by pkvi
GloboHomoErectus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Freezing: Put in freezer.

Canning: Cook the fruit or vegetable, put in can, boil jars in water bath for 15 mins with lid on. Make sure jars and lids are sterilised before starting to can.

Drying: Hang up in well ventilated dry, dark and cool place.

by pkvi
GloboHomoErectus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry for late answer wasn't on here for a while.

It's literally in the Q&A section.

In spite of science proving 17 years immunity to SARS they keep it at 180 days

Will there be a minimum validity of the certificates?

On 31 May, the Commission proposed to update the Council recommendation on the coordination of the travel measures, which includes standard validity periods for tests: 72 hours for PCR tests and, where accepted by a Member State, 48 hours for rapid antigen tests.

The Regulation also introduces some basic principles, for example, setting the maximum validity period of the certificate of recovery at 180 days. These principles could be adjusted by the Commission on the basis of new scientific evidence. The Regulation in any case ensures that certificates issued by other Member States are accepted following the same rules as the ones applied to nationally issued certificates.

There is no maximum validity foreseen for vaccination certificates, as this will depend on emerging scientific evidence as to the length of protection of the different vaccines.

by pkvi
GloboHomoErectus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Precisely the issue.

by pkvi
GloboHomoErectus 6 points ago +6 / -0

TL;DR: Natural immunity doesn't exist in the EU and Italy either.

The EU and Italy doesn't follow the science at all.

First of all the EU regulation for recovery certification is only valid for 6 months, exactly the same schedule as boosters, imagine how the vaxxtards would rage if recovery was implied to be stronger.

Secondly: Proof of antibodies or T-cells are invalid reasons for a certificate of recovery, you have to have a PCR positive test for covid and then a negative test 11 days later.

So me personally who had covid a year ago can't get a certificate of recovery since 6 months have passed.