posted ago by MindlessRationality ago by MindlessRationality +3 / -5

China, India, Russia, BRICs, etc.

Our enemies.

They are currently at war with the west. They have been warring for at least 5-8 years and most likely 10-15.

The war is non-kinetic however they allow them when it suits the purpose. The goal is to unravel Western culture.

They have decided to wedge Islam + Communism + Extreme Feminism.

The combination is designed to destroy our republics. They hate our culture because it is better than there's. They are envious of our history. Of our families. Our past. They want to remove it and make their history seem better and where possible actually steal out history for their own purposes.

1619 / 1409 / Tartaria for example is all Asian propaganda directed to destroy European and American culture and to remove it. .....

Conspiracies are used as attack vectors now ..... It's so easy...

China has full time people working to make it seem like it's all the Jews and the CIA......meanwhile they outnumber 5:1

It's a war....Asia is the enemy......west is best