Russia, in the 1990s? Please, they were busy being looted by western corporations.
The Hollywood jews and intel agencies were behind it.
You don't think it's important to ask if poison is in your food, where the food comes from?
Lead comes from our dark brethren leaving the cacao on the side of the road, not putting it in a warehouse, for example, and pollution landing on it.
Even in South America, this wouldn't happen.
It's an old story mon ami:
Among the major findings Lead and Cadmium have very different contamination patterns and sources. Cadmium (Cd) is taken up by the roots of the cacao trees and deposited in parts of the fruits. Mitigating this contamination includes changing the Ph of the soil, switching out tree stocks, reducing metals contamination from fertilizers and other inputs including water.
Lead has a more surprising origin. Lead contamination occurs from lead contamination at various stages of cacao production including the handling stage when cacao beans are removed from the pods, which are covered in very sticky mucilage, and fermented and dried often on the ground or on the side of the road. The origins of lead are generally human caused and may arise from the burning of leaded gasoline and diesel fuel, from leaded paint, the burning of plastics and/or garbage, the operation of smelters and other industrial processes, use of fertilizers, and emissions from coal-fired power plants, among others. Lead moves through air and gets mixed with dust particles ending up on the ground adhering to the sticky beans. These lead particles are primarily introduced during the harvesting, drying, and fermenting processes, and remain on the chocolate beans during transport to manufacturers, where they can contaminate chocolate batches during other manufacturing steps, including from deshelling and other handling processes.
Where is virtually all of the world's cocao grown?
Honestly, if you looked into it, there are high levels of cadmium and lead in ALL chocolate. Yep, your Mars bar is killing you.
Buy the super expensive stuff, and it's lower, but it's still there.
It's a problem of having this shit grown primarily in Africa, but also other things.
Conflating "systematic thinking" with the "scientific method" is eliding and muddling the issue. They are two separate things.
And it's not your writing, it's an AI.
You're wasting my time at this point, with your copy/paste replies. You're missing the most important citation anyway. I leave the last word to you.
Don't make the ecological fallacy but ignore bayesian statistics.
Long story short, if I revealed any more biographical details, other than I work in finance, it would be dumb. But in this field, I encounter lots of dishonesty, and while whites are part of this, the Indians, Pakis, and Chinese are the worst of all of them.
I am though, I will read your final comment. Thanks.
I've never had a black man try to kill me, but that doesn't change the fact that 50% of American murders are committed by 13% of the population.
Well, since it's an open question whether Francis is an antipope and that Benedict's resignation was valid, who knows what to make of this.
Of course the US isn't immune, when 30 bajillion illegals are gone, housing prices will go down, and you know, that's not a bad thing. Young couples can get a reasonably priced house and raise some kids.
It's not the end of the world, witness Japan.
Why are you making it personal instead of statistical?
God, he's "God".
And don't lie or make assumptions about what you think I think.
"You mistakingly suppose that Chineese lie. They don't."
I ignored everything you said after that, because if you're wrong on that, why waste the time on anything else you wrote.
Impossible. Even dudes living in the woods buy shit now an again and they pay sales taxes. Nobody grows 100% of their own food, and makes 100% of their own shit. Oh, do you barter? Well, the cost of the taxes in the origin of the item are baked into the item. Barter labor for goods or vice versa? Same issue.
Want to go live in the Amazon rainforest or some shit like that? Well, those gifts to the chief and others in the tribe as a part of social exchange are taxes.
Well, I was admittedly unaware of the Soviet problem. But there is an issue you're missing, if a paper mill shits out a ton of papers, more papers means more retractions. Further, they will invariably be of lower quality and given the Chinese propensity to lie, more papers means more fraudulent ones.
Death and taxes, mon ami, are inevitable.
The origin of taxes is farmers and shepherds, etc., having to pay some stationary bandits to protect you from roving bandits. Viola! You have civilization because we are uncivilized.
Unless there's a reset, it's inevitable as death.
Again, not quite correct, because Chinese have been caught in "paper mills"
Here's the story from the chart, which makes this clear:
No no, not "systematic thinking" which people have been doing since time immemorial, but the "scientific method".
Great essay you let AI write for you as well.
I used to be in academia, you don't have to sell me on the state of academia.
That said, I don't think you're reading the chart quite correctly. Lots of papers get retracted, but of institutions, 5% from this one get retracted. All western colleges probably have more by pure numbers, but this is akin to the per capita problem.
Yea, this is exactly my point. Not that white people using the scientific method are perfect but something culturally about asians (except the Japanese) is that they try to monkey hack the system and just create a bunch of fake shit to get their citation count up.
If you're an editor at a journal, and 5% of the papers from a Chinese university have to be retracted, I wouldn't waste the time of the peer reviewers in accepting it in the first place. It's like a sort of p hacking p.05 random chance that you're going to get something fake.
Tariffs are bad?
Like most things, it depends. Tariffs used to keep dumping from happening, or to build up a native manufacturing base are good.
Tariffs even to keep citizens from buying knock-off foreign junk are good, NAFTA and the opening of China hollowed out America's working class.
What was, exactly, the Mohammedian influence on...using very specific terms here...the "scientific method"?
And don't lie, you should be better than that.
Just as I recognize that blacks are better at the 100 meter dash, I also recognize that Europe created the scientific method. If that's racism, so be it.
Do you not consider the Greeks European?
And your answer was totally helped by AI.
I thankfully don't watch much in the way of YouTube shorts. I don't have instagram, or tiktok.
That's the next bridge I suppose.