HonestTruth 1 point ago +1 / -0

you need a geography lesson dipshit.

Good luck with your pipe dreams, Russia has nato completely surrounded.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +1 / -0

More weak minded shit.

Just because someone projects an estimate, does not mean that one takes the estimate to the bank, it is an estimate.

I am not sure if either of them ever made the claim that Russia would not rescue the citizens of ukraine from the criminal globalist nazi khazarian jew pretenders.

Beat it scumbag, your posts are just 100% trash.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +1 / -0

bla bla, nato, nafo, weaksauce.

My coping? The position you are communicating from is beyond preposterous.

It is like you would have to remove a section of a normal brain to stoop to the level you project.

The suggestion that nato and ukraine are doing anything other than getting ass handed to them is on display everyday globally, for the world.

This is the end. It is live and in color.

Continue on with your fantasy realm stuff elsewhere simpleton.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +1 / -0

More ridiculous incoherent ramblings.

Bla bla, leftist leftist, yet nothing of context, just some random musings about how you are not inferior as described.

I do not tool for anybody? Who would benefit? You make no sense.

What question would I ask you? What degree of confidence could I possibly obtain after reviewing the degree of comprehension you have so far displayed?

HonestTruth 0 points ago +1 / -1

Constant stream of moronic incorrect bullshit from your weaksauce account.

How do you figure that they 'took' those areas? In what world does that make any sense?

You may want to refer what a real battlefield looks like, in order to conquer a foe and take land, you would have to lay waste to what was there.

In the event the enemy escapes and leaves you mostly empty area, this is not 'taking' this is 'receiving'

HonestTruth 0 points ago +1 / -1

It would maybe be funny?

if the Honorable Judge Napolitano wasn't such a responsible figure to talk about important issues with honesty.

So, no, he is doing a great job of keeping the normies in touch with reality.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +3 / -2

Yer nuts, this is some of the worst bullshit, how much of this did you consume?

Do you think any of the claims made have any merit at all? Talking about how Iran did the 9/11? How is it possible that this guy has everything wrong?

This is just so far out in left field, it would take some convincing for me to go further. He is now claiming that all the good Russian work came from Ukraine.

We have more than decades of evidence that proves otherwise. Ukraine has been a shit hole since it detached from the soviet union, this is undeniable.

Everything was crashing since 2014. Before that it was decades of corruption and wasted resources to get to that point.

If this is your type of information, it easily explains why you are also wrong about everything.

HonestTruth 4 points ago +4 / -0

Perhaps, but I would instead first focus on the vaccine they were administering prior to the first reports of the 'outbreak'

HonestTruth 0 points ago +2 / -2

hahah, always good for a laugh.

Meanwhile, all the equipment sent has amounted to 0 gains, no ground taken ever not once.

The fairy tales you have are way out of kilter with reality.

HonestTruth 0 points ago +1 / -1

more useless leftism, what is the point to reading the crap you scribble?

There is none.

Beat it lefty.

HonestTruth -1 points ago +1 / -2

Eat shit lefty, not gonna load some lame link.

HonestTruth 0 points ago +1 / -1

Listen up trinket, as I had said, you are either in tune or you are not, if you are not able to locate the navy locations and the information as it had passed to validate the claims being made, then of course you are in the dark on the understanding, it would all seem like news to you. And being that we are not hovering above them with helicopters and cameras, you are not willing to accept any information. I don't care?

You pretend you know, but you do not know, you likely receive such input and throw it away because you are lacking the foundation knowledge that would indicate the validity to you.

Funny to bring up the spanish flu poison event, so it never happened in your world? Nobody died?

Rest assured faker, I have produced a consistent pattern of honesty and truth, for you to attempt to claim otherwise, just reveals your weak capability and obvious leftist patterns of lies.

For you to expect me in a text thread to produce evidence is preposterous, this thread was created for discussion, not question time by the unaware zombies bumbling in from reddit wanting someone to hand serve them an understanding on life.

HonestTruth -1 points ago +1 / -2

As you work on yourself repeatedly to gain an understanding in what has corrupted you, you will likely be able to find a pattern that would alleviate you of the mental disorder you suffer from.

My first suggestion, would be to just accept yourself for who you are and search inside your mind for your interests.

HonestTruth 0 points ago +3 / -3

Intelligent people come to a basic expectation when processing other people.

Generally they can be quickly categorized into capability based groups.

So, you measure people using a standard process and place them accordingly.

Given this simplistic manner of approach, you can expect a certain fail rate, some people will need to be moved from one group to another as you continue to run tests.

Using simple terms and categories are a good conveyance to help the one in question to understand how they have been ranked. The usage of this is one has the ability to display a reasoning to work towards a change in rank.

If you have been called a stupid retard, then you should review the content at hand and review all the related inputs, do your best to cover all axis before returning to attempt the test again.

HonestTruth 3 points ago +4 / -1

This is my last post to you in this comical thread you are absolutely down to a sorry level of mental processing, I suggest you may have an IQ somewhere in the mid 80's.

I am so busy laughing, I am not even going to write the one sentence that could be used to correct your misunderstanding here. You have been fun this time around.

HonestTruth -1 points ago +1 / -2

As the leftism creeps into each and every post you write, you should ask yourself.

What is my value to society? Why do I dress as a Woman and pretend that I am of another gender? Is it OK?

I think that you have a mental disorder and you must realize that you are your brain. Your brain is you.

So if your brain is telling you, you are in the wrong body.. It is your Brain that needs a correction, not your body, not your face.

So yes, you should feel guilty for delving into such debauchery you have been fooled along the way. I recommend you take some time to sort out your line of thinking.

I think given your post history and your method of reactionism would be a great starting point to self educate and correct yourself.

First of all, the one thing you can control is your reaction. So start there.

HonestTruth -1 points ago +2 / -3

Burnt your bridge, beat it bitch, No More comments to this shit account of yours.

HonestTruth 3 points ago +4 / -1

Idiot, last time, return to my first comment to you in this thread shit for brains.

The vaccine being administered was not the vaccine you are referencing. Why is this so hard for you to understand? How many fucking ways do I have to spell it for you?

HonestTruth 2 points ago +3 / -1

Seriously devoid of even basic reading comprehension?

Bit surprised.

Carry on lefty.

HonestTruth -1 points ago +2 / -3

I am not a fan of reddit types incapable of learning and understanding demanding anyone else unravel their thought to a tightly packed data set for consumption.

Most things are far too complex to pass off, you are either in tune with the plethora of data, or you are not.

To come and request 'proof' as such is basically retarded. Had you been more clear originally, then you would not have revealed your weak stance and true intent immediately to result in such a response.

HonestTruth 0 points ago +1 / -1

No, again you simply are reading too much into it, I think maybe you are just playing your hand I suppose.

The question does not need a reply, certainly not from the 'Woman Face' wearing type.

There is no need to respond at all. Not all questions are meant to be answered.

Some are just asked to help get thought processing active.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dumb as they come, you are likely far too stupid to be an actual boomer.

A boomer implies you have been able to survive to this point and frankly I do not think you have it in you to make it that far.

The facts as I have provided them are more than enough to lead you to the reality that exists.

If you do not choose to find it on your own, surely you realize by now I do not feed links to leftists.

The people these links are for, do not ask such stupid questions or ply such ignorance of reality. I can tell you what they do, they go out and validate them, because these are facts.

Begone faker

HonestTruth 0 points ago +1 / -1

More of a question to the people wearing/have worn the 'Woman Face'

The rest of us will safely ignore it and be full aware we do not have the count but we know it is a number.

HonestTruth 2 points ago +3 / -1

neck yourself leftist, just because you have no clue what vaccine was being administered at the time which spawned the spanish flu and thus the pandemic does not mean others are in the same dumb boat with you.

Many people much better than you already are aware of the facts as they occurred.

HonestTruth 4 points ago +5 / -1

Fuck off loser, you obviously are completely lacking in all ways.

The vaccine being administered was NOT for the flu pandemic that they created dumbass.

Learn to fucking learn, Don't let some small typo or oversight completely throw you off, go learn what the fuck was going on.

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