LightBringerFlex 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lucifer, Satan, the devil and Abbodan were 4 different demons known as a dragon who did all they could to sabatoge Jesus’ mission which they failed at. Jesus was to introduce the Father as Love while behaving in that way before humanity. He then decided he would allow himself to be captured to prove death isn’t real. All this greatly helped humanity.

Judas was supposed to get an honorary seat at the Sanhedrin but they lied and gave him silver instead. He realized he did all of it for nothing and hanged himself.

LightBringerFlex 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ya but if you start restricting yourself like this, it means they are winning and will ask for more restrictions later.

LightBringerFlex 2 points ago +3 / -1

He called the protestors agent of Soros which was a huge red flag but now he made up it up by calling out ZOG, Trump and RFK Jr in one shot.

I don’t know. The only public figure I trust is David Icke but I can’t tell where Jones stands.

LightBringerFlex 2 points ago +2 / -0

They are obligated to work for us when we pay them but we should cut their funding and see how they fair without us.

LightBringerFlex 1 point ago +1 / -0

We can Police America as a population with Jury Trials under Common Law.

LightBringerFlex 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ah yes, I knew you would show up Agent Smith.

LightBringerFlex 1 point ago +1 / -0

Crypto is a scam as mentioned by Bill Cooper in 1995 before it was ever announced.

Also it relies on the electric grid and internet both of which are deep state controlled. Can’t trade crypto without this 2.

LightBringerFlex 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not just far Right Whites. Western European and Eastern too. The ones the hate most are rednecks and slavs. Both these groups defend freedom relentlessly. Meanwhile Muslims just start blasting.

Also they hate Christians because Satanism cannot flourish in a world full of Christians. It’s basically impossible. The Christians would stop them. They also despise Jesus for converting the world from cults to the God of love. Before Jesus there were cults and the deep state was manipulating them all.

LightBringerFlex 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s because the deep state hate Muslims and Whites since these 2 groups always fight back against them. They actually tried genociding whites in Yuglosovia on orders from their fake Jewish messiah when Clinton was President.

LightBringerFlex 2 points ago +2 / -0

The deep state hate white and Muslims equally bad. They want to make both groups look like a danger to society. In the future they plan on suggesting a genocide on Whites.

LightBringerFlex 3 points ago +3 / -0

These are all fairy tales.

God made a perfect life called heaven. We entered a duality simulation for good reasons. The quest is to awaken back to reality. The demons are the ones who went in the wrong direction and want to take humans down with them.

LightBringerFlex 2 points ago +3 / -1

No various people have been reporting it on Twitter but I have ready about this happening when the veil drops months ago.

LightBringerFlex 1 point ago +1 / -0

Once they allow the demon to possess them, they do all kinds of sick shit.

Remember the move "In the mouth of madness". There is a real life version of that. Some dumb ass wrote a book with spells in it so when the reader reads the book, they get possessed and do evil things. Later the book was banned. The point is the demon enters the body and does very bad things without any limit at all.

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