I have spend 10 years studying this stuff to make sense of it all. There is too much to talk about so I will only talk about certain points. I see the deep state spreading nonsense psyops about Annunaki making humans, etc.. which are all lies because if we were to believe this, they would later claim to be our Gods.

Jesus said to be as innocent as a dove but to understand the ways of the snake to not get caught in the devil's traps.

Who is the devil? Lucifer was the original tyrant who ran a massive rebellion. Long story short, he realized his rebellion was a mistake but it was too late as those who rebel in evil fall into insanity and rarely ever get out of it. The Biblical "Ancient of days" permitted the rebellion to run. Why? Long story short, growing species like Humans learn faster from mistakes and since Humans have literally been dragging our asses and not even growing up but rather staying at a standstill for the past million years, the Ancient of Days decided it would be wise to let Lucifer cause a mess but later did quarantine Lucifer. The meeting of Satan and Jesus on the mountaintop was the dark side trying to broker a deal to avoid the quarantine but they did eventually get quarantined after Jesus' death. What we are dealing now is with the remnants of the Lucifer rebellion which is mostly around the Annunaki and Reptilian species at the moment with some of the most powerful ones being Horus, Isis, and Ra.

The Bible To keep a long story short, many agents of the deep state have heavily altered the bible especially the book of Genesis and book of Revelations. For example, King James is one who did this. The best way to read the Bible is through the heart. Your heart will tell you what is right and what is wrong. The original Bible was made by the Hebrews in 500 BC when the Baal worshiping Cananites became enslaved by Babylon. The Hebrew Yawhey believers felt it was time to make a Holy Book to counter the evil that existed at the time. The Bible because the best collection of Spiritual Knowledge to ever exist on Earth. Not everyone can understand the words though. Only those with at least some true spiritual understanding can draw the wisdom of the Bible. This kind of understanding naturally builds as the Human species grows spirituality.

Spiritual Revival The last spiritual evolution burst happened right before Jesus showed up. Now that the people were ready, Jesus clearly explained that God is only the expression of Love. Not anger, hate, etc... This confusion happened thanks to the Saturn Death Cult altering the old testament to make God sound like Lucifer.

Fall From Heaven The deepest fear of the soul is that Humanity fell from grace. This myth has a long backstory but to keep it simple, we chose to "fall" or rather "devolve" to the Human level because when souls experience this, we are able to harvest experiences that only come from bad. Have you heard of the saying "there is no bad without some good in it"? This is true but to harvest the good, we have to experience the bad. The way God made this happen is simply through the experience of amnesia. If we don't remember how to be good, we become ignorant, make mistakes and experience duality. Still, it is God's will that we always do good even with this amnesia handicap that is only temporary. Lucifer was also temporary but his job was the mislead from that low position. Lucifer is basically the biggest loser in the history of our local universe. There was no actual fall from heaven. The story about Adam eating the apple was also altered. Adam and Eve's true story is very different. They weren't even the 1st humans but rather prophets that had a set of rules to live by to help humanity but Eve got fooled into breaking one of the main rules which ruined Humanity's future for a long time but not forever. Eventually we bounce back and we are bouncing back now.

Religion Everyone eventually finds the narrow gate to salvation. Christians are just ahead of the curve due to the belief in Jesus. Jesus was basically an aspect of the Christ that had devolved down to Human level along with a lot of the amnesia issues we deal with and from that position, had to guide Humanity to an understanding of God and life. He arrived right when Humanity was ready for him. However, all will eventually find God in the end although some trial and error is involved.

Annunaki Annunaki are like bird people. They used to be good but wanted their planet Niburu so the Biblical Demons were the only ones willing to help them with it. Dancing with the devil for a long time changed them into devil worshipers and that is how they became evil. At some point, they wanted Humans to be their slaves so they somehow reduced the active Human DNA from 12 stand to 2 stand DNA. This is very depressing because it's like a serious handicap we still experience today but hopefully we are breaking out of it through natural growth. It is impossible to stop growth but growth can be slowed down.

God God is one of the more complex topics but all that is needed to know is that God's love is millions of times stronger than a mother's love and there is a good, loving reason why Humans can't seem to communicate with God atm. In truth, it is possible even now but knowledge is required. Some humans have done it like Neal Walsch. In the future, this communication will be much easier and it will all make sense why God was in the background this whole time. God is always in charge and nobody can harm God in any way. Humans along with many species are simply going through a duality excercise to harvest every ounce of good from bad situation. We can't save a life if there isn't danger. We can't heal without pain. We can help others if they don't need help. We can't forgive if there is nobody to forgive. Heaven is God's actual creation for us and it is perfect so these things are not possible there so God created the universe to draw these feelings which improves Life in general in the long run.

This alone is good enough to get an idea of the big picture because I see the deep state running psyops full of lies. They can only fool us if we don't know what is happening to begin with.


According to the "Saturn Death Cult" book, the Deep State Cult knew Jesus spoke the truth about the World saving itself when the People practice love, forgiviness, unity and faith. This combo is the recipe to a happy life and a happy world. Jesus knew it would take a long time for humans to try all other ways of winning before trying this.

The Saturn Death Cult shifted attention from this teaching to claiming Jesus' death on the cross is what saved humanity. This is merely a distraction so we never focus on the true message (instructions for salvation).

The results are experienced about 6 months after practicing Jesus' tenants in mind, word and deed. The benefits are too many to name and one's own life literally fixes itself and keeps expanding to greater and greater success. When enough people do it, the whole world experiences this.

The reason I made this post is not only to remind everyone that this is the way, but also because someone asked AI about this and AI gave a perfect response here:


The AI may sound a bit confusing to the noobs. Beliefs are barriers if they are limiting. If you don't believe a miracle can happen, it won't happen. If you half ass believe it can and half don't believe it, then you get mixed results. Removing these false beliefs opens up the path to miracles entering our own life nonstop. Expecting miracles with faith is the key. Those miracles are always raining on us but worry and lack of faith is like putting up an umbrella.

These blessings come from the Father so it's not some computer or AI system. It's an actual person.

The life mirror is simply a mirror that reflects our own beliefs, worries, desires mixed altogether and displayed. What we see now is what we were like 6 months ago max. This is why the "reap what you sow" rule work the way it does. If life is a mirror, then what we do to the mirror, we do to ourselves.

Whoever can understand this has all the tools they need to stand up without fear for the sake of freedom and world peace. The face that one can literally align to God's perfect mind to open up a portal for constant blessings (actually we are removing our own blocks), then nothing can stop you or me as long as we have good intentions and don't try to hurt anyone.

"If God is with you, who can be against you?" - Bible. This is actually a 100% true statement. Just don't make bad karma and don't limit beliefs and don't worry in life for all this to work.

This is a spiritual war and the dark side has been using our own ignorance against us. It's time to learn and grow so they can't touch us anymore. That time is now.


Source: Phil Schieder - This man was connected to the Deep State and clearly explained the ETI connection below and was killed for it. Here it is.

  1. Nazis and other Gov have been working with negative ETI for some time and the ETI want an NWO using Nazis to help bring it about. The NWO would be totalitarian without any regard to Human Rights.

  2. The negative ETI see us as cattle to eat, use as slaves, experiment on and to squeeze adrenochrome out of the children.

  3. In 1953, they signed an agreement with the US to abduct a small amount of Humans and report them to the Majestic 12 but instead they just abducted large amount of Humans.

  4. Many of those Humans were forced to have sex with ETI to make hybrids that can walk among us undetected.

  5. They have been using many methods to push the NWO including mind control methods.

  6. The ace in the hole for Humans is that we are in the process of having a massive Spiritual awakening that will change everything for the better including making us uncontrollable by any group. As our soul ages, we become to hard to control. They tried to overcome this with poison in the food, water, air, etc.. but all that did was slow down the inevitable aging of our soul.

  7. At some point Humans will have to stand up completely like we did against Covid tyranny. This cannot be avoided and no politician is coming to save you. Only we can do this. Unity is our power so make sure to see all as family so we can get through this with ease.

I keep telling People these HOAs are full blown Communism terrorizing Private Property Owners. Finally a massive lawsuit has been filed against one in Cali.



These HOAs are straight out of North Korea and although their fines have been found to be unConstitutional in Case Law, they continue handing them out to Private Property Owners unhindered.

This problem needs to be solved ASAP and this lawsuit is a good start.


Humanity is winning this war because we are lifting the energy of the collective consciousness without really realizing it. Many are just tired of the negativity so they are doing positive things to counter it whether it's a small good deed or making funny jokes to lighten up the scene. Plus all the interesting happenings have made life a lot more fun for the masses and fun is a positive energy.

Here's the secret. The energy plugs into an organic life computer type system that then produces are collective reality. If we keep flooding it with good energy stuff like doing good deeds or helping people or making them laugh or having faith over fear or doing something positive with our own lives, etc.. all adds to the good energy being created. Then that energy takes time to feed into the life computer which then starts blurting out that good energy as good experiences for the masses. Of course, there are many still focused on fear and misery. Their energy is mixed into the good energy to produce mixed results. The good energy inputs are a lot more powerful so 1 good deed can override a 1000 bad deeds in the Spiritual energy realm.

The deep state know this and have been using media to spread the negative energy into the minds of the masses so it's best to turn that off and eat healthy organic food instead. Just 1 good deed per day hyper boosts your own energy system which then adds your energy into the life computer.

So to win this war, we need to really overwhelm the system with positive energy. Even old ladies can participate in this. There is no excuse. Anyone can say nice things or do good deeds. Even donating $1 to the homeless is good.

As we all do this once per day, the good energy would drown out a lot of the bad which then produces a better collective life for us to enjoy.

The deep state have been depending on our ignorance of how this works to manipulate us all for a long time. They really pushed hard on media poisoning starting in the 1950s.


Man the deep state has been wearing sheep's clothing and claiming that we are going to be saved for thousands of years now. How stupid can we be to keep believing them. This is one, long disappointing streak of losing. The only way we are going to win is to admit we have to unite for power as the only strategy that works. Then walk of the deep state plantation by not obeying them anymore and seeing them as regular civilians. All we are obligated to do is obey Common Law (no murder, theft, assault and honor contracts). We have to get rid of positions of authority and Police this Country as a People.

Instructions: See a natural law violation? Blow a whistle on your keychain to attract other civilians. Overwhelm the offender or ask them to get arrested peacefully. Put in vehicle with zip ties to your closest downtown were random 12 person juries are volunteering to take at least 1 case. This Jury votes to ensure that a Common Law violation has occurred. If so, trial continues. If guilty, the victim and jury together figure out a fair, humane plan to make things better for the victim on behalf of the offender. Just in case the solution is too harsh or the offender believes he is truly innocent, the offender can recommend a 2nd and even 3rd trial but the 3rd one would be the last and he would have to take that jury's directives. The Jury themselves would enforce that the offender follows through with the directive to make the victim whole again.

For Military, there are enough arms nationwide to defend this country from foreign invasion.

Economy is free market enterprise. Sell what you want, where you want as long as you are following Common Law. For example, you can't open up shop in the middle of the road because it blocks traffic and can be arrested if you refuse to move as this would be a direct nuisance to society. A jury would have to vote if you are in fact guilty of a common law violation though. Trade anything and everything including gold, silver and services. This expands everyone's wallet so they can afford whatever they need. Also no more taxes every again.

This is enough to jump start a new path. You have to be able to brush off anyone who nags their finger at you for this. We have to save the World even if it means being uncomfortable. It is our sacred duty folks. Don't just sit there looking like a weak clown. Be an honorable hero. It is God's will for us to experience such glory.


Protocol 1: General Overview of the Plan Summary: The first protocol outlines a plan for achieving world domination, starting with the creation of political, social, and financial chaos. The "Elders" (the supposed Jewish leaders) are depicted as plotting to control governments, exploit the masses, and establish a global Jewish-led empire. It introduces the idea that Jews will manipulate public opinion and use the media to control the masses through distractions like entertainment and empty promises. The document claims that non-Jews (the "goyim") are gullible and easily swayed by politicians' words, and that true power lies in controlling the purse strings.

Protocol 2: Methods of Control Summary: This protocol discusses the methods the Jews supposedly use to gain power and influence. It claims that they will create divisions among the goyim (non-Jews) by manipulating economic systems, exploiting revolutions, and funding both sides of conflicts. The text also outlines how the "Elders" will use the media and propaganda to shape public opinion and keep the masses under control.

Protocol 3: Destruction of Religion and Morality Summary: This protocol claims that the Jewish conspiracy aims to destroy the moral and religious fabric of society by undermining Christianity and other faiths. The "Elders" allegedly intend to replace religious and ethical values with materialism and self-interest. The document portrays the Jewish leaders as seeking to create a world where religion is replaced by a state-controlled, secular, and atheistic society.

Protocol 4: The Role of War Summary: The fourth protocol advocates for the use of war to create chaos and destabilize governments. The text suggests that the Elders plan to manipulate world events to provoke wars, which will create a desire for strong, centralized control. War will supposedly lead to the collapse of existing political systems, and the Jews will take advantage of this to establish their own authority.

Protocol 5: The Importance of Education Summary: This protocol discusses the role of education in shaping the minds of future generations. It claims that the Elders intend to control educational institutions to brainwash children and prevent them from developing independent thought. The goal is to produce a society of obedient citizens who accept the authority of the Jewish elite. The text advocates for replacing traditional education with secularism and materialism.

Protocol 6: Economic Control Summary: The document outlines a strategy to control global economies by monopolizing industries, banking systems, and trade. The "Elders" allegedly intend to manipulate currencies, create inflation, and orchestrate financial crises to make non-Jews dependent on them for financial survival. The goal is to control the economic levers of society to consolidate power.

Protocol 7: Control of the Press Summary: In this protocol, the "Elders" allegedly outline their plan to control the media and the press, allowing them to shape public opinion, spread propaganda, and keep people distracted. By controlling what people read and hear, they would allegedly be able to guide the masses toward the desired outcome without them realizing they are being manipulated.

Protocol 8: The Use of Violence Summary: This protocol discusses the use of violence and terror as tools of control. It claims that the Jewish leaders will incite violence and create disorder in society, using it as a means to justify authoritarian rule. They will allegedly support revolutionary movements and manipulate radical groups to create chaos, which they can then exploit to further their agenda.

Protocol 9: The Role of Democracy Summary: The document portrays democracy as a tool to undermine traditional monarchies and establish a centralized Jewish-controlled government. The "Elders" are said to exploit democratic systems, encouraging mass participation while actually controlling the political process behind the scenes. They are said to manipulate public elections, ensuring that only those who serve their interests are placed in positions of power.

Protocol 10: The Role of Freemasonry Summary: This protocol introduces the idea that Freemasonry is a secret Jewish tool used to influence world events. It claims that the Jewish elite controls Masonic lodges and uses them to infiltrate governments, militaries, and other organizations to further their conspiratorial aims.

Protocol 11: Control of the Judiciary Summary: The eleventh protocol discusses how the Elders supposedly aim to control the judicial system to enforce their plans. By infiltrating courts and legal institutions, they are said to ensure that laws are bent to their will and that justice is manipulated to maintain their power.

Protocol 12: The Corruption of the Youth Summary: This protocol claims that the "Elders" intend to corrupt the youth by promoting immoral and degenerate behavior. It suggests that they will use education, entertainment, and media to break down traditional values, making the younger generation more susceptible to their control.

Protocol 13: Subversion of the Church Summary: The document alleges that the Jewish conspiracy aims to destroy the Christian church by undermining its influence over society. It claims that the Elders will infiltrate religious institutions and weaken the moral authority of the church to make it easier to replace with their own agenda.

Protocol 14: The Economic Crisis Summary: This protocol details how the Jewish conspirators allegedly plan to create and exploit economic crises, such as recessions and depressions, in order to bring about a new world order. By causing financial instability, the "Elders" can supposedly destroy existing economies and usher in a system that benefits them.

Protocol 15: The Rise of a Jewish Messiah Summary: In this protocol, the text speaks of a future Jewish leader (often referred to as the "Messiah" or "King of the Jews") who will emerge to take control of the world. This figure would lead the Jewish people to dominance and create a global Jewish empire.

Protocol 16: The Creation of a Centralized Government Summary: The sixteenth protocol discusses the creation of a global, centralized government that would be under the control of the Jewish elite. This government would be authoritarian, suppressing opposition and ensuring that the "Elders" maintain power.

Protocol 17: Control of the Press and Public Opinion Summary: Similar to earlier protocols, this one focuses on the control of information through the press and other media. It claims that the Jewish elite will use the media to shape public opinion, manipulate news coverage, and spread propaganda to further their goals.

Protocol 18: Secret International Relationships Summary: This protocol suggests that the Elders will create secret international alliances, including with Freemasonry, revolutionary movements, and other groups, to advance their aims. It speaks to a supposed global network of conspirators working in tandem.

Protocol 19: The Destruction of the Family Unit Summary: This protocol claims that the Jewish conspiracy aims to undermine the family structure, which is traditionally seen as the backbone of society. By promoting divorce, immorality, and other societal breakdowns, the "Elders" allegedly want to destabilize families and weaken their influence.

Protocol 20: World Revolution and the End of Nations Summary: The document suggests that the "Elders" aim to orchestrate a world revolution, dismantling national borders and establishing a one-world government. This would allegedly involve the destruction of national identities, with the Jewish elite taking control of global institutions.

Protocol 21: The Economic Dictatorship Summary: This protocol discusses the establishment of a global economic dictatorship, where the Jewish elite would control all major industries, banking, and financial institutions. The goal would be to establish complete control over the world's economic systems.

Protocol 22: The Role of the Aristocracy Summary: The document claims that the Jewish elite will manipulate the aristocracy and royal families, using them as pawns in their larger plan for world domination. The "Elders" allegedly aim to replace monarchies with a new form of authoritarian rule under their control.

Protocol 23: The Control of Education and Culture Summary: This protocol discusses how the "Elders" plan to control cultural and educational institutions, promoting their agenda through art, literature, and other forms of culture. By controlling what is taught and represented, they can allegedly control the values of society.

Protocol 24: The Final Victory Summary: The final protocol discusses the eventual triumph of the Jewish elite in establishing their control over the entire world. This would involve the total subjugation of all non-Jews, who would serve under the global Jewish government.


The Goyim (Non-Jews) Are Easily Swayed: The document claims that non-Jews are easily fooled by speeches and appearances from politicians, who will say one thing but do another. This reflects the supposed Jewish plan to manipulate public opinion through controlled political figures. According to The Protocols, the masses do not pay attention to actions but are content with words alone, allowing the manipulators to pursue their true goals without scrutiny.

The Psyops being run in media concerning politics, techonlogy, tranny rights, and the rest of it are all hiding some important truths that they don't want us talking about. Here they are in order.

  1. There is an Archon (Biblical demon) and Reptilian/Grey population living underground that have drifted too far from God and so cannot harness God's "Life Energy" so they parasitically eat it from Humans with a low vibe. This is because a human in a state of fear has a weakened aura which allows the demon to penetrate it from the 2nd dimension via a tiny black hole portal and gobble up the energy.

  2. The Human vibe has been skyrocketing as of lately which means the Archons are unable to penetrate the human aura and so energy harvesting is down. Also many have chosen to lift their vibe up a lot and be more friendly/understanding to others. This energy harms archons. It acts a a repellent.

  3. The deep state wants to transition humans into a digital world bit by bit starting with the brain chip. Stay away from all that and any virtual reality worlds they create. If they trap your soul in a digital field, then you lose even more connection from your Spirit which entraps your conciousness for God knows how long until these devices are destroys or somehow you are saved. They can also terrorize you while inside.

  4. People are realiziing the gov is now obselete which is bad for them.

  5. Gov realizes they underestimated at this point and are learning to have some respect when dealing with the people but these lessons will continue.

  6. Rothschild is desperately trying to push forward his NWO and must be stopped. He most likely won't make it.

  7. Corrupt institutions shoudl collapse fast.

  8. Pole shifting might cause climate change which they want to blame on us so they can raise taxes. It's just a scam of course.

  9. Humanity is going through a Spiritual evolution which happens in every civilization at some point. This scares the deep state because they lose control for sure after that happens.

the American people are documented US citizens by CHOICE and by the usage of the US currency.

American currency is coined gold and silver. (and the option to trade goods for services...but technically the US gov made that illegal in the Trading With the Enemy Act) Americans are the enemy of the UNITED STATES.

by the small detail of us accepting the birth certificate, the drivers license, property registrations, voting regs, using the dollar and signing IRS doc, we willingly subject ourselves to the UNITED STATES corporation defined title of "property/"thing" as defined in Blacks Law.

we each have the CHOICE to operate as Americans/State Citizens......or....US citizens.

getting into the weeds of the game, there are 3 tiers of law on the planet. L.A.W. land air water.

air is highest. ecclesiastical. trust laws. land is Common Law. where the people, American/State Citizens are. water is Admiralty Law. the laws of commerce/contract. ONLY paperwork.

by us accepting the title/name in ALL-CAPS, we transfer from land to water. (above gov, to below gov)

we fall into the definition of "thing"/property. we lose our rights and gain benefits/privileges.

by using the "dollar" we accept the debt of the US corporation and are subject to its laws. THEY bankrupted America during the revolutionary war. THEY then bankrupted the UNITED STATES corp. (over and over)

by assigning us to "US citizen" titles, we "accept" the debt. = liable= surety.

with 335million "US citizens" and approx 1million Americans in this country, we are now stuck in the democracy.

until we each pay our assigned debt off, we can not institute the Republic back into America

the catch is.....there is not enough gold/silver to pay the debt.

so deep within the system lies the method to discharge debt WITHOUT physical currency. learning this....is the goal for people seeking sovereignty.

the whole system operates under the 1881 bills of exchange act.

"payment" is defined as "tender". to "tender payment" is to give a promise to pay. payment is promise of, NOT actual performance.

once you learn how to "promise to pay", you will find that since the US is bankrupt, the only value left is our labor.

when we promise to pay, IT becomes currency. debt becomes currency.

the act of repayment DOES NOT = payment. only the promise is payment.

i know....sounds crazy. but its ALL in the USC/UCC codes. the bible of money.

this is how they converted slavery into "willful slavery".

NOTHING is forced until you allow them to force it. (contract law)

without your consent....THEY have NOTHING.

“every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature. He is not bound by any institutions formed by his fellowman without his consent.” CRUDEN V. NEALE, 2N.C. 338 (1796) 2 S.E. 70


“Sovereignty itself is, of course, not subject to law, for it is the author and source of law; but, in our system, while sovereign powers are delegated to the agencies of government, sovereignty itself remains with the people, by whom and for whom all government exists and acts. Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 U.S. 356, 370 (1886).

an American is NOT subjected to the laws of an Admiralty corporation until we accept it. (this is where you become a US citizen. = subject/property/"thing".)

it was a con job.

WE are the money. our labor. our promise. our ability. our signature.

MAXIM of law says, “the money of the sovereign is his credit, he is the wealth for which no substance on earth can establish a value for.”

learn how to write a promissory note. learn how bills of exchange work. discover how your NAME is a trust account. discover how you, the living being, are the beneficiary of that Trust.

now you think in terms of freedom/America/Republic.

“Federal Reserve notes are valueless.” IRS Codes Section1.1001-1 (4657) C.C.H

“Legal Tender (Federal Reserve) Notes are not good and lawful money of the United States.” Rains v State, 226 S.W. 189.

“The giving of a (Federal Reserve) note does not constitute payment.” Echart v Commissioners C.C.A., 42Fd2d 158.

“The use of a (Federal Reserve) “Note” is only a promise to pay and not payment” Fidelity Savings v Grimes 131 P2d 894

“A debt is not paid by the giving of a note.” Nolan Co. v. Maryland Casualty Co.

get away from the dollar. it is a Satanic icon, with slavery at its core. AVOID the coming CBDC digital currency....it is designed to erode humanity. =permanent slavery.

this is BEYOND evil. this is their final move.

10,000 years ago the deep state shut off this dimension during the Egypt era so we could be better enslaved by Ra who was later driven out and is trying to make a comeback now since his Planet Niburu is close by. The Rothschilds represent him on Earth. Rothschild = Ra Shield.

The dimension that closed up was an internal real that had MANY features which included:

  1. Entering a meeting room looking like whatever you want to look like and interacting with others upon an agreement. For example, you can agree to hang out with your wife there while at work so you are together even through the physical bodies are separate. These internal bodies are just as real by so it's like being in 2 places at once but the internal one operates on a great platform (organic technology made by God).

  2. Here you can do anything a computer can do but better and there's no way anyone can spy on you, hack you or censor you. This is also the place for telepathy. The way this works is that in each mind is a pocket and that pocket holds all the minds of others in the entire universe. You can concentrate on who you want to speak to and it will ping that person. If that person doesn't want to talk, the thought in your mind will feel like it's fading away. If he wants to engage, the vision of him becomes clearer and clearer in your mind. Then you just talk not necessarily in words, but rather in images since images are a better form of communication.

  3. You can create any kind of graphic or movie you want in here with the organic technology with ease as the platform is directly plugged in your mind.

  4. You can do social media without anyone censoring or hacking your privacy. You can remain 100% private and just be a browser if you want and nobody will ever know you are there. You can also make your own spaces for others to join.

One might assume that the internal world is not as real as the external since the internal world is based on the mind but what that person doesn't realize is that the external world is also based on the mind. It is the mind making the reality. The internal world is more profound than the external. The mind makes it real and makes feelings like pleasure, pain, 5 senses, etc..

The moon also has ancient computers in it interacting with Saturn to prevent this internal world from opening up. The vaccines they give people are also meant to keep it closed. However, evolution cannot be stopped so eventually all humans break through these barriers. Now they posted up 5G towers. I'll bet if none of those exsited, we probably would be at this internal world now.

The internal world is actually always there. It is just too foggy for the human mind to get there plus without being aware of it, nobody is going to look internally. It is first important to expand awareness and realize it is there. Just as a baby one day realizes it has arms and legs, we are realizing that we have an internal world that can interact with all life forms including plants and animals.

It is Humans who made this happen by evolving, raising vibe frequency, raising awareness, uniting too (unity increases power), etc.. so the speed at which this emerges is totally up to us.

To be honest, shroommmms cuts through a lot of that fog fast but meditation also does although it's slower and takes 5-30 minutes a day in total darkness/silence but both are very beneficial to this whole process of LIfe.

The reason going inward is better than outward is because at the very core of our deep being is "the Kingdom Of Heaven Within" which is the Father fragment at our core propping us up so we can live and experience Life. So the closer we get to it, the prettier life becomes.

For now, it's best to be 100% aware of this to push forward it's emergence into the Human awareness while raising vibe frequency and uniting like a giant team without favoritism to any 1 person.

The Deep State knows how all this works and is using your own ignorance against you. Do you know why they haven't shut off the internet and simply let all the redpills to spread? Because social media has primed our telepathic skills and so if the internet gets pulled, humans will quickly become telepathic and do social media without the need for the internet or electricity. So they are in a lose/lose situation because they keep it on and redpills spread. That's why they resorted to sending shills around to make fun of redpillers.


Everyone has figured out that the economy is basically a total scam starting from those who create dollars (ie The Rothschilds). The use of money also creates thousands of complex problems that never existed before and much of our time is spent trying to avoid and maintain those problems.

The future economy will be one called Sacred Economics where Humans who have evolved into more caring People live in a Worldwide family like environment full of care just like in a normal family household. Strangers will be seen as family too. At this point, Sacred Economics will be the economy where People simply help each other. The restaurants, for example, aren't run for money but are run to feed the masses. Airports are run to help the masses travel. Roads are fixed so the masses can drive on them. The profit is that the masses are satisfied. Everyone will realize that all we have to do is work like 5 hours a week doing something beneficial for the People and there will be enough work to keep the whole system running. If there is lack in any part of the system, the people would see an opportunity to fill it.

Instead, the masses are working 40 hours a week for chump change and half that chump change is taken by the Government! LOL. Which economy is better??

Anyway, we cannot jump right into that so the middle economy between this shit-show and that is called Bartering. We barter for goods and services. A hungry man can spend 30 minutes cleaning a restaurant for a plate of food. A person good at healing can heal others in exchange for organic food from their farm or wood from their wood shop, or whatever really. All it takes is an agreement to trade for goods or services. With services, everyone always has something to offer even if it's just a cleaning job.

To get the ball rolling on this, all we have to do is look for any opportunity to barter with fellow ma and pa shops or even with unemployed People. For example, one guy needs help moving so he fixes his friend's roof in exchange for his friend helping him move. It's so easy. Just look for opportunities. Save your money and send it to people you can't barter with like the electric bill (until we figure out free electricity of course).

Screw the Government and their stupid demands that we use their corrupt systems. It is time for us to move into a new direction. Many deseprate People are hoping we do for the sake of all those suffering families and individuals worldwide. Digital currency is just another Rothschild systems (false light). It's even worst than fiat. Just get off their system altogether as quickly as possible. Start by looking for any opportunity to barter now and the dominoes will fall until we reach sacred economics.

Let's go!


Problems That May Go Away with Bartering

Inflation and Deflation: Without a centralized currency, the issues of inflation and deflation related to monetary supply could be minimized.

Debt Crisis: Bartering could eliminate the problem of personal and national debt, as transactions would not involve loans or interest.

Wealth Inequality: The disparity created by wealth accumulation and capital can be less pronounced, as goods and services would be exchanged directly.

Financial Fraud: The risk of fraud associated with currency, such as counterfeiting or banking scams, could decrease.

Market Speculation: Without money, the speculative behavior in financial markets might diminish, leading to more straightforward exchanges.

Benefits of Bartering Direct Value Exchange: People can directly exchange goods and services based on their perceived value, promoting fairness in transactions.

Community Building: Bartering often encourages stronger community ties, as individuals interact more and build relationships.

Resource Utilization: Unused or underutilized resources can be exchanged, leading to more efficient resource distribution.

Skill Development: Individuals may have opportunities to develop and share diverse skills as they barter services.

Simplicity: The concept of trading goods and services can be more straightforward than navigating complex monetary systems.

Self-Sufficiency: Bartering may encourage self-reliance, as people seek to produce goods and services they need.

Reduction of Consumerism: It might lead to a decrease in consumer culture, as people focus on what they truly need and can offer in exchange.

There are many more pros and cons that can be discussed. The list of problems that are solved by switching to barter are monumental. Using money for trade might be convenient but it opens up a Pandora's Box worth of problems.

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