OnlineBackupArchive 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good ol' Swizzey pretending nobody sees them.

OnlineBackupArchive 2 points ago +2 / -0

There were a couple of requests about it, but never got enough traction

Most in there are (and were) already aware - and seeing most of Admin and the Flock already hate r/conspiracy anyway, it wouldn't matter too much - and was used to discuss it there while it was happening.

Besides, the avalanche ended after about 6 hours.

OnlineBackupArchive 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is probably the biggest event on Reddit since it's founding.

70 million + subscribers locked out from more 600 (and counting) subs starting a few hours ago.

Update - 2021-03-24 22:37 UTC

The Admin in question has been fired:

OnlineBackupArchive 1 point ago +1 / -0

Interesting. New issue. Could it be a setup that don't like anonfiles? (Tor here)

I uploaded it elsewhere if you want to have another go at it:

OnlineBackupArchive 2 points ago +2 / -0

No problem. Not too many hard-copies left either, so I figured it was about right to get it out there.

It comes out clean here too, but thanks very much for verifying.

OnlineBackupArchive 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not on my end.

All work has been done manually without interference.

Not nice to spread mistrust like this.

OnlineBackupArchive 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some info to help along:

More from the channel in the description.

OnlineBackupArchive 1 point ago +1 / -0

In short: It documents that the "COVID Vaccine" is not a vaccine.

In-depth details surrounding the production and manufacturing of the injection reveals the "treatment" as man-made gene-editing procedure, derived from what's likely a custom-made lipid-(mRNA)strain extracted and made from E-Coli bacteria.

The lipid ("oil") strain is merely a "scaffolding"...


...to which new molecules are added to make a custom-delivery system based on the genetic code the Chinese gave a year ago.

Frustration to add:

Seeing nobody has isolated the virus yet, the Chinese Code

is what they have based the injection on.

Seeing the ACEII receptor and general genetic "waste-material" is easily recognized and measured (but no virus...), the injection is literally genetically editing the body to "attack" one of it's own primary cellular functions.

Hence all the havoc seen in the patients injecting themselves.

It's also why it needs to be stored at such extremely low temperatures:

The modified (edited/made) lipids are so unstable, they degrade the second they go toward room-temperature - hence they are injecting a "ton" of degraded waste-mRNA that can have entirely separate side-effects on their own (uncontrolled RNA strains).

Basically, it documents a major fuck up, and reveals we are the trial (those who volunteer anyway - the rest of us are along for a bumpy ride).

I'm sure others can derive their own interpretation of the data, but this is my two cents on it.

OnlineBackupArchive 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tails work well here: Boot (almost) any computer through a Tails USB. Tor is included. No personal settings are stored. Great for anonymous internet on the fly.

OnlineBackupArchive 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are these DL options:

If you have trouble, you can always download by torrent from me:

torrent inside.

OnlineBackupArchive 1 point ago +2 / -1

Well, I have a six-year old dormant account with 2 posts laying around. If he wants it, just let me know.

OnlineBackupArchive 3 points ago +3 / -0

Apple is compromised.


Either work around it with an android - and root it


OnlineBackupArchive 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not my field tbh, so no, sorry, I'm not sure.

You bring up a valid point though, so here's my 2 cents at least:

In my eyes, when the author is dead, it's "free-for-all".

-Lest a trust ("will") has been settled, which I respect (if the person is... respectable. -Offspring are our future).

Though lawyers and fiends tend to make things unnecessarily difficult and complicated for "some reason". Which is why 70 years might come up, as in legal-speak; to some degree, serves as a "lifetime" - and then some, to compensate, to make sure if any potentially mentioned persons are dead too.

Likely different rule for different place - and for different setting just to muddle things up proper (I live... "elsewhere", and I don't even pay attention to this here).

In another world, Common sense and "Good intent" ought to serve as "self-evident".

We don't seem to live in that world anymore.

OnlineBackupArchive 1 point ago +1 / -0

Amen. I hope so too. Think some have gotten a scare, and drops out, while others "just gimme" - then drops out leaving you with lost bandwidth with nothing to show for.

Though, when in doubt, try

I did a search for the aforementioned, and the seed looks dead, but it's worth adding to see if it revives.

Seeing it's relevance(...), is it any good? (Any elections dealing in electronics is doomed to fail)

OnlineBackupArchive 3 points ago +3 / -0

He is. And I urge anyone to purchase a set directly from them. Nothing's like a hard-copy. The way I see it: nothing's wrong with a preview either.

And I do. Posted it back on voat before it went down - could've been it.

Seeing archive.org is restricted by copyright these days, I hesitated to upload these there.

For order's sake, they're available on

I went through hell and back to get these on disk, so to make it easier for others, I put them them on torrent:

This is the main torrent for Hour Of The Time.

Download "Milton William Cooper - Library.torrent" to get the Bibliography only.

(Libraby = 4,704 files - Size: 38.1GB.)

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