LeoLittlebook 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am even more leery than you are about agreeing to leave Earth with any aliens. It is a massive drop in one's status, since on Earth we are legitimate heirs to the local afterlife in the Spirit Spheres.

Jesus did not say that. He said: "Trust your own instincts. Pray often. Seek answers from God and not from your fellow man, who is so often led astray by his own fears."

The grays in particular want to relocate humans so they can have this planet for their own purposes. Do I trust them? Not further than I can throw them. That's what my instincts tell me.

LeoLittlebook 1 point ago +1 / -0

Jesus didn't use a whip, Padgettites report. He just shouted his famous line; then angry Jews rioted. A one man rampage in a heavily-guarded financial zone never made sense.


LeoLittlebook 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh he definitely was. The question you have to ask yourself is, was the angry sky deity really the creator of the Cosmos, or someone(s) a bit more... local?

LeoLittlebook 1 point ago +1 / -0

Their "gods", the Archons, Fell when they were banished from Heaven.

Harvesting parts fresh is interdicted by the "foo fighter" orbs that shoot down unauthorized intruders. See Quantum Paranormal.

Therefore the parts are instead mostly harvested with human consent.

Children are preferred due to lower environmental toxins. Organ meat is a carnivore preference, and may contain more Vitality.

I'm not sure why they don't simply use aborted feti. Maybe the organs are too small. I suspect the children were flayed alive for ritual torture purposes.

We can see from examples of human sacrifice in South America and Africa that the Fallen hunger for much more blood than they can physically eat. Not that they're all like that.

LeoLittlebook 1 point ago +1 / -0

Storage method is suggestive of alien cannibalism, not organ transplantation. Stored more like meat than live organs. Intestines are rarely transplanted.

Some Fallen aliens absorb Vitality from Earth humans via carnivory; we get it naturally from our Mother Earth, but they can't.

If you think the USMIL isn't at least partly in quiet rebellion against election thief and foreign-owned traitor Joe Biden, just block me.

LeoLittlebook 1 point ago +1 / -0

Glad to help.

I don't mind the neck gaiter. It's useful for dust and cold, and looks suitably villainous.

LeoLittlebook 2 points ago +3 / -1

Baxter has nothing to do with Q.

I describe a shadow civil war within the USG and your summary is "government follows rules"? Respectfully, consider not reading my work.

LeoLittlebook 0 points ago +1 / -1


Trump invoked devolution to military command before apparently leaving office, in response to Democrat insurrection. Both sides agree insurrection occurred on Jan 6, and Trump ordered them to disperse before Twitter banned him. This fulfills the requirements to invoke the Insurrection Act.

LeoLittlebook 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, God wants you to survive, and will help you if you listen.

"Meek" means willing to follow God, not weak, in this context. Read the novel to see what kind of person is meant. That's what it's for.

LeoLittlebook 1 point ago +1 / -0

Skeptics should consider that libel laws will not protect the site author Michael Baxter from this sort of claim. He should be bankrupt many times over if he is lying.

LeoLittlebook -1 points ago +1 / -2

Donations are not a good revenue source. Shills go commercial. See Alex Jones. And even he could make more if he embraced the mainstream. Integrity is a spectrum.

The author has been fooled a time or two, and strikes me as a diligent plodder. A good outlet for government insiders, who are not known for their total honesty.

LeoLittlebook 3 points ago +3 / -0

Reports of recent military action are always subject to doubt.

Certainly FEMA hires thugs.

LeoLittlebook 1 point ago +1 / -0

Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy

Let's see some evidence he's teaching a class now.

LeoLittlebook 2 points ago +4 / -2

Partial decode of the blind:

Meliticus Bee • 3 days ago • edited

Obviously - Epstein's Island.

The religion?

Gonna skip all the parts about sexually assaulted actresses on Netflix...and youtubers

the creepy Christmas message is from Kevin Spacey

Several lists have been made...including one by Moira Donegan - but it was about "media men" not hollywood

The movie is Mission to Mars - 2000, Gary Sinise, Don Cheadle, Jerry O'Connell, Tim Robbins directed by Brian de Palma

The one with the beard is Don Cheadle - and this blind is saying he is a face of Satan.


If I am not mistaken...Don Cheadle was ON the Epstein passenger flight logs...

LeoLittlebook 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think Iran protests peaking on the 24th should justify his return. Easy to get fooled by a "prophecy" with a deliberate misdirection component from a powerful source.

LeoLittlebook 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh, I don't think he defined the bet in such a way that he should win it in the eyes of the judge.

I'm just saying it looks like his source knew something.

LeoLittlebook 1 point ago +1 / -0

Iranian revolution looks like a significant global event.

Maybe not what the predictor was expecting. Often these predictions include some misdirection so that the prediction doesn't self-falsify.

While prophecy is probabilistic, power is real.

LeoLittlebook 1 point ago +1 / -0

I suspect it was punishment by an external authority, and a deniable signal thereof.

LeoLittlebook 0 points ago +3 / -3

Neither soultrapped into an object or soul eaten would surprise me. The former would be poetic justice, given Diana's probable post-ritual abode.

LeoLittlebook 1 point ago +1 / -0

I doubt it. Easy to obtain gold from humans.

The facilities might have been in an adjacent dimension.

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