JosephGoebbels5 1 point ago +7 / -6

Stanley Kubrick and Buzz Aldrin both admitted it

Scale of miles long clouds vs. immediate surroundings

Finished your book yet?

JosephGoebbels5 2 points ago +2 / -0

Without pain, they cannot claim victimhood status. Wat do?

JosephGoebbels5 1 point ago +1 / -0

He saw what they did to Mussolini, which was very jewish. They tortured him to death. He wasn't going to give the jew commies the satisfaction.

He was forgiven.

JosephGoebbels5 1 point ago +1 / -0

I truly believe by fighting the jew, I am doing the work of the Lord

  • Adolf Hitler 😍
JosephGoebbels5 0 points ago +1 / -1

Hitler was a Christian you idiot 😂

JosephGoebbels5 1 point ago +1 / -0

You have no gripe, you're a pussy communist.

JosephGoebbels5 0 points ago +1 / -1

Roosenfeld was a loser, Churchill was a loser, and you are a pussy communist.

JosephGoebbels5 0 points ago +1 / -1

You have no point. It's akin to Italy switching sides but no mention of that.

JosephGoebbels5 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's funny coming from the country who never finished a war on the same side from which they started. Except once when you flipped sides twice.

JosephGoebbels5 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're a subversive. That makes you evil too.

JosephGoebbels5 2 points ago +2 / -0

His drug records are freely available. His own physicians spoke of it after the war -- unless of course you like to shill me on how every single person after the war was some (((actor))).

He also fired the doctor pumping him full of that shit.

What about his offer for peace with Stalin.. before he marched towards Moscow?

What about his speech where he said "Can you imagine the German lives we would have lost if I had shown my hand that early in the war?"

Very simply -- if Hitler is so great, why is Germany of today a homosexual Muslim Jewish shit hole?

Umm, because the rest of the world waged a genocidal war and they couldn't stand up to 100/1 odds?

Hitler lost. Hitler was no where near the best of us. You could aspire after leaders who ruled for a dynasty -- there are 108 other generations of leaders that removed Jews. Kings, Queens, Dictators..

Funny, Hitler modeled himself and Germany after the Romans. Just because he lost means he was wrong? I guess you blame the whites killed by niggers because they lost too.

Swastika was a symbol of the sun, and he did not even pick it. You give far too much credit to Hitler himself when a vast majority of NAZI party activities were manufactured by his advisors. You shd know this considering your user name.

I guess America was evil too fucking retard.

JosephGoebbels5 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tell me you watch too much TV without telling me you watch too much TV.

The same "drug addiction" you can find here. Cocacola had cocaine in it, oxycodone today is heroin.

Muh Hitler occult!

You're blind, and willfully ignorant. The Swasika was a good luck charm, no different than the 4 leaf clover or the lucky horse shoe.

How do you explain Hitler's 25 offers of peace to Churchill through out the war, even while he occupied Paris? Most war mongers wouldn't do that.

JosephGoebbels5 1 point ago +1 / -0

Religious nut

Ok gaytheist. Might as well kill all the Christians like the jew commies did huh?

JosephGoebbels5 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ignoring the part where they genocided German natives in Danzig just because the borders changed

JosephGoebbels5 1 point ago +1 / -0

He only invaded Russia because they got Intel Russia was going to invade Europe anyway. He had no choice but to hit them before they were prepared.

JosephGoebbels5 4 points ago +4 / -0

Russia got more territory than Germany did, but only Germany gets flak for it. Germany didn't "invade" anything. They reclaimed territory that was formerly Germany not 20 years prior because Poland was murdering Germans caught in the middle.

Poland was warned

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