If Jesus was a Gentile and not a Jew then why, in his conversation with the Samaritan woman in John 4:1-45 does he acknowledge himself as a Jew? Why didn’t he correct the Samaritan woman when she termed him a Jew (John 4:9)?
Why did he then go on to reference himself as a Jew in John 4:22?
You say that the so-called original Jews are not gone and in their place stands an impostor.
What is your reason for believing that’s there were separate, original Jews who are now gone? And, were that so, then how do you account for Jesus stating that salvation was of the Jews? False messiah? Simply defeated? Simple error?
Can you expand on that?
Didn’t Jesus say to the woman of Samaria that ‘you don’t know what you worship. We (Jews) know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews’?
Didn’t Jesus instruct his disciples to stay out of the way of the goyim and to only seek out the lost children of the house of Israel?
Where in the Bible or history does the ‘modern day Jew’ (as you put it) depart from the biblical Jews that Jesus and the whole Bible deem to be the chosen children of the god of Israel?
In other words you can’t even provide rudimentary support to some of your fundamental opinions about the nature of your professed faith.
I wonder if you even spotted the contradictions in your last couple of posts here.
I’ve read all the papers, know lots of the tactics.
You’ve worked for the US Government hmm and now you’re on a Conspiracy board?
Cass Sunsteins paper advised government to infiltrate and hijack the places where conspiracy theories are discussed in order to slide Conspiracy-minded people into supporting the actions and plans of government beyond their conscious awareness.
He commented on what he called the ‘self-sealing’ nature of conspiracy theories and the tendency to gatekeep and marshall the herd through the type of accusations you make in order to keep the followers within strict parameter's of thought and opinion etc. and here you are, doing just as he advised. In response to what? Some guy pointing out that there’s missing context that might affect the tenor of a particular topic?
Mmmm. You’re the fed.l
No, you’ve found a guy exercising reason.
Without the full context, you only know one side of a story.
Would this interaction make more sense if her Facebook post was calling for people to take to the streets and behead Jewish people, rape Jewish women and kill Jewish children?
Would it make more sense if she just posted a Palestinian flag and said I stand with Palestine?
Those are not equal propositions.
No one thinks the police should be out patrolling opinions on social media but ‘found the fed’ is just a completely imbecilic smear on someone’s reasonable enquiry.
So you would agree that Jews are gods special people then and that the verse from Revelation you quoted only admonishes people who are pretend Jews rather than Jews themselves?
Further, you accept Jesus’ saying that salvation is of the Jews?
Further still, you accept that Jesus had not come to abolish the law or the prophets but to fulfill? In which case, the prophecy of Isaiah which states that the nations that do not serve Israel shall be utterly wasted is one you look forward to (although in your case Israel excluded Zionists and the non-orthodox, but you still agree that the nations should serve Israel or face being utterly wasted)?
Then yes.
From a Jewish magazine
If you can access the NYTimes
Kerry is a fake name, changed by deed pool and defects from his actual ancestral roots. He is a Kohn.
Jews changing their name and ‘converting’ to ie concealing themselves amongst, another religion is a phenomenon termed ‘crypto-judaism’
Pagan is a Christian term which just collectively means all the other religions that don’t worship the God of Israel, that’s all.
Perhaps the west should be throwing off the 2000 year old yoke of being forced to worship the Jewish messiah and god of Israel.
This is a good thing perhaps. Perhaps the west should be reconnecting with their own original religions and native gods. Perhaps Arabs ought to do the same.
Perhaps the world would be a better place if it realised the huge psychological and theological Jewish trap that the Abrahamic religions are..
You’re acting like the fact that his name is really Cohen and that his ancestors are all Jewish and that he acknowledges and embraces his Jewish roots means’s absolutely nought because of the fake Jewish matrilineal thing. The Bible and the genealogy of Israel is all the about the patriarchs. You’re arguing for a false technicality to negate all of those facts.
Your argument is pure sophistry. Have you never heard of crypto Jews?
No, that’s not something to be ‘realised’tutu,56 for it was already planned out in their scriptures as prophecy that they would reject their messiah.
Rome feel because the Jews Psy-op’d them into degeneracy, much like they continue to do to us today. They took over the Roman Empire with Christianity ie. Judaism for gentiles
Because it’s a stupid Jewish lie to exact revenge on Rome through theological conquest, tricking the stupid goyim into worshipping the god of Israel as the one true god and thus accepting the Jews as uniquely special amongst humanity ie gods chosen people
Your counter to points 1 and 2 aren’t the words of Jesus but of Paul.
And what are we to make of the contradictory nature between our respective point 3s?
That Jesus contradicted himself.
Nietzsche had it right when he said that Christianity was a Jewish revenge.
I’m afraid this is woefully inadequate as an argument in support of the proposition