FishyMan420 0 points ago +2 / -2

How much longer before the current world religions fall into myth like the ancient pagan religions?

They already are myths to the wise.

For example, the Bible says that God roasts fags with fire from heaven (Sodom and Gmorrah). The longer queerness = exist without their invisible angry sky daddy killing them all with fire the more the hold of religion will erode.

That's true.


I'm still waiting.

FishyMan420 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Idk man, you sure seem obsessed with child diddling. And it isn't me that believes in a religion founded on torture porn.

FishyMan420 -2 points ago +2 / -4

At first I thought they saw through your trolling. But reading the comments these bigoted theists didn't even read it lol. Bunch of fucking retards.

FishyMan420 -2 points ago +1 / -3

Note how you don't deny it or say it's wrong? Hang yourself child molester.

FishyMan420 -1 points ago +2 / -3

Nature is horrid and disgusting. By our standards literally all of nature reproduces via pedophilia. Animals fuck as soon as they hit puberty. Only humans force ourselves to wait years. By arguing for nature you're arguing for pedophilia. Fucktard.

I will not, in a million years, accept homosexual anal sex as good and decent.

Anal sex isn't "good." Neither is vaginal sex for that matter. It's just sex. Though I would argue that if you are making your partner happy whether it's anal, vaginal, oral, or whatever, it's good because you are doing something good for a consenting adult partner. You would understand that if you weren't so full of hate and misery.

u/furriesrock Thoughts? It's always fun to fuck with the retards who argue "homosexuality isn't nAtUrAl."

FishyMan420 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Gotta love how quickly people jump on the conspiracy theory train without ever doing any research or fact checking.

FishyMan420 -1 points ago +1 / -2

The only "proof" of this claim is a tight shot of a litterbox that could've been taken or staged anywhere.

FishyMan420 0 points ago +2 / -2

I don't know what you think, if you understand you didn't actually see an angel and were just high as fuck, or if you really believe you had a mystical experience. Matt (right) explains it best:


FishyMan420 4 points ago +5 / -1

Shit like that is why I use a flip phone.

FishyMan420 1 point ago +1 / -0

You might be right. His response makes even less sense.

FishyMan420 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not all mods are good mods. Just how it goes. I'm thankful we have good admins, unlike Reddit.

FishyMan420 1 point ago +1 / -0

When did I EVER mention a sitewide ban, you illerate dipshit?

YOU are the one who made that claim and said it was IMPOSSIBLE that the sub mods banned me.

Not only are you fucking retarded, you're a liar too.

"you won't get banned by the admins unless you do something illegal. Individual subs are not necessarily free speech and they can ban you there"

Can't you fucking read?

That's obviously not true, since I'm specifically banned from this sub. I cannot post or comment here from that account and got a message stating I was banned.

You said "This is not a free speech site" implying you got banned from the site, rather than an individual sub. Otherwise you would have said "This is not a free speech sub/board." You are retarded.

This then happened with the second account right after posting, as well.

I have no fucking reason to mislead anyone about this. But a censor happy mod on a supposed free speech sub is another story altogether.

I don't know why you got banned. Send a mod mail to this sub and ask. Crying about it here like this will probably just get this account banned from the sub too.

FishyMan420 1 point ago +1 / -0


That account is not site banned, what the fuck are you talking about?

FishyMan420 2 points ago +2 / -0

You did something illegal then. I've seen people straight up insult u/c and nothing happens to them.

I assume you still don't know the difference between mods and admins, nor the difference between a sub ban and site ban. If you were site banned by admins it's only because you did something illegal or otherwise broke the very simple and reasonable ToS. Provide proof if this is not the case. You haven't even linked us to your supposed site banned account.

FishyMan420 2 points ago +2 / -0

OP is confusing sub mods with site admins. Admins have explicitly stated anything is allowed as long as it's not illegal. Unlike Reddit you can make your own sub that goes against the narrative and the admins won't ban you. For example, my sub c/furryart which goes against the conservative narrative of this site.

FishyMan420 2 points ago +2 / -0

The site is free speech, you won't get banned by the admins unless you do something illegal. Individual subs are not necessarily free speech and they can ban you there. How do you think I'm able to run subs like c/furryart, c/nekomimi, c/atheist, and so on?

I got banned from the pussies at The Donald because they couldn't handle or counter my pro-abortion stance. Got banned from consumeproduct because I'm not racist.

FishyMan420 2 points ago +2 / -0

Let's be honest, that fursuit is amazing.

FishyMan420 1 point ago +1 / -0

Uh, context?

by pkvi
FishyMan420 3 points ago +3 / -0

Proof? I can find no source for her ever saying this, nor any source for her ever having the covid vaccine.

by pkvi
FishyMan420 11 points ago +11 / -0

From a business perspective he did brilliantly. Rushed out an ineffective and dangerous "vaccine", convinced the world to take it anyway, then bribed the CDC to approve his over the competition to make even more money. Fucking brilliant.

FishyMan420 1 point ago +2 / -1

Sucking horse cock doesn't hurt anybody else, so it shouldn't effect you if it becomes the new national pastime.

Newsflash: bestiality is completely legal still in a few states. And no I don't really care.

Just because you can do something or use something in a way it wasn't intended or evolutionary designed to do so, doesn't mean you should.

Doesn't mean you shouldn't either. We do all kinds of things to our bodies nature never intended. Piercings, tattoos, vasectomies, birth control, medical help to aid the sick and suffering (many children would die at or close to birth if not for modern medicine, violating "nature").

Sure you don't have to have kids...but that's what your body is made for, and why we exist as a species, and unless at least some of do, we won't continue as a species.

Our body was made for persistence hunting but virtually no one does it anymore. Instead we sit on our asses and argue with each other over the internet, also not what we were made for.

Just because you don't like what two consenting adults do doesn't make it wrong.

FishyMan420 2 points ago +3 / -1

If it's primarily gay men then it shouldn't effect you or any women, so who cares.

Gayness is not a mental illness and there is no data of any kind to support that. You speak of biology, yet you may be shocked to learn that male homophobia is very rampant in mammals. Not very intelligently designed I'd say.

More importantly we as humans should aspire to be better than mindless animals and that means we don't have to always listen to our base instincts of having children. Some men like cock, some women like pussy, and some people of all sexualities have no desire for children. There's still more hetero people than otherwise and always has been, so the human race isn't in danger of dying out or anything.

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