GraySupremacist 0 points ago +3 / -3

How old are you? If you're in your early 20s, then you're self-inflicting pain by wasting your time with women. I'm sure there's a lot of areas in your life that you could improve on: health, fitness, career, finance. Work on those for a few years and once you're at a good point in your life, women will naturally be attracted to you.

Women aren't going to walk away from an alpha male no matter what mental health crisis they're going through. Women will walk away from a man if they feel they could do better. No offense, but this chick probably picked up on the fact that you're just as much a bitch as she is.

by pkvi
GraySupremacist 3 points ago +3 / -0

If being a nurse required even an iota of intelligence, it wouldn't be dominated by women and gay men.