PatsWillPrevail83 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's funny I actually thought you might have proof or sauces to something creditable. Not just hit pieces. Your Just another butt hurt Bernie Bro with TDS. Why is Bidens DOJ still defending Trump in his defamation suit against his last accuser? Cause hes a rapist and racist?

Lol get a grip . 4 years on special investigations pushed by lying Democrats . Wasting 10s of millions of taxpayers monies .Dems wasting more time in the capital going after Trump then passing laws . Failed 2 impeachments , proved bias's and lies of news and media thrown into overdrive exposed for all smart enough to think for themselves. Between all the P.I.s and the coordinated campaigns , the establishment Couldn't get shit on him. Imagine any one of your candidates under the same scrutiny. They would be destroyed. Look at Biden ,15 year old baby sitter became his wife and a fake Dr. After his wife and son suddenly die in a car accident. That's fact . Biden creepily sniffing and making young girls constantly feel uncomfortable almost every time he meets them. Facts. Biden and his family involved in pay for play and other laundering activities with China and Ukraine while serving in office. Facts. The election was stolen and because of them being so desperate to win they left way to much evidence and their actions made it obvious. Facts. Watch the recounts.

Truth and light will always prevail. NCSWIC