NotOnMyWatch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Typical political/finance (((collusion))). Yellen is jew (like the rest of Biden's cabinet), most of these predatory hedge fund managers are jews. Jews practice usury to gain wealth and power. It's literally prescribed in their talmud as a way of subjugating and profiting from the goyim.

by pkvi
NotOnMyWatch 5 points ago +5 / -0

Our timeline is approaching the beginning of The Turner Diaries.

NotOnMyWatch 6 points ago +6 / -0

Great post, and spot on. Stress completely messes up ones immune response, so scaring the crap out of people with endless doomsaying hysteria puts people in 'fight or flight' mode, activating the sympathetic nervous system; readying them for physical confrontation. This leaves people more susceptible to infection, and less capable of fighting illness. The endless barrage of fear-porn is psychological warfare that has a measurable detrimental affect of general health and wellbeing.
