by pkvi
Mrs762x51mm 4 points ago +4 / -0

How convenient, considering the new gun control recently signed in by governor pole smoker.

Mrs762x51mm 1 point ago +1 / -0

Jesus is not a translation. Yahusha is the correct name, the real Mashiak. His name means Yahuah I am deliverer. Mashiak is a title meaning he is our anoited ruler.

The false-mashiak will be an impostor in the name of Jesus Christ. The newest I pet goat should make more sense with that in mind.

Also God is a pronoun that formally meant super-human beings of heathen myth. Lord was also originally referencing BAAL.

Yahuah is his name that has been purposefully removed for centuries, all the way back since the Babylonian captivity.

Yahusha himself was condemned because he spoke the name before the Senhedrin. This caused the high priest to tear his cloths saying her has spoken blasphemy’.

Yahusha has also been concealed, at one point you could be stoned to death for uttering his name.

There is so much more to this that I do not have time to get into but if anyone wants more information ‘Fossilized Customs’ is a great source. Lew White is the author and also has a YouTube channel. The Nastarim version of the BYNV or ‘bible’ is excellent and well worth the purchase.

I do not mean to offend, but if anyone cares to dive into Truth and go beyond Church interpretations or lies as I call them, I would high encourage this reading!

Mrs762x51mm 4 points ago +4 / -0

My family have experienced this as well. I posted a pretty lengthy reply to a previous post about this. On top of getting regular exercise, eating nutritious foods with plenty of animal fats, garlic has been very effective for us.

Mrs762x51mm 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks for sharing. I was not aware of this supplement. It is naturally occurring in garlic, eggs and fowl. Interesting, since I found garlic to be very effective. When the scam started they were insisting garlic was not beneficial as a treatment.

Mrs762x51mm 1 point ago +1 / -0

I had a friend from Cali that visited back in August. He let my husband and I know he took the vaccine. His vaccine passport was the first one I had seen, at least a few months before I saw examples on the internet. He worked at a defense firm and was greatly encouraged to get it. I was pretty disappointed to hear this. I was pregnant at the time. We started getting sick the very next day. It began with a mild scratchy throat, lizard spit,and watery eyes, eventually diarrhea, lack of motivation and irritability. We recognize the symptoms as very close to what we had in winter 2019. This time it was worse. We ended up loosing half of our chicken flock. We treated them with eucalyptus and camphor oil. It wasn’t TERRIBLE, I have had much worse sicknesses. To be clear, I am in no way fearful of it. We have been exposed at least 3x since to recently vaccinate people and I notice it right away. The lizard spit and watery eyes are my first indicator. Luckily my immune system is much better since I am not pregnant. I have natural ways to keep my immunity strong and deal with it from onset. I take raw garlic immediately, that has proven to be especially effective. I also rinse my mouth with hydrogen peroxide. I keep zinc and quercetin on hand. We also have ivermectin (purchased at feed store), that my husband had taken in the past and had worked wonders. Hubby and I agree reinfection is as an opportunity to build our immune system against it. It has been extremely mild since August. By the way my son was born at home completely healthy. He hasn’t been at all ill. I do expect the unvaccinated to be blamed for another ‘outbreak‘ where they will usher in mandatory vaccine passports, but our family will refuse no matter what.

Mrs762x51mm 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oregano oil is a natural antibiotic, however it is worth having probiotics since it will eliminate all bacteria not just the bad guys.

Mrs762x51mm 5 points ago +5 / -0

No doubt. The conspiracy goes deep with Boulder. Take a look at all the corporations in and around Boulder/Denver. The Cheyenne Mountain Complex is just up Boulder Canyon, with NORAD and USNORTHCOM not far away in Springs. Boulder is home to CU, the notoriously liberal party college. The local propaganda newspaper, The Daily Camera (and sadly most of the local newspapers in CO) is owned by New York antigunners. The primary’s and the general election were both challenged by Republicans but eventually certified. If I recall the ‘new capital’ is supposedly suppose to be established near DIA. There are lots of elites that reside in and around Vail and Aspen, the human trafficking is very high in those areas. Not to mention the network of DUMB that are underneath the mountains. The San Luis Valley (Southern Colorado) is a very interesting subject. A few books written about the subject from an author named Christopher O’Brian. The first cattle mutilation happened there, and countless unexplained events from before the Spanish settled the area.