You never read when you reply.
You just assert something stupid and strut around like a dumb leftist.
And that sounds like you're backing down. Can't prove you're not a shill... because you are one.
Okay, so why don't you prove it. Feel free to doxx yourself, and then I guess I'll believe you are real.
Record a video of yourself where you write down "TallestSkill" on a piece of paper.
Prove it. Because honestly, I think if anyone is Mossad or cia it's you buddy.
You communicate like a shill.
Feigned aggression. You just don't seem real if I'm being honest.
It's like you are trying too hard to come off as edgy and angry... it's just not authentic.
Are you talking about yourself?
Are you talking about your own posts/spam? Because this seems like projection.
Why would someone bother to subvert a forum that has clearly already been subverted?
Ye doesn't speak for shit, he can barely communicate, ffs.
He's a disgrace, honestly.
The level of delusion is off the charts.
My honest suggestion for you would be to take your meds.
You're clearly suffering.
Rage harder lmao.
Imagine being that pathetic.
You have still yet to engage with anything OP specifically said...?
This really isn't complicated.
You just said absolutely nothing of substance.
Still waiting for you to discuss OP's points, which were about specific things Trump DID.
Versus things he said with widly biased subtext that doesn't address a single point OP made.
Spamming links doesn't constitute engagement.
What claims?
Spamming links like an asshole and demanding people read through everything, without even forming an actual argument, is not something that deserves a response.
Imagine thinking that copy pasta links was an argument. He had it ready to go.
He has literally ignored every single thing OP said. Didn't engage with a single thing.
That's not an argument. That's not discussion. That's called spamming.
You're just blinded by your own bias. Even the subtext to his links was total bullshit.
Now you're engaging in the sliding as well. You're probably his alt.
WE have to engage with him, but you... and him? Nah, you can just spam and pretend you had a discussion. Nice double standard, shilly fuck.
Genuinely feel sorry for him ngl.
Constantly raging into the empty night.
Imagine how much his life must suck to act like that.
Shouting and spamming links isn't a substitute for an argument, which you have yet to make?
You didn't engage with a single thing OP said.
You come off as biased and unwilling to listen to others.
SaLIenT ARguMents
Spamming a bunch of irrelevant links and calling people faggots isn't an argument
You have to engage with someone's logic to have an argument.
Spamming links is far from that and a classic sliding technique.
Do you always paste random things from your clipboard in place of an actual response?
Like i said, there seems to be a clear consensus here that you are a fucking moron.
Every time you type you confirm it.
You haven't added anything to the discussion but link spam and sliding, lack of real engagement, and harassment (which makes you a dumbass hypocrite on top of everything else).
ThaNKs FOr CoNCeDinG tHe DiScuSSioN
Tbh, the hashtag prob refers to the lizard.
There's literally a specialty cage on the table behind him that is designed for transporting lizards, which has the correct dimensions as well
I've seen these cages before.
I agree that the red shoes are likely not random tho
Seems like the consensus is that you are mentally challenged.
You come off like a retarded narcissist lol. When you need to aggressively lie about someone in an argument, to feel like you've won... it's probably because you've taken a weak position you cannot defend.
In your case, you didn't even respond to what he said and just spammed a bunch of links like a total dipshit.
True lol!
Or he's on drugs. Idk if i can rule that out
Just pointing out the obvious. He is right and you are completely unhinged and off your rocker
You seem delusional. Maybe drugs?
So what you're saying is that you can't prove you aren't a shill.
Or that you refuse to do it.
Got it.
Thanks for admitting everything I've said on any given topic is objectively correct.
How's Langley these times of year?