MN_Centipede 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you have generational farmland... it’s only a matter of time until someone in your family wants to cash out on it. Your spoiled shit kids will want to cash out 5million for your ranch rather than take care of it and live that lifestyle.

So they sell and rich ppl like Bill Gates buy up all the big ranches and farms.

MN_Centipede 3 points ago +3 / -0

Biden’s comments were treasonous. Basically gave China complete golden ticket to commit genocide and takeover Taiwan and Hong Kong.

I think Xi gave Biden those talking points lol. Biden holds his fist as he says China deserves to be “United”. Aka cleansed of all freedom loving individuals.

MN_Centipede 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m long bitcoin... and ethereum. Got 600% return and made about $60k. Secured initial investment already so I’m safe.

Fiat has no real value. I don’t understand the arguments here saying that BTC has no value. Everything is worth what people decide it’s worth. Right now there’s enough momentum into bitcoin that it’s not going anywhere.

I believe Bitcoin will hit 150k by 2023.

Do understand your point though of deep state corrupting people to their ends. Probably happens to lots of politicians and celebrities. Epstein style blackmail/honeypots are extremely effective.

MN_Centipede 10 points ago +11 / -1

Leftists, and so called progressives are modern day Nazis.

That word has been rendered useless through overuse. But look at the facts. Modern day book burning. No tolerance for anyone who wants to have varying opinions. Censorship and complete control of msm propaganda outlets. Massive state control and regulation of so-called private sector.

The leftist resembles fascism in ways the actual right never has. Anyone who can’t see this is truly blind to the truth, snd probably spends too much time watching propaganda Colbert Report or Daily Show with Trevor Noah who thinks everyone not on the left is a racist moron.

MN_Centipede 0 points ago +1 / -1

No I mean leftists. Skin color is meaningless, only leftists define themselves by the color of their skin.

MN_Centipede 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wtf.... clown world. Antifa would love to kill millions, being anti Antifa is patriotic and frankly just plain old smart.

MN_Centipede 7 points ago +7 / -0

Probably going to populate rural areas with Democrats.... would bet that’s the plan.

by TlKr
MN_Centipede 2 points ago +3 / -1

Her neck is gross too. Long hunch neck.

MN_Centipede 3 points ago +3 / -0

We will never invade China. That would be suicidal. China is winning a very long and methodical soft war against us. Corrupting institutions one by one.

They killed dozens of CIA spies a couple years ago. We let their spies run around the US freely. It’s time to get even. But war for China or US against the other would indeed be suicidal. Our military is too strong... and same for theirs. Proxy wars are the only thing each has appetite for.

China taking South American and African countries through puppet leaders is their next frontier. Meanwhile they are demoralizing western populations and turning us against each other through corruption and Marxism being taught to our kids en masse.

Here’s the thing though... god and the universe hate commies. They will lose, and plummet themselves back into the abyss through their own ignorance.

MN_Centipede 1 point ago +3 / -2

Time for a Red Scare and some McCarthyism. Seriously.

They aren’t just corrupting our country, it’s about the whole world. Slowly falling into authoritarian leftism.... aka communists.

MN_Centipede 0 points ago +5 / -5

Time for a new Red Scare and some fresh McCarthys. Man was a hero of his time, and like all heroes he was slandered.

We need to clear out communists traitors from media, Hollywood, politics, and business. We have allowed commies to run psyops on the US and world population for way too long...

MN_Centipede 5 points ago +5 / -0

They probably tied this dude up inside and blew it up. Sacrificial lamb snd perfect cover story.

Now who stands to benefit...

MN_Centipede 3 points ago +3 / -0

Obamacare was designed to kill healthcare system by jacking up premiums, increasing regulatory barriers to competition, and ushering in high deductible health plans for all.

They want us to all suffer so we beg for government takeover of healthcare. UnitedHealthcare and their peers are criminal organizations in bed with uniparty politicians.

Remember when Obamacare came along all those insurance companies did PR campaigns convincing everyone they would lose money. They jacked up deductibles AND premiums, and they have RECORD profits. There is no capitalism or true competition in our system. Was sold out by corrupt politicians decades ago now.

MN_Centipede 4 points ago +5 / -1

Poor “Nat”.... groomed and fucked by her creepy uncle.

MN_Centipede -2 points ago +1 / -3

I think it’s safe, but the effectiveness of it will quickly decrease with new strains of covid. It will be like seasonal flu vaccine... not 95% effective.

MN_Centipede 14 points ago +14 / -0

Feels good man!