MindlessRationality 0 points ago +1 / -1

That seems somewhat plausible to me. Though I also wonder if the artic stuff is a red herring designed to obscure.

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

But even then...that theory seems kind of weird....why would it not evolve where we were most local?

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0


Next question....lol.

MindlessRationality 3 points ago +3 / -0

It will be likely an anti-jewish by an islamicist.

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lmao. You are so fucking arrogant yet so ignorant of the topic it's laughable. You don't understand anything at all....you have never coded shit in your life....you think a decent coding project is $50 on fiverr...lol.

You hire Indians no wonder you think all coding is shit and look to chatGPT.....most Indians are fucking scam artists....pretending to code. They haven't closed shit. Can't explain the entire stack down to the transistor, and even if high level cannot script for shit in anything....

Languages I have known and loved and hated:

C,c++(11,Visual .Net),rust,PHP(5-8),java,kotlin,asm (x86/MIPs/ARM),python(2/3),nodejs,basic,Julia,c#,f#,Action script 3.0,CSS/HTML(X,4,5),Asp, Visual basic, VBScript, SQL(many),bash, perl, ruby, Objective C, Scala, R, MATLAB, VHDL

Probably forgot some....

Didn't list any frameworks.....

I have coded probably 15-20k hours in my lifetime at least. Probably even more if you included all the time spent learning it and reading articles etc.

I have coded hardware, desktop apps, mobile apps, video games, web, server, database management, sys admin, high level, low level, architecture, bare metal installs, studied shellcode, exploits, microcontrollers, scripts - pretty much everything except for industrial automation or factories or defence. I have even coded my own text processing engine using open source language libraries years ago before LLMs were released.....

You believe the hype.....the possibilities.....sure

..... But don't forget about reality.

We live in the world of dying dreams. The only thing that these LLMs will bring us are shortcuts to shittier and shitter scams.....

Quality doesn't come from them....it never will either. And when everyone is using them....it will not even look special or good anymore....it will just be a pajeets paradise....

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

You keep strawmanning - not I. I found a simple example to explain the concept that you still keep failing to acknowledge despite clear attempts to show you where you are wrong....

WoW is not the only example.....it's merely a well understood one that shows the point. Get your head head out of your ass, and stop making a fool of yourself with these pathetic arguments that show your lack depth in the area. It's okay to acknowledge you dont have an expertise in areas except as a blind consumer....so since I am not asking for your consumer perspective since it is a reactionary one intrinsically I would appreciate you stopping to blabber put the first consumer strawman deflection you can possibly think of.....maybe try to Steelman my argument with something actually intelligent....I doubt you can since I am confident in my assertions....but if you can CMV then go for it ..... I know chatGPT won't help 😂

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also....GitHub is not a corpus filled with deep examples.....WoW is still beyond it's reach haha

So yeah dodge another argument and keep lying.

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lmao.....sure.....and a net negative to society in 1 generation. Only ignorance will come to you...no wisdom....you will pray to the AI for it to read your emails one day because you won't have taught yourself anything new. We used to learn those easy low hanging fruit skills as entrepreneurs and then when we could afford to grow our business we would hire people.....you don't seem to understand scale of anything.

You don't seem to realise that if it's truly useful....it will lift everyone up.....and those differences will still contrast .....

Imagine......why would I hire you to hire programmers........when I just skip the whole deal....you suddenly lose customers......too....faggot

Oh....but let me guess...you provide a real service.....and that is immune to AI.....but programming isn't.....and yet programming is how you automate stuff....so....logic...

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am saying that LLMs cannot write anything complex without first having a complex body of examples and that means only problems already solved numerous times and conceptual patterns that already exist. Nothing new will come out of it and thus programming will not be useful for any novel problems....in addition, it will suffer to provide generalized solutions due to the nature of system constraints inherent in programming. It cannot generalize solutions because language is fundamentally different from code. The grammar that allows for sentences to be strung together is not the same as logical state driven code that can do anything more than simple things.

Under the hood of all your LLM code are references to mostly stdlib or popular libraries which is not doing anything except to leverage other actual human code.....once again...it will never solve problems of any substance because it requires previous knowledge and thus a previous solution.....

You cannot ask it no matter how many times you try to have it generate World of warcraft in pure PHP....no matter how long you wait or how many models you train........so even if it were to try and write code agnostically....it can't. It cannot create such a complex example even if you were to prompt every step of the way because you cannot prompt for that result ..... It's not possible.

That's what I am saying....and

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

Game.....not graphical game....big difference..

Literally in the video......'Using C code for the graphics ..... SDL....'


MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

Java.....lmao.....it's a runtime

PHP....I have 18+ years of PHP loser....you cannot code a graphical game with PHP duh....

what else you want to point at.... everything I still said is true... learn something rather than just touting fucking cliches....

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah....you hire them because you cannot do anything yourself......they play you.....you know how many people have told me they 'know' a good programmer and then lose fucking money and time and effort and sometimes their entire fucking businesses......dozens and dozens.....more than not.

My own company doesn't hire for talent....it hires for 'fit'.....in other words...don't rock the boat.....not skills...

Your budget was never high enough to get anyone who has both self respect and talent.....you hired the cheapest yes men you could find....like all who cannot code for shit....

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are clearly not knowledgeable about computers. I have decades of programming under my belt, and understand exactly what I am saying. How about you stick my 'technobabble' into a fucking chat bot or search engine and see what it returns.... python code is interpreted....so if you can run python....no duh it fucking works....someone else did the fucking heavy lifting....The work that lead to python being able to run on the hardware.....that part is not trivial.

The compiler that is written for a phone is not the same as your laptop.....not all servers are x86 either etc.

Drones aren't x86.....lmao.

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lol. Personal computing is not the entire existence of computing and that is an ISA.......ARM is another...... incompatible......MIPS.........FPGAs.....holy fuck....those are also conceptual models on-top of hardware....someone still needs to choose that spec and make a piece of hardware to work with its requirements.....also paraphernalia, GPUs etc.....also different.....

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

Architecture? No....ISA yes.....

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah it's not real lol. (The conspiracy mudflood theory that all old buildings are Tartarian)

It's a BRICs fabrication to destroy the western history

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

No they are communist and Marxist and Maoist....

MindlessRationality 0 points ago +1 / -1

China, India, and Certain Middle eastern and African countries are the new 'axis'.....

Problem is the allies were infiltrated.....

We imported Indians, chinese, Muslims, Africans who were exploited for the elite, and in doing so, they allowed foreign future elite to circumvent the system and overload it with dissidents and poorly integrated folk. Now those then continued to push for DEI and tear the walls down from inside, whilst the elite push it from on high to get further erosion of the west.

These immigrants do not bring value either culturally nor do they bring value economically, because they are not true migrants of value. Only a tiny percentage of them are, and in the past it was almost all the immigrants we took in, but now we take in so few skilled ones and those who do have skills come to exploit the system and not contribute to it.

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah..... because allowing other nations to do it fixes the issues with the five eyes......how about prevention is the best medicine....stop all further spies completely in their tracks and then dismantle the existing..... anything else is ludicrous.

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hardware determines everything that software can do idiot....

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

Show me a general purpose language that exists without a platform specific linker and compiler necessary and show me a high level language that does not need an interpreter that has been coded for a platform, or how about a language which can just be run directly as bytes agnostically and get the same output everytime.....

You can't......

Do you know why people still showcase....Doom on X...

It's because it requires customization for each platform and in most cases if underpowered it is not the same experience.....

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

No.....you don't seem to understand the difference. Coding is system specific..... constraints based on physical systems. It does not exist alone.

At the same time, language is defined in different structures from code. You could technically define a code for people.....those are imperatives that tend to rely on societal norms and cultural common ground.

For example. Sing the national anthem. Is an instruction, but it requires a system of ideas, but code cannot create the systems.....ideas are self replicating, but code cannot make a chair.....

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

But coding is not language.....lol.

It is written as instructions....but not the same way as language is used. (Coding is performing actions.....the computer does stuff....)

Language like prose and poetry follow grammar that is used to convey ideas.....not perform actions.

You do not speak and have doors open without first developing an entire 'smart system' that alone can only 'open', 'close', 'swing' etc.

But those actions require a physical set of motors, actuators, controllers, a power source, a BIOS, and some kind of training.....then and only with the creative foresight of putting those things together does the word do anything....

Just like software.... It's a massive system and not just some words....

You cannot convert any program to another language.....that's a myth.....

It's based on the physical computer and the underlying instruction set and attached paraphernalia before those instructions mean anything.......

Language is incidental....but its not the primary element.....

Language is for humans.....coding is not language....

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

No it's not......it's code is laughable. It's not even great except for atomic operations.

It will literally hallucinate variables, make up functions that are slightly different names then they are supposed to be, it is not even great at making comments for code.

It struggles to optimize anything, and while it can spot syntax errors it will typically fail to recognize scale problems or issues with structural problems. It also loves adding things that do nothing or unnecessary stuff.

When asked for specifics it fails to deliver and usually the only thing it can do is auto complete after some repetition.

It helps speed up tedious tasks and boiler plate....but it fails to deliver logic. I have also not been able to successfully optimize my code and I am sure it's not fully optimized.

It also fails to build anything larger than a chat bot conceptually. It cannot fathom all the interconnectedness....most programmers can't either. So the prompts are inadequate....

Also.....code is typically around a typical context - ie Domain. So it tends to be information dense and also can be multiple states based on conditions of the situation, whereas the LLM are outputting based on a closed solution. They will typically generalize and cannot provide the necessary insight that would be needed...and how would the programmer know unless they also have the knowledge.....

We are back to TDD now....we need to have all the tests for the AI to be checked against.....

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