KB324 4 points ago +5 / -1

That's what I say often about Biden, that's their entire plan, to get everyone to put all their anger into a single show puppet when the real plotters are behind him.

Same scam with putting everyone's hope in someone like Trump, they did it with George W. Bush also and now they will again with DeSantis.

The public has to organize on their own and not continue to be passive looking for whoever happens to walk across the stage, you have to groom politicians yourself in your own community with a plan and purpose, kids you grow up with and know their history intimately, people who don't owe favors to wealthy bankers.

And at the end of the day this gets into the occult, there are dark forces ruling this world. And the second we get close to an awakening on that issue, the enemy tosses in some wacky Q nonsense and hides all the information in that poisoned well.

KB324 3 points ago +5 / -2

Communists trying to break people down. Get hopes up, then crush them, eventually people get tired of the emotional ups and downs and fully give in and stop resisting.

Then turn the irritated people against the non-compliant saying "those people are the ones causing all your frustration."

by pkvi
KB324 6 points ago +6 / -0

He knows he'll die when the genocide comes anyway, may as well go out like a man and speak the truth.