LightBringerFlex 3 points ago +3 / -0

There are a few psyops:

  1. False claim that Annunaki made us so they can later claim to be our God.

  2. Claim that Jesus got married and had kids. The Windsors and other royals would later claim to be of that bloodline.

  3. Lies about evil being a necessary component of life which is a lie. Heaven doesn’t have evil and functions perfectly. This topic is a bit complex but let’s just say evil is temporary.

The dark side is throwing one psyop after another. Some are religious psyops. My job is to warn you all so you don’t get fooled. Flat Earth psyop and decentralized digital currency psyop is the dark side’s psyops too.

LightBringerFlex 3 points ago +3 / -0

I worship the Trinity whose name is “I AM” as he told Moses it was,

LightBringerFlex 3 points ago +3 / -0

Diddy did say Hotel Cali was about an adrenochrome witch holding people captive in a hotel. hmm.

LightBringerFlex 2 points ago +2 / -0

We have to unite with evil people too. Offering an olive branch and acceptance is how the dark turn to light. It’s just the way it is hence why Jesus extended love to even evil people in the Sanhedrin some of whom ended up following his teachings.

The negative ETI are in dense bodies like reptilians. Long story short dense bodies make it hard for true consciousness to come through to the body making them act the way they do. Karma will burn them down in the long run but if any of them want to help us (like David Icke), we can easily forgive them. Icke is actually a hybrid that repented and decided to expose everything but that’s supposed to be a secret.

LightBringerFlex 1 point ago +1 / -0

When we fully jump into bartering for goods and services (including precious metals), the economy will get so good, crime drops by 90%. Most all crime is a crime of desperation for money. Bartering fixes the money problems therefore crime drops 90%.

I did all the research on this for 10 years now so I am positive what you say would be a very rare occurrence. Meanwhile, the banks themselves are jacking you left and right with your money in the bank but you just accept it because you claim there is nothing you can do about it. Using my plan, you won't get jacked by anyone. It would merely takes 1-2 years to get this fixed once we jump to barter for goods and services. However, the Gov will cry about it and claim this is illegal so make sure to grow enough balls to shrug that off and keep bartering.

LightBringerFlex 1 point ago +1 / -0
  1. There is no way to check against AI.

  2. If the bottom one was a mask, it would have stretched a bit as he took off the mask.

LightBringerFlex 2 points ago +3 / -1

Rejoice for pedos? Is that you agent Smith?

LightBringerFlex 2 points ago +2 / -0

Biblical Trinity God.

Technically we are all responsible but for example the commies are brainwashing with media however it’s our responsibility to not watch TV. Ultimately our salvation is in our hands.

LightBringerFlex 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yawhey and the Trinity are 2 different beings. Did you know that?

The name of the Trinity isn’t Yawhey. It’s “I Am”.

Yawhey was just another ETi like Ra. He was represented as the golden calf and mount herob. Moses could not convince Hebrews to switch to “I am” worship so he lied and said Gods name is Yawhey.

LightBringerFlex 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good afternoon Agent Smith.

LightBringerFlex 2 points ago +2 / -0

The red stands for blood. What bloodline are they defending?

LightBringerFlex 1 point ago +1 / -0

They not only seek degenerates, they raise children to become degenerates in their own cult.

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