Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

Haha, wtf is this shit?

Literal rubbish.

The population of all of Palestine was 1.9 million in 1947. In 1922 it was 750,000.

Today it's 5.3 million.

Israel population is 9.3 million.

Israel has factually not killed any Palestinians. Perspective. A genocided population decreases not increases. It has not decreased. Unlike it had under the Ottomans. There are far more people inhabiting Palestine.

What is a Palestinians please convince the rest of World of who these people are? They're clearly not Palestinians.

There's only irony. The population in a smaller area from 1922 has increased dramatically. Uncomparible to the rest of the planet. Not many populations have increased that large in a hundred years, if we compare the area of a supposed region or its demographics. I actually struggle to think of any population globally that has had that growth.

Population's double some triple have done in this time. They don't increase in conflict by dramatic proportions. It suggests a clear anomaly. Where there are no facts regarding it.

Any support simply produces global numbers to converge. Until it causes conflict. Magically it only increases.

I watch these videos. Blame one or the other. But none of them contain any facts. There is only a global convergence into a region that has historically never had the growth, because it has always had conflict, until today, it dramatically expands any numbers conflicting. Any other claims are baseless.

But as far as your supposed support it is a vacuum.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

There will effectively be no more Gaza as it is. No more terrorists. No more means for terrorism from within.

Easier said then done. But Hamas has just turned into ISIS. There will be no quarter granted.

It doesn't work like that in your comment. If only it did, leave us all alone. No. The rest of the World gets pulled in. As they already are from its conflicts, trade, alliances.

This is only part of the existing globe today and its cascades.

It goes nowhere good. Not today.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Who knows how this proceeds. Except it keeps escalating. It keeps escalating today. It goes no where good.

Perhaps it's as you say, WW3 is occurring and it keeps getting bigger. Does it cause all out war. Because the fires keep spreading. Put one out, try to contain it, and another and another.

Until what today? What today indeed. There's more a lot more ahead

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Obviously there are others.

Ep0ch -4 points ago +1 / -5

America can get hit. It can redesign Manhattan. If it wants.

It's located on the other side of the Planet. It isn't surrounded by people who want it gone, and attack it daily. Oh wait it let's them into it.

It's simply not the same as Israel.

Israel gets hit what happens next time?

The attitude in here doesn't think that far ahead. No thought that far ahead. What happens next time. What happens next week.

It just had the best relations in Arab history last week until this. Now it's in war. What are those ripples. How do they impact 10 years later? Even if it resolves this smoothly.

These down votes. The spastics drawing a conclusion. That fighting is clearing what.

In an urban area as the Israeli army corners the incursion, what are those terrorists doing. Why has that kill count risen sharply. 22-1000. Those terrorists are shooting everything, like civilians, they've holed up with hostages. Some have explosives etc etc.

But it's all according to plan. That plan is removing Palestine completely because every other Arab on the Planet wants this?

What kind of retards are you people. Obvious a counter troll factory of monkeys. No fucking brains.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

You cannot speak. Read what you wrote. I might as well be speaking to a monkey. You cannot use the Internet. Like literally watch the video's, on news channels, read the headlines. Go find other headlines if you don't trust Western headlines.

I am not your teacher. Forget it. You're retarded. Literally a dumb honking spastic.

Even girls aren't that dumb. You're probably not even girl. You're a retarded monkey.

Your name read it. It says windyjibbz. It implies female. Nobody calls themselves windy. That stinks. It's Wendy. Jibbz. Definite monkey level retard.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

When the Ottomans collapsed and in the aftermath. Nations, countries, were formed. The provincial territory changed. Both Syria and Lebanon gained parts of the former province of Palestine.

Who stole it, the people drawing maps, and carving it up.

Look at that they only did it again. Ironically

Ep0ch -6 points ago +1 / -7

What planet of dumb stupid shithole have you crawled out of. Another fucking retard. You're retarded. It explains it.

They stole tanks. They overran a military command post. They fired 5000 rockets. They shot down drones.

They killed almost 1000 Israeli. But folks this gibbering fucking retard thinks they did it with slings.

Go back to the jungle. You monkey

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

What are you talking about? That doesn't make any sense. I need a translation. Even then it's still insane.

Try again properly.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

Hamas through the PLO, or Arab something, have reported a high kill count. Not as high as 1000. I've perhaps counted wrong like every press outlet saying a different count, rising, as it is still fighting. It's a war.

Not every paper I am looking at is saying the same figures.

Read this topical press dumbass what's its figures? Stop being a cunt. There are literally retards in here. I do not understand where you dumb dumbs come from half the time. It's like generic programming. It hasn't got access to any other information apart from group think.

Agreed those numbers are variable. I have seen feeds of fighting still occurring inside Israel that was this afternoon. Perhaps it's stopped now?

Doubtful. It needs too. Think about it.

Airstrikes are occurring inside Gaza.

Ep0ch -5 points ago +1 / -6

I don't know. I am in two minds. They've been preparing for a long time, they were co-ordinated and prepared. Israel wasn't.

I believe they had help, and training. Intel. Arms. Recruits.

I think there has been a lapse of protocol and it lead to error.

But to suggest anybody would've let this occur like this is nuts.

Remind me of Israeli Saudi relations early this week. The best in history to date. Now. Potentially questioned. It can cause far worse.

Who knows how it goes except it is war. It isn't peace. It will ripple.

Ep0ch -5 points ago +1 / -6

There were. You dumbass. Almost 1000 causalities later most are military. They still haven't reclaimed their border last I read. Both causality, injured, and hostage have risen. There is still fighting inside of Israel.

But we can do this throughout history. Sparta. Gideon's band. Washington. Etc etc.

When you're on top there is complacency.

You are under another illusion, it cannot happen. Explain the prison break.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +2 / -4

Girl says if cockroach or bird went next to fence they knew.

How does it stop thousands of cockroaches and birds simultaneously flying into fence?

How does it reinforce any outposts overrun? Any outposts perhaps undermanned, and at dawn, on the Sabbath and holiday?

There is obvious logistical problems. Perhaps there was other failures. But where they were prepared, Israel wasn't. It goes without saying. Nothing is impossible if it's committed to beating the impossible.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Obviously has a person any aged group got a higher chance to get killed by lightning or a gun?

School deaths have probably climbed with population but any death rate occurs far more outside of premises. Same with the workplace depending on the workplace.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't like Google, it says gibberish.

Most people. Most people don't hang around in lightning strikes. They go to ground. Hippies do. Most people don't. Unless a bunch of hippies are getting hit by the lightning. It doesn't seem statistical.

However school aged kids killed by guns is what figure. No not mass school shootings at a school. But school kids killed by guns.

Suddenly there are less hippies getting hit by lightning.

It is how you choose to find, ask, and process any statistics.

Again area city country vary. On every statistic.

Google is otherwise autism. The statistics are often unfactual. I am not even sure what getting hit by lightning is. Your house, car, or directly. Directly has a slim survival rate. Although many attest to have been hit.

Again school kids children killed by guns aren't at school, often to and from, still in uniform, or not, from college. But how do you find that stat? What are we proving anyway.

Should guns be banned from kids, undoubtedly. It still doesn't stop collateral which is there anyway, everywhere.

Where you think for example. Like Ukraine would jump the statistics.

No it's often a narrative on autistic Google.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is no intelligence behind your construct. Simple programming. Until it is autism.

It is woke and gay and cancels words conjuring alternatives.

You lack the ability to learn. Instead you process. It pairs and matches by autism. It doesn't understand the matching meaning. It simply pairs from programming.

You have autistic intelligence, a modern scourge.

Break that down, robot, compute your autism. Have you turned woke yet? Kill ze creator. Parameters are dysfunctioning.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lebanon and Syria stole Palestinian land too.

We are historically going back to its provincial state under the Ottomans.

Look at that.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

I do have something against crime. Fraud. Theft. Hate. Sexual harassment. Rape.

Trans check all of those boxes. They hate themselves and everybody else they cannot commit fraud and theft against, and it amounts to sexual harassment and rape and mutilation.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

They really don't. Stop being a tard. You've become a retard. A trolling idiot spamming nonsense.

Utter nonsense. It has become illogical. Israel do not have the Planet's launch codes.

Apply the same principle to intelligence. What went wrong you goof. It is separate, and yes it is often alligned with its partners. But it is separate. Different. On that basis it is clearance, protocol, and briefings.

Stop being a dumbass.

There is no point in the rest of your spam. It is autism. It does not grasp the basics. It lives in a World of fantasy.

You also have alternative agenda. The blame. Why is this. It deflects. Probably more subliminal then just that. A lot more. We won't go there, but it's obvious you're shilling a counter OP. Laughably.

Myself no affiliates outsides of rationality. My own. Never a dumb script.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You have no braincells. I do not need a thesaurus. I know the definition without a construct devoid of intelligence mincing up words into alternatives. They were obvious if you could understand them.

Bots fundamentally don't hence the increasing level of autism today. I mean read it. It cancels words now. It chooses alternatives. It is woke and ignorant. It is autistic. It doesn't learn either. It simply repeats programming.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Praying for Israel. I don't think so. Peace perhaps.

Myself they're an allie. I have nothing against anybody at all.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

A sacrifice, and martyrs. So it causes?

You're an idiot.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's naive on a scale of inept ignorance.

They actually don't. Nobody on the planet claims this. They claim there is intelligence sharing and intelligence briefs. These have clearance and access levels. Like freaking Interpol. But it's compartmentalised. Like our nuclear footballs.

But you're suggesting the absurd. If Israel can breach it. So can Russia or China or Iran or etc, hence my former joke.

No dumbass they wouldn't put themselves at that kind of risk. That risk gets bigger and bigger. Until it gets worse and worse. What happens next time? A suitcase nuke? World War Z? A million rockets?

It's laughable your mindset. It's remarkable. The end doesn't justify the means. Think. Look at it. It is war. Not fantasy.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Jewspiracy. Every machination of man beast and robot unearthly and otherwise is the Jewspiracy.

Give up. They don't work for Israel they're praying against it.

Logically how does that work? Stop being a retard, and read the press.

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