
You see, Reinhard died in 2009. Did Johannes come calling to collect his share of the billions? Nope. In fact, if you scour any of the media accounts of his passing, they never mention Johannes or the two girls. By that time, Reinhard had remarried and had another son, and that is the only family they ever talk about, still running Bertlesmann to this day. Also, good luck finding any record of Johannes dying or being taken away by UFOs or whatever. Johannes had simply evaporated into history.
Let’s check the other side, then. You know how Five-O always keys on “no visible means of support” when they’re trying to find organized criminals? Let’s see if Jarl has “visible means of billions”. The answer is no, he does not.
Read his wiki carefully and you won’t find where he “struck it rich”. They actually mention the place where I would say the transfer from father Reinhard to son Johannes to took place, Liberty Digital, but the link is broken. They don’t want you thinking about it, let alone researching it. The closest you’ll get is the hazy tale told in this article, where he kind of wanders in and comes out rich a couple of years later:
Jarl Mohn: The Art of Being Jarl (CSQ 9/25/2014)
Many reading this might have the idea that WW2 was managed by powers higher than the leadership of the Allies and the Axis, and that those powers still manage the world to this day. This revelation should coincide well with that view. To provide further evidence and cement all this together, we’ll look at where They are actively rewriting history. Get it while you can.
In an earlier version of Reinhard’s wiki, we find this passage, now expunged from the Book of Knowledge:
He ended up in Camp Concordia, a prisoner of war camp in Kansas. There, he learned English, as well as American business practices.
Did you know that POWs were trained in American business practices? I thought it was all standing around smoking and slave labor and digging tunnels. I claim here that Reinhard was an asset, being trained for his future role. Then we find this, even more telling:
Though his father had been a supporter of the SS, the company was able to obtain a publishing permit from the occupying British. Nearly half a century later, Austrian journalist Hersch Fischler determined that the company had, contrary to its official version of its wartime activities, worked closely with the Nazi regime from the 1930s through the war, and had probably employed Jewish slave labour at some of its plants. Reinhard Mohn however denied being involved in the company's operations during World War II.
So they gave a permit to a Nazi propaganda operation? Uh, who did they not give them to, then? Also, you see at the end where they’re already trying to massage Reinhard’s history. Reinhard was in the Luftwaffe then in a POW camp (wink!), so yes, of course he didn’t work in the print shop. Already trying to wash the stain off him, see?
Bonus time: I wrote up a short version of this and emailed it to Adam Curry, co-host of the “No Agenda Show” podcast. As I mentioned, Adam knew Lee Masters personally. Really, you could say that if it weren’t for good old Jarl, none of us would have ever heard of Adam. If not conclusive, it’s at least an intriguing theory and who knows what Adam would be able to add to it, right?
At that time, Adam was much more of a conspiracy theorist. Over the years, though, every time Adam brings up “conspiracy” John Dvorak basically sits on his back and Adam has largely given up. So what did the “Second Half of Show” version of Adam have to say about this?
Nothing. Never heard it mentioned on the show and never heard back via email. By that time, I had emailed back and forth with him on several occasions, so it wasn’t a comms problem. This was just a bit too hot let get through to a few hundred thousand people. On other occasions, I’ve even gotten replies from “Adam” that I’m sure are phony.
I suppose if anyone feels that they are not on enough watchlists, feel free to email any or all of this writeup to adam at curry dot com. I cannot be held responsible for any problems thereafter with your email service, which I experience to this very day (yes, literally today, which I think somehow upsets me and caused me to write this decade-old expose).
TL;DR: The Real Elite Families work together all the time to control history. Here, we’ll take a quick peek at the Coffins, the Motts, and the Parkers. Never heard of them? That’s how you know they’re the Real ones instead of the ones They present to us to “reeeee!” about in the daily headlines. The point of this tour is not so much to expose their activities, it’s so you notice that you never noticed these people and their antics.
Stick with this long post all the way through, though, and I’ll reward you with a connection to the Sandy Hook event. Yes, that damn Sandy Hook!
As a way of introduction, I’ll say that I finally realized why the movie Forrest Gump was so famous. Was it really just the feel-good hit of the summer of 94? Was it happenstance that it was directed by Robert Zemeckis, responsible for so much foreshadowing in Back to the Future? Was it pure chance it starred Top Hollywood Freakazoid Tom Hanks? I never thought about these questions before.
Now, though, I believe that the Elite could not help pointing us towards the way that They control events from just outside the spotlight. Forrest touches all kinds of events in history, but is never noticed doing so. It’s not like the movie depicts a historian or researcher discovering these hidden connections, so don’t kid yourself: the only reason any of us noticed is because they made a movie showing us just that. Get it?
We begin the actual the 3x3 back at my post about the strange association with the Elites and the name “evergreen”. In the section on Evergreen, Colorado, I mentioned that when I came across the name Diane Mott Davidson, there was much more to be said. Here we are, and that was our first square filling out the grid.
Our second is just north of Denver: the historical landmark known as the Morse Coffin House:
The lure of the west brought his [Tristram Coffin of Nantucket’s] eighth generation descendant, Morse H. Coffin, to Colorado with two friends to work among the support services to the burgeoning mining industry.
The Denver Public Library also hosts the Coffin Family Papers. We can guess this all probably means they controlled Colorado mining back in the day.
For our last square in Denver, did you know there’s an entire suburb of Denver named Parker, Colorado? I wouldn’t have known either, except that I met someone who had recently moved to Denver, and she clarified that it was technically Parker. The point is that you never know when and how you’ll come into contact with these little clues.
You can’t find out very much about the guys after whom it was named, other than their last names were Parker and they were brothers. And if you’re thinking, “Parker Brothers, haha, like the game company?” we’ll get there! But first, we head west thousands of miles….
You see, I noticed back on Diane’s page that she’d been born in Honolulu. Well, I knew from before that the Elite had stolen the entire Kingdom of Hawaii. Now, you didn’t think you’d read that in so many words on that wiki page, did you? Of course not! Everyone assumes rewriting history is all about making up lies, but that’s not the most effective way. They can write truths, but just leave out the good parts and all the connections.
In this case, read that page up and down and you’ll find only the tiniest possible hint of those pulling the levers. You’ll see a “Mr. Parker” mentioned in Footnote 75. See how it works? They have you looking through the wrong end of the telescope. I refer you instead to the pages for:
-Charles Coffin Harris: Hawaii’s Attorney General, Minister of Finance, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
-Samuel Parker (Hawaii politician): Hawaii’s Minister of Finance and Minister of Foreign Affairs
-John Mott-Smith: Hawaii’s Minister of Finance and Minister of the Interior (Tangent: did you know there’s a Mott-Smith Trophy for bridge? Can’t get away from these people.)
Read up on their influence and activities in Hawaii and you’ll understand more why the “overthrow” wiki doesn’t mention them. And remember, all these pages have to read with the thoughts in mind, “this is what they’ll admit to” and “this is what they want you to believe”.
Now we flip back to the other edge of the New World, back closer to Their origins in the upper-right hand corner of the good old USA. Specifically, we land in Seneca Falls, we where get a two-fer.
I hope everyone reading this knows well that Feminism is one of Their big “ops”. The Women’s Studies majors among us might have immediately thought of the birth of modern Feminism at the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848, and the name Elizabeth Cady Stanton perhaps came to mind. Good for you! (Much more to be said about Liz at a later date.)
But much less well-known, standing just outside the spotlight as I told you They do, is Lucretia Mott. She is a Mott by marriage, though, and was born Lucretia Coffin. Our two-fer! (She’s actually an incredible-fer, because you can tie her right in to things from the fake Manson murders to Benjamin Franklin, but again this is for another day.)
We fill out our grid with this topic: ouija boards. They have been covered innumerable times by conspiracists interested in the occult, who sometimes note how very strange it was that a mainstream game company used to sell them in the toy aisle of department stores. They never mentioned exactly how that anomaly came to be, did they? I’ll tell you, but you already guessed, didn’t you? They were produced by Parker Brothers. That no longer seems like trivia, does it?
It’s just an aside, but if you push a little further you find that the company was founded by George Swinnerton Parker. Know what his first game was, published when he was 16? Banking. You can’t make this up! I wonder if he ever planned sequels like Usury and Asset Stripping. Haha, that’s a joke! He and the crew were too busy actually doing those things.
So there’s our grid, and if you’re still here it’s time now for the bonus. It seems a stretch at face value, but if you’ve read all the other stuff, maybe it won’t seem so. It doesn’t seem like a stretch at all to me anymore. We go back to where we started….
Back on Diane’s page, they shoehorn in a reference to Robert B. Parker. I mean, it’s literally in the first motherscratching sentence of her wiki. Seems forced, right? Now, if you’re thinking that discovering another Parker was the bonus, that’s just the tip.
Here’s the full shaft: Robert B. Parker was born in Springfield, Massachusetts. If you head south-southeast for an hour, a straight shot down 91 then 84, you come to Newtown, Connecticut. Oh, you forgot about that other Robert—excuse me, “Robbie”—Parker, didn’t you? We all assumed he was just some hired douchebag actor and thought no more about it, but that doesn’t seem to be the explanation now, does it?
It’s just speculation, but I think They purposely put one of Their own--using his real name—to lie to all of us right to our stupid fucking faces. I would guess They really get off on that. That fuckwad Robbie sure seemed tickled about something, didn’t he?
TL;DR: This is another wandering tour that highlights a few leaves on the tree of one of the handful of Families that have run America since long before its inception. What brings up here today is this news item:
San Francisco Macy’s to close in devastating blow to downtown (SF Chronicle 2/27/2024)
Many will have seen this news and simply thought, “Another bump on the side of the hill down which progressives have kicked the once beautiful city of San Francisco,” or “The Doom Spiral!” or some similar thought. As always, “They” are content with you thinking whatever first comes to mind, but fear you ever looking deeper. That’s what we’ll do here.
You see, the connections to this event stretch all the way back to the mid-1600’s, when (we are told) whitey first showed up in North America to begin the program of bigotry and oppression that has lead us to Donald J. Trump (or whatever we’re supposed to believe).
If you are very old indeed, you may have heard the department store called by the original name “R.H. Macy & Co.”. That refers to the founder, Rowland Hussey Macy , originally of Nantucket. Any time you see that island mentioned, pay close attention. I did.
Wiki won’t tell you this on R.H. Macy’s page, but I will: one of the original group of Nantucket settlers in the mid-17th Century was Thomas Macy. Given the tiny population of that tiny island, I think we can say without genealogical research that R.H. is clearly one of his descendants. Is there anyone else? Sure, but we’ll start slow and build up.
As you were reading this post, did you think of beloved character actor and “Varsity Blues” briber William H. Macy? If so, and you just clicked that hotlink to check your guess to confirm that he’s descended from Thomas of Nantucket, you’ll be disappointed. But fear not, I will confirm it for you here, courtesy of EthniCelebs. You don’t think leaving that out of Wiki was on purpose, do you?
Everyone likes to talk about “the Joos” and—again—I will not disappoint. A few may have been aware that Otto Frank, fiction writer and father of the renowned diarist, tried to immigrate to the US before the war by writing for the help of an influential American friend. He knew that friend from his time decades previously working in—you got it—Macy’s Department Store in Jew York City. That friend was Nathan Straus Jr., son of the owner of Macy’s. Nathan married Helen Sachs, and that made his father-in-law the neurologist Bernard Sachs. If that immediately made you think, “Haha, Sachs as in Goldman–Sachs?”, click the link to see how correct you are.
I won’t go into it here, but it’s well worth looking up Nathan Jr’s son, R. Peter Straus. You’ll find direct links to: Edward Bernays, the Sulzbergers and the Jew York Times, USAID, VOA, and (tell me you saw this coming) Monica Lewinsky. You can’t make this stuff up. He married her mom while the scandal was ongoing. (And as you might now be guessing, The Monica Lewinsky Scandal was Faked (25-page PDF)).
However, you might at this point also be thinking, “We’re wandering off the track a bit, aren’t we?” Kinda, but the whole point is to illustrate that wandering off the track even slightly--but in the correct direction--leads you even deeper into the weeds because it’s a Very… Small… Club.
Back on the main line but two and a half centuries ago, we can take a look at this old clipping:
Nantucket Newspapers and My Parker Ancestors
Much more to be said about these Parkers at a later date (again, see how it works?), but for now you may note that Isaac Parker was involved in some sort of commercial venture with Peleg Macy, Jr. on Nantucket. Turns out Isaac was the son of Captain John Parker. He commanded the colonial militia at the Battle of Lexington on April 19, 1776. (Waco massacre and almost Hitler’s birthday, right? Coincidence? Think that battle might have been a false flag of sorts?)
Somehow I never knew his name before this, but as I reflect on that, I take it as suggesting that there’s not so much a formal Memory Hole that we could locate and destroy, but a subtle smearing and slow wiping away of history from consciousness. Effective, is it not?
Finally, another Macy along the chain was Josiah Macy Jr.: Nantucket, Standard Oil, Rockefellers, and setting up Albert Einstein’s handler. The drill gets boring after a while, doesn’t it? Well, I wanted to end with a bang and I’ll give it to you: his foundation set up what are known as the Macy conferences. Never heard of them? Of course not. Wiki doesn’t even link to them from Josiah’s page, the devious bastards!
You can chase down some documentation on them in this link I saved:
Cybernetics. The Macy Conferences 1946-53. Technocratic planning for the Internet and the Merger of Man/Machine. (r/conspiracy 1/13/2021)
I will tell you about their importance, though, something no one is talking about and and an insight I came to only very recently. We’ve all heard of Technocracy and we’ve all heard of Transhumanism, probably too much and most of it pointless. You can actually see the insight I had in the title of that post: it is cybernetics that is the fusion of technocracy and transhumanism and is the level beyond them both. Wiki feeds you a lot of nonsense and hand-waving on their cybernetics page, but I link only for completeness and not because you should study it.
Really, the only item of importance on the page is the etymology of the word itself, and it is revelatory. The word “cybernetics” comes from the Greek and means “helmsperson”. “They” mean to steer human society as one steers a ship, you see. To accomplish that, humans must become parts of that ship, to become machine-like, as reliable and predictable as any inanimate part. (I digress here to add that the word “robot” comes from a word meaning “slave”, so you should observe the concepts have always coalesced.) Indeed, if one observes the operation of a sailing vessel, the members of the crew behave as machines. There is no creativity, only execution.
So we got from a department store closing to The System of the World. Not bad, right?
Bonus for everyone that stuck it out this far: did you ever actually take conscious notice of the logo of Macy’s? Now that I alert you to it consciously, have you ever seen such a symbol used anywhere else? You can believe it indeed has broader (dare I say “occult”?) meaning, or is merely coincidence, or you may prefer to accept this preposterous story on it’s face:
Macy’s famous red star has Nantucket roots ( 9/23/2017)
ADVISORY: Another medium-long post with no thesis, just a collection of strangely interrelated facts. Keep this post in mind for when you encounter the name “evergreen” in your research, because there may be more to it than meets the eye. Or just enjoy the medium-long, strange trip.
What this all means, I do not know. Maybe something Occult, like “Evergreen” was the nickname of Satan’s college roommate. That’s a joke, but speaking of what “meets the eye”, the material we’re reviewing today is what I consider the true occult: doings of the Elites whose meanings are actually hidden from you.
We’ll proceed in order of what I think should be most obvious to most obscure, and just when you think I should have arranged them some other way for best dramatic effect, I’ll stick the landing. Watch and see! We begin with….
Hillary Clinton’s Secret Service Code Name
15 Secret Service code names for presidents, first ladies, and first children — and the stories behind them. I hope everyone already knew this one. But psych! That article never actually tells you the story behind Hellary’s name. Technically, only President’s pick their own, but I don’t believe that rule held for HRC, do you? Also note that she used the same name both in 2016 and all the way back in 1992.
(Fun addition: scroll up in the article to the two above Hillbeast. “Barbara Base here, the Bill Clinton has landed.” Something there? No, probably not.)
Evergreen Air
Evergreen International Aviation is an admitted CIA front. Back in 2010, a whistleblower came forward to IntelliHub and reported that, among other hijinks, they were involved in chemtrails:
Evergreen Air and a Secret Chemtrail Facility
I have to admit that at this point, those type of revelations seem almost pedestrian, don’t they? So let’s go to crass, juvenile graffiti on a grand scale with…
That’s not an official name, if you were wondering, just my catchy tag for this bizarre, unexplained incident. But you see, one of the ways They divert your attention away from something significant is to make it seem boring. How about giving it a boring name like, say, the 2021 Suez Canal obstruction? Mission accomplished! But do you recall how extremely strange this whole affair was? Like this aspect, which is hard for me to believe Snopes admits:
Did Cargo Ship 'Draw' a Penis Before Getting Stuck in Suez Canal? (3/24/2021)
Do you recall getting a clear, reasonable explanation for this? Me neither. As to this other aspect, since Snopes officially denies it, I consider at least some variation of it officially confirmed:
Conspiracy Theorists Try to Connect Ever Given Ship, Hillary Clinton, and Child Trafficking (3/26/2021)
The connection to our theme? While the name of the ship is Ever Given, I am not a researcher ever given to “rounding up” and calling that a match. If you haven’t already clicked on one of the last two links, please do and take a look at a photo of the ship.
Yes, in letters 50 feet high or whatever. That’s the name of the shipping company that owns it, Evergreen Marine Corporation, part of the larger Evergreen Group.
Evergreen is titanic, and I can’t tell you how big because it’s privately held. We can get some idea about the Evergreen Marine component by comparing it to the slightly larger Hapag-Lloyd AG. Since they’re a public company, we can see that their 2022 revenue was over $36 billion with a net income of $18 billion. So… wow.
(Worth mentioning: China is currently undergoing a huge financial crisis, centered around the enormous property developer Evergrande Group, whose 2020 revenue was $78B. Is Xi cleaning out the PRC Swamp, and this “ever” is one of the swamp monsters? You decide.)
So was Operation DICKBALLS really just crass, juvenile graffiti on a grand scale? Maybe not:
Can we agree that the Ever Given dick/balls route looks exactly like the Denver International Airport roads from above? Denver airport is fucking weird and we all know who sponsored it. I’m just saying. (r/conspiracy 4/3/2021)
Hmm, DIA again? That really tees it up for me perfectly, because now I get to bring it all home and tell you about…
Evergreen, Colorado
I hope someone out there caught this name from my previous mentions of it, but even for you we’ll go deeper. Evergreen, Colorado is a tiny exurb just west of Denver. It was even tinier back in 1973, with a population of just a few thousand. That was when young John Hinckley Jr. moved there with his family.
Lacking any rationale, Dallas oilman and GHWB crony, John Hinckley Sr., had moved there with both his family and his company, Vanderbilt Energy Corporation. That’s bizarre. DJT and the Trump Organization decamping Manhattan and Mar-a-Lago for Truckee is more plausible. Is there easy access to a DUMB there or something? Who knows.
Junior was back with the family and living in Evergreen at the time of the (staged) Reagan assassination attempt, so that’s why I was even looking at this Nowheresville in the first place. On the wiki under “Notable residents”, I saw the name Diane Mott Davidson and I knew we were on to something. (I told you these clues would get more difficult to spot, and here we are.)
Now, keying on the name “Mott” opens a can of worms much bigger that you imagine. Since it really is about keeping real secrets when They wish, that’s why you probably can’t imagine WTH I’m even talking about. We’ll have to save it all for another post. As to Diane, it turns out that she studied political science at Wellesley and lived across the hall from her fellow poli-sci major…
Hillary Rodham
C’mon, that stuck the landing, right? I never see these things coming and I can’t imagine anyone else does, either. In any case, thanks for coming along for the ride!
ADVISORY: There will be no startling revelations or even a thesis in this post, just a long, strange chain of evidence that wraps around on itself in a surprising way. What it conjures, though, is the notion that far beneath the headlines and history books, it really is a Small Club, and you ain’t in it.
Understand first that very, very few people are actually trying to put together for themselves How the World Really Works. I would say the number of such people on is less than 10. If you’re one of them, consider yourself an Elite (of the right kind, for once).
What we’re doing is putting together a giant jigsaw puzzle. Most of what counts as “conspiracy theory” these days is that someone pulls out a puzzle piece, waves it in your face, and you have a primarily emotional reaction. Even if that puzzle piece is legit, just trying to place that single piece correctly into the whole puzzle is nearly impossible. TPTB know these dynamics and that’s why disinfo is so effective.
What I’ve done here is put together a block of puzzle pieces, all with this strange center of “Lookout Mountain”. Exactly what it all means I certainly do not know, but the idea is this: if you can’t remember the details, just remember “Lookout Mountain”. If you later encounter that name in research, rather than skating over it your mind will catch and you’ll think, “Hang on—there may be some significance to that.” You can then refer back here.
Alternatively, you can just enjoy the sights along the way and be reminded once again, “Oh, yes, there is a Dark World that the Small Club lives in but which few outside of it ever notice.” In either case, let’s begin our sightseeing…
Once again, I bumbled into all this when--for a reason I have utterly forgotten--I was looking at the wiki of Mark David Chapman, the fake assassin in the fake murder of John Lennon. (If you were not aware it was fake, I told you already we’d wrap back around so please remain seated until the post comes to a complete stop.) I happened to notice that he had attended college in Lookout Mountain, Georgia. I was immediately hooked by an association which we will get to shortly, but first things first. That city in northwest Georgia near the Alabama line is at the foot of a striking ridgeline, very ominous and surely occult, known as…
Lookout Mountain, Georgia. It’s the first place everyone thinks of when they hear that name, but, well… it isn’t at all significant, at least not in any way I could detect. No red flags at all, but everyone is free to look for themselves. So we’ll go back to the association I had, the one I know leads somewhere…
Lookout Mountain Air Force Station. Ten demerits if you were not already familiar with this place. The site figures prominently in Miles Mathis’ landmark paper: The Tate Murders were a False Flag (95-page PDF). While it is quite a stunning work, keep in mind that Mathis is a disinfo agent. We might have an example of that disinfo at work in an insignificant line from the paper: “behind Sharon in both pictures is a large hill called Lookout Mountain”.
The thing is, I cannot confirm that’s what the hill--among countless others in the canyons north of LA--is or ever was named. We all know how the military is obsessed with naming things after people, so why not something like “William H. Blanchard Air Force Station”? The naming is particularly strange seeing that there is another Lookout Mountain about 40 miles east across the LA Basin, near Mt. Baldy. Were they running out of names? This all leads me to believe the AFS was so named not because of the ground on which it stood, but because “They” find this name significant in some way.
And keep this in your back pocket for now, but near Wonderland Ave where the old AFS was, there’s a Stanley Hills Drive off Lookout Mountain Ave just before you get to Laurel Canyon Blvd. (Any Dave McGowan fans here?) But for now, back to Chapman, where we learn more about that school in Lookout Mountain, GA, named…
Covenant College. Let’s see, a Christian School located at the Georgia-Alabama line, so of course you can guess it was founded in… Pasadena, California. While I expect everyone to know that Jack Parsons died in Pasadena in 1952 (or did he?), just before Covenant was founded there in 1955, what you might not have seen coming is that Pasadena is on a direct line between those two Lookout Mountains we were just talking about. Curious, no? More provocative is the founding president of Covenant College, Robert G. Rayburn. Okay fine, it’s not actually him that’s provocative, but more his brother…
Jim Rayburn. Jim was born in Iowa, but he ended his days in Colorado Springs, Colorado. They may as well call the place “DotMIL West”, and it’s an hour south of Denver. Also, Jim married a lady named Helen Maxine Stanley. Huh. But speaking of Denver, did you know that on the western edge of town you’ll find another (you guessed it)…
Lookout Mountain (Colorado). You know about Columbine and Aurora, but no one ever mentioned this place before, did they? So, what crazy Elite stuff goes on there? Hell if I know, but that’s how secrets work--they’re secret. But we can talk more about the suburb immediately to the south…
Morrison, Colorado. “Morrison”? As in Jim Morrison, lead singer of The Doors? (As in Rush Limbaugh?) As in Vice Admiral George Stephen Morrison, who gifted us with the Gulf of Tonkin Incident and the Vietnam War? I can’t tell you the answer--because I’m terrible at genealogy--but I can tell you the town was founded by another George Morrison. Common name to be sure, but still, right? You’ll also see that three of the most famous types of dinosaurs were discovered in the nearby Morrison Formation, so that may be of interest to proponents of “dinos never existed”. But the more prominent and interesting fellow from Morrison seems to be…
John Brisben Walker. “Walker” as in “George Herbert Walker Bush”? Maybe, but as I said I’m terrible at genealogy so I leave it as an exercise for the student. First quick note on this guy: in 1887, Walker donated 40 acres in Denver to the Jesuits, where they built what is now Regis University. Take that for what it’s worth.
Second not as quick note on this guy: he was an early owner of Cosmopolitan magazine. Weirdly, it started as a family magazine. Double-weirdly, the word “cosmopolitan” used to mean "belonging to all parts of the world, limited to no place or society [ie, no borders or national sovereignty]” or "composed of people of all nations, multi-ethnic". Haha, ring any bells? Today, the magazine is primarily about teen butt sex or something. But John’s story does not itself end with teen butt sex.
You see, I noticed something on Walker’s page in the “See also” section not mentioned elsewhere in the rest of the text. It turns out that for his Locomobile Company of America, he purchased a prototype from the brothers that founded the...
Stanley Motor Carriage Company. Yes, the "Stanley Steamer". Again with these people? And speaking of American industrialists named "Stanley", what might have popped into your head is...
Stanley Hand Tools. Good instinct, but there’s a bit of a longer story. The founding of that company traces back to Frederick Trent Stanley, but look on that page and you’ll see it traces back further to a broken link to his cousin, “Henry Stanley (industrialist)”. Who is he? IDK and--once more--this is how secrets are kept. You can decide whether and how he might be related to this man of the same name...
Henry Morton Stanley. Yes, this is the guy from, "Doctor Livingstone, I presume?". You know how the Elites all love to change and corrupt their own names? There’s a switchup with this guy, where they tell some fake-ass story about how he was born “John Rowland” and then changed it to “Henry Morton Stanley”. In this case, he switched to his real name, or rather never switched away. But do we have any reason to believe this guy might be one of “Them”, controlling world events from behind the scenes? Well, we do have this:
Henry Stanley, The Man Who Stole The Congo (HeadStuff 8/25/2018)
You can’t make this stuff up, can you? If you’re thinking that was the big reveal about the Stanleys, you’re wrong but we’ll finally close the loop when I tell you about the…
Murder of John Lennon. Phony, as you might have guessed at the rate things are going, but you can read up on all of Miles Mathis’ Proof that John Lennon Faked his Death (54-page PDF). Another landmark paper and well worth studying, including a lot of info on these Stanleys we've seen over and over. For example, if this whole time you’ve been thinking, “The only Stanley I know about is the Cup”, yep, same Stanleys.
Maybe you think this material is all old and dusty, but I tell you it’s still close at hand. Obama’s mother’s name is Stanley Ann Dunham. Really? No, of course not. As I just said, they like to corrupt their own names to fool us all (which They usually do). Her name was clearly Ann Stanley Dunham, her middle name reflecting her bloodline. That makes former President Osama yet another Stanley. Meanwhile, everyone points and shrieks about Gates and Schwab and Trump. See how real power is hidden?
As promised, I brought us all right back to Mark David Chapman, who may have shot any number of people, but not John Lennon. Oh, almost forgot to mention John’s mother’s name was Julia Stanley. Quite a trip, eh?