this is the south pole not the north pole please believe me
you just said that they are bothered by the accusations
you just said that those accusations were "truth telling".
The only accusations that I have made are that the people in power are "jews"
So you just said that they are indeed bothered by people pointing out that they are jewish.
and if you think being "jewish" is a random label you're a m a s s i v e fucking retard that knows absolutely nothing about history, whos behind a fuck ton of tragedies and that whos been kicked out of country after country after country for being evil.
go back to your containment board if you cant name the jew yet
weird, you say you are awake but ctrl + f doesnt turn up "jew" once.
Are you saying this is a "new" account? I dont even have a handshake dude.
And having a newer account doest make me wrong about jews.
It does bother them. Its easy to see how they kvetch about it.
bullshit, they’re fucking kvetching all about it. You’re making shit up in your head.
nah when you call jews jews like ye did they seethe.
because it makes them seethe
just call them what they are, jews. jesus you people like to dance around the fact that they're jews.
to the jews
youre trying really hard to cover for kikes there
i upvoted you
Right? Oh, its totally not the same old group of people who have been torturing/raping kids and subverting societies for thousands of years, its um yeah, space aliens!!!! yeah!!! proof? you want proof?
its jews not aliens, though I see how you could make that mistake, jews are pretty disgusting
Not when it comes to jews. Judaism is evil, there’s no nuance to be had.
pseudo intellectual moment
chad energy