PLUTUS 1 point ago +1 / -0

Talk to me a few years from now when 1 BTC is over $1,000,000 USD . Sinking it, Yes I am sure that will be on the top of their agenda, the whales each with $ Billions of Dollars USD worth of Bitcoin deciding OK its time to sink it and make Bitcoin worthless.

BTC is not a stock. Its not a company where someone says I own over 50 percent of this company and have decided to shut it down.

Trust me,the bankers, as they find out more and more about bitcoin do not love it. They are scrambling to find ways to deal with it. All their old ways of trying to control it like ETF's are not going to work.

You should learn how it works instead of just repeating stupid talking points that someone gives you.

PLUTUS 0 points ago +1 / -1

I know you are proud of your Alma Mater but there is a reason why they call it special needs and that is because they need special help in understanding basic everyday transactions. To set them up as the standard in judging transactions which they can not even hope to understand is a little over the top.

PLUTUS 1 point ago +1 / -0

Actually in none of the cases you mentioned did the government "Seize" Bitcoin. What happened was that the individuals involved were tracked down by other means and handed over the "keys" to their bitcoin as part of a plea deal.

Yes that imaginary Bitcoin off switch right next to the Internet off switch that does not exist either.

PLUTUS 1 point ago +1 / -0

And of course because you can not come up with any reasons why it won't work you just make up names.

Join the modern world. I vote with my phone every day on different items and products and so do many others and the banks have no problem in tracking how among millions of customers which one chose which product and adjust the accounts appropriately.

PLUTUS 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is what the USA should do

Vote using your phone.

You should be able to check your vote is recorded properly and was not hacked by using your phone at any time.

Anybody should be able to get a copy of the public database of votes and count them themselves using your phone.

But only registered voters should be able to vote and only because they have a custom 3 digit code given to them by a full time worker who's job it is to go door to door and verify a registered voter actually lives there.

PLUTUS 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thats just stupid.

Some People just live inside a wacky world view.

In that world people just constantly trade in their dollars for cryptocurrency until suddenly they are left with worthless cryptocurrency and all the dollars have gone to the schemers.

In the real world people are constantly turning their new found wealth in cryptocurrency into real estate, automobiles, and many other things including dollars again. So they start out with a few dollars, turn it into cryptocurrency and then back into a lot more dollars. So the dollar flow is not one way.

The losers are those who just hold on to their dollars and dont do anything with them. The Government Con of Inflation destroys their value no matter where they are, even hidden away under a mattress.

PLUTUS 1 point ago +1 / -0

You sound like a retarded Chat-GPT AI Bot.

I don't do software libraries. I am a real software Developer not a cut and paste hack, can write anything from scratch and do software that has not been developed before or things that have not been done in software.

What you call dumb fucks is actually a very active community developing new innovative software especially in the areas of Crypto and Defi. I have a lot of new original software in the pipeline that I am steadily introducing and know of many other similar projects. Like the old expression "You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet"

For instance Segwit, Schnorr Signatures, Taproot, Machankura, Merklized Alternative Script Trees, Ordinals, and The Lightning Network are all very significant software that has been added to the original Bitcoin Software. These are a lot more than simple libraries.

Then we have a lot of Software being developed around totally different approaches like Hashgraph and DAG's as opposed to a crypto hashed blockchain like Bitcoin.

You might be slow to realize it but they have been actively conditioning the public for digital payments for decades now with credit cards, bank cards, etc.

What we are actually doing is taking away their centralized power grab with our decentralization software.

Its working, you can now buy anything from groceries to real estate with Bitcoin and not worry about a centralized authority blocking your purchase and seizing your Bitcoin.

I have developed software for government agencies and semi government Organizations like the Federal Reserve and have seen a lot of their internal software and it is not pretty, more of an old archaic mess.

Thats just gaslighting, pretending TPTB are so powerful and untouchable.

Almost 10 years later a lot of this has still not changed.

The application programming languages undergirding some federal IT systems were new when "The Andy Griffith Show" premiered.


If they powered down the grid. I would not even notice. Not that they would, They need power for their honeypot sites like this where they can try to track what the opposition is up to and also spew propaganda.


PLUTUS 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are very confused and logically deficient, just because Two things happen at the same time does not mean that one entity is behind both of them. The Great Reset and Bitcoin have always been going in different directions. I contributed code to the Bitcoin Open Source Project in the early years and we did not sit around waiting for orders from the WEF.

Not only are you confused but you are way behind the times, there have already been many attempts to introduce CBDC's with a 1:1 Exchange Ratio. All of these Central Bank Digital Currency attempts have been big failures

2021 --- The eNaira is the first central bank digital currency (CBDC) launched in Africa and the world’s seventh implementation of such a currency. The CBDC  is intended to complement the shift away from cash and toward digital payments. In general, CBDCs will be used in conjunction with the physical currency and will always maintain a 1:1 EXCHANGE RATE with the physical currency. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/africa-in-the-news-africa-at-cop26-military-takeover-in-sudan-and-debut-of-nigerias-enaira/

2023 --- Nigeria's attempt to implement a central bank digital currency (CBDC) failed to gain widespread adoption, with less than 0.5% of the population using it.


 38 countries and Hong Kong have CBDC pilot programs; and 68 countries and 2 currency unions are researching CBDCs. Yet, none of these projects have proven worthwhile.

For example, the CBDCs in The Bahamas, China, and Jamaica have struggled to gain adoption. Both the Bank of Jamaica and the Central Bank of The Bahamas have regularly advertised incentive programs to get people to use their CBDCs. These have included CBDC giveaways, discounts, and loyalty points. However, they have had little success. Even after millions of dollars had been given away in China, a former research director from the People’s Bank of China said, “The results are not ideal [and] usage has been low, highly inactive.”


PLUTUS 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bitcoin and Crypto are the opposite of a CBDC. That is common knowledge now. Anybody who still says that Bitcoin was created to get people to move to a CBDC is either a paid shill, incredibly stupid, or a mindless propaganda bot.

All the entities that have been hard at work to destroy Bitcoin have failed completely. They are trying plan B and that will fail too.

PLUTUS 3 points ago +3 / -0

What Pathetic Nonsense!

That paper from 1996 is just a summary of what was going on at the time in the development of electronic and digital cash, it does not mention or even hint at, the innovations of bitcoin.

In fact it goes heavily into the problems of double spending and fake tokens. The only way to deal with that at the time was to have a centralized approach.

That is why whenever the digital currencies of the time such as web money, perfect money, and especially EGold started to take off, the government was able to easily come in, raid the location, and shut them down immediately.

With the development of bitcoin, a successful decentralized approach, there was no simple way to shut it down.

This pathetic approach of trying to scare people by pretending bitcoin was planned, developed by, and controlled by the NSA just makes people laugh.

There is so much innovation going on beyond bitcoin such as with Ethereum, Monero, Cardano, and others and in such areas as defi that these pathetic attempts are like a little boy sticking his finger in a hole in a dike to stop a flood just as pressure is about to cause many other holes to pop and a deluge to follow.

It is over, the cat is out of the bag, the deluge won't be stopped.