FortheGenerations 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'll say Norway goes under the radar. Largest shipping fleets globally. True sign of power. Might not be involved though.

FortheGenerations 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hey bud, yes indeed the Earth is still undoubtedly flat and NASA is full of shit. Also consumeproduct.win is more based and isn't afraid to name the kikes.

FortheGenerations 3 points ago +3 / -0

And the guy worth following doesn't create content on Bitchute or Odyssey? What's the name? Tablets of Thoth I'll just go right out and say sounds like a LARP for sure.. Link something. If you have some kind of insight happy to read.. I will read and digest materials print or video as I see fit, of course aware of LARP YouTube and print materials. Take everything with a grain of salt.. Have my own pictures as I said there's no curve.. no boats going over the horizon none of that nonsense. I will not assume you have discovered some sort of secret occult knowledge to be any way factual without substance. What do you have?

FortheGenerations 3 points ago +3 / -0
FortheGenerations 4 points ago +4 / -0

Elon has been a plant since PayPal. Global financiers are behind PayPal..Tesla he was planted to get sued and settle out of court (where they paid the original Tesla owners big money likely) that ended with Elon being able to release all the patents to the electric car technology which ford, Nissan, Toyota, and well all manufacturers were able to take that technology and mass produce with it, then Space X with the balloon rockets and peek-a-boo b.s. reverse playback rocket landings.. all hilarious I've posted about this several times here. Should move over to stolenhistory.net from here this forum is simply shill ridden to all hell, lots of progress being made on the other side.. None of that "retard" name calling crap flies, which is about the only argument you get from shills here.

FortheGenerations 2 points ago +3 / -1

I have pictures the earth is flat man. Should watch some hours of globebusters on YouTube or do some reading up. Unless the earth is ridiculously large of course. The tilt of the earth causing the seasons is a b.s. made up story. The measurement of the size of Venus was ASSUMED to be the exact same size of the earth, and the entire solar system and every other universal space model was built around this assumption..

FortheGenerations 2 points ago +2 / -0

The "Occult" possibly is just keepers of hidden knowledge, trying to suppress the past etc keep everyone confused. That's just another theory of course. Once you're over the flat earth hump and realize everything from the shape of the earth/cartography is wrong, you start exploring impossible architecture literally all over (not just in Egypt), mudfloods, photography anomalies 19th century, history all wrong.. Rabbit hole is deep...

FortheGenerations 0 points ago +10 / -10

We never went to the moon. Thanks for proving my point.

FortheGenerations 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're grasping at straws and literally have shown nothing despite all of your typing. I'm 100% open to proof if you have some actual proof.

FortheGenerations 1 point ago +1 / -0

You go test it if you can't figure it out that's your problem.

FortheGenerations 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're the one making the argument without any proof. Go test it, easy. Super easy to test. Test it with a baseball. It's nonsense.

FortheGenerations 2 points ago +2 / -0

Was a shit source let's just be honest here. Am looking for the archived version but not finding any for that date with the corresponding letter number. If this is the only one out there and it's only available by some request or by using eugeneleeslover.com..... give me a break. It should be archived somewhere, or literally there should be a dozen or more other documents with similar or different explanations. This should be a widely available standardized instructions used in many applications, however it is not.

Now we're sitting here and you're referencing a document we can only find on a fringe unofficial website.

Nonetheless even if it did exist here, that is no proof it is practiced or applicable, there's no proof this is used, and actually there is too much proof that it is not used.

Snipers take everything into account, however they do not account for which direction they are facing because the Earth's rotation will affect them..

The Coriolis effect is the most ridiculous "proof" of spin, mainly because it does not exist, if it did, you should be able to test and prove this in an endless amount of experiments, however you can't.

Even if a ordnance letter number suggests it, this does not prove it is practiced. If it did, you should be able to prove this yourself with any apparatus thrown or shot into the air.

FortheGenerations 2 points ago +2 / -0

Eugeneleeslover.com ? Lmao I'm not clicking that or trusting that source. Nice try though

FortheGenerations 1 point ago +2 / -1

Because it's true and only certain places are the ((((f3d)))) shills prevalent. And by certain places I mean most places. Stolenhistory.net there's rational conversations there, and it's modded to where if you're being a derailing fagg off topic you'll get booted.

FortheGenerations 2 points ago +2 / -0

How many times are you going to revisit Sandy Hoo

FortheGenerations 3 points ago +3 / -0

Please send a link to any official gunnery table documents making this claim of accounting for the rotation of the earth, otherwise I will claim this to be untrue as I have looked into this and found no such evidence. Thank you

FortheGenerations 2 points ago +2 / -0

The original LORAN navigation system used radio pulses and could triangulate your position over 1500 miles. Radar also can work over 100 miles from a ship, way beyond the curvature.

FortheGenerations 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Coriolis effect only applies to the spin of the bullet, not the spin of the earth as claimed.. I have not seen this statement in any military sniping manuals and I have a few of them.

by pkvi
FortheGenerations 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'll boycott kosher stuff even harder in Oklahoma now.

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