Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

WW2 you remember WW2. They sent British kids to Australia and Canada to escape the Blitz. They sent them to state orphanages. They had them work in the factories.

Wars at home do this otherwise it is the conflict job to adhere to relocation. When it's its own population they do so without questions.

But again Iraq and Syria and Afghanistan there was constant relocation and refugee programs, orphaned children were provided passage.

Study something. But you don't, you read propaganda. He said they said bullshit. There might be crime it's war. But otherwise relocation is a fact.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly, the only protests are the ones they've instigated. Currently they're nothing but a distraction. A distraction away from their failures. Literal deflection and self righteous hypocrisy.

Because they're shit on a shovel. They govern nothing but bullshit. They dish it out constantly.

Simplest today, immediate today. It would bring the country to its knees. The poll put millions, the majority demanding it. Where are leadership calling for it. Go picket outside your townhall, parliament until there's a General Election. Government has to comply at that point honouring the public vote instead of parading Charlatans. Nobody voted on these cunts. Nobody.

At what point today. It is only today. Never in history would they otherwise think to assume such failure. It is disgusting. Shit on a shovel being dished.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Excuse the rant. Where are Opposition. It would be real Simple. Real Quick.

Mobilise the British Public to picket until a general election is prompted.

Where is this? It's not illegal. Perhaps it's whatever hypocrites think. But he's weak. He's also a Charlatan.

Corbyn would've. It's why they shoved him in. He plays charades filling out the paperwork, promising nothing he can give. Sure he tweaks the unions but they mobilise themselves

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not entirely true, Cromwell.

We are at a stage in history for Cromwell. Catastrophic failure. Nobody on the planet should become another Banana Republic.

But they sit there like dumb stupid sheep protesting whatever their TV tells them because it's so racist to protest anything actually affecting their nation. If they do it's the height of feudalism. So they must become the hypocrites instead shoving their grubby dirty Tory fingers into everything else. This is while they cannot govern shit on a spade. I mean seriously, they cannot even govern shit on a spade.

Please care so much, about the weather, about Iran, about China, about the Ukraine. But they cannot even govern shit on a spade. It's a Banana Republic. Who governs the UK. Shit on a fucking shovel does. It has no governance. I shit you not. But at least they're such hypocrites. They think, really think, it's so racist to protest at home. Protest everywhere else instead, because of shit on a shovel. They're dishing it out. Such bullshit.

Where's Cromwell. Mythology.

Shit on a shovel. Who governs the UK. It's a Banana Republic.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're insane. Relocation from war zones is standard military operation. Kids in these zones are often put up for adoption because they've been orphaned.

Outside of this is propaganda and speculation.

To be frank I don't care. There's no peace. Yes children should be safe from war. Does anything else occur. Likely it can happen. Has it. Not to the extent of propaganda. But in war undoubtedly.

But what is worse. Children killed in war zones. Or being protected.

It then leads to protection where. They're technically Russians, referendum. Ukraine will only claim abuse it doesn't recognise this.

Outside of is speculation and propaganda.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. Not buying it. Why would anybody pay you their taxes.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

How is it legit if somebody read it made up fiction? It reads of fantasy. They fantasised, spoke in tongues, and presto, just like the bible.

Read those names in the source linked look at the story. Now run it through a computer program today, and now match it. What have you found. Look at the obvious pattern.

See what happened? If you don't I pity you. Because they debated this a couple centuries ago, 1800s, when they found those sources. It sooner caused another narrative of education. They debated the new testament as well 1900s and it also has had similar conclusions. But to the believer it is what it is. A source of belief.

It's no wonder why so much was destroyed and so much was buried. They knew it a lot earlier. And they burnt the books, and scrolls, and broke the tablets, and locked them away.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Read the original sources.

A) They weren't called Adam and Eve

B) Urantia book was written sometime between 1925-1955, it is modern pusedo spirituality.

C) Hebrews came after Egyptians and Summerians. Agreed obviously. So where is that source? Umm umm, which button do I press, the bible or I know. Come on.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nope. That is nonsense. It's Reddit making up fiction.

Read the sources linked. They are the actual text from the tablets and hieroglyphs. Of course these have had the official narrative validating. But despite some added descriptions in the links, they are the sources.

It however is questionable. On the other side of the planet has other claims. Americas. India is also somewhat different. Age is questionable both Egyptian, Summerian lived for supposedly far longer. But the origin is there. Those 3, Greek, Egyptian, Summerian share rather distinct similarities. Where the Hebrew faster derived.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Where did you get those facts? Adam and Eve were prophets, on a secret space quest?

If you combine the actual origin stories. Egyptian, Summerian, nope.

The later Greek they still weren't.





But the Hebrew copied. The bible rewrote those sources. There are a lot more to those stories and there's the Indian Sanskrit I haven't added. The dates are out in many Internet claims. Due to a concentric narrative, and it is under huge questions.

In any event the similarities all abound. Strikingly so. Above. You can see a pattern emerging of how was relayered. There is more that has been lost. There is also controversy. But.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Only because it's documented by mythology. Greek, Summerian, Indian. Others.

Documented in the bible as well. Or the omitted version Enoch. But also partially in the source. Where fallen angels birthed giants by the daughters of men. This came from the Summerian. Totally different story. But the Greeks also had similar pantheons. The sisters were royal descent. Imprisoned becoming the Pleiades. Pleiades in Enoch as well. A different Summerian story despite the sourced similarities. Pleiades worship tracked right to the Incas.

What was it. Okay. Evolution certainly has counter arguments. But it is obvious they actuely struggled with their origins. They needed a narrative linking into the Cosmos the source of their creeds and worship. That worship was vastly different. God's of stone, wood, earth, animals, and elements, becoming stars, the sun, and the planets. As well as their Kings claiming status. Is it fictional, mythological, or fact?

Okay you could put a bull's head on a giant, Minoan, sacrifice ritualistically to that god adorned. Claiming it was a bull, I am sure some were dumb enough, hell there have been. But you had entire battalions of the bull, deer, wolf, bear, lion, and jaguar, etc. They wore the skins, their helmets were animal skulls. They dressed in premium bondage gear becoming Mandalorians. The animal fuckers, I am so sure. But were they. Or was it just a neanderthal in a gimp suit? While the slaves and sacrifices put on a donkey show?

Or were there the Aliens? I mean if they looked at the sky, it's obviously because they came from it right?

Who knows. Nothing completely factual. It got outlawed by the other god claiming dominion.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're the pedo.

I support relocating children from war. Only you seem to think they should get eaten by war. Because any attempt at relocating them is into the dungeons. It's better that they're minesweeping. Better they're the child soldiers. Much better they're human shields. Anybody rescuing them from war are the cannibals?

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Has he researched the Mythology. The Mythology Indian, Summerian, Egyptian, Greek all have those questions. And many more older cultures. It had nothing to do with Satan.

Satan is an invention after a secular god. The one god claiming dominion over the previous pantheons. Where those gods often had animal or otherwise representations.

When the one god enter all other gods were satanic. Destroyed without remorse. Many were animal fucking, baby sacrificing, cannibals.

What were they. Alien obviously. I mean that metaphorically currently. Despite the mythology claiming not of this realm or planet.

But we know this year humans coexisted alongside the monkey peoples.

Mythologically alongside the snake people. And the horse and elephant people. Of course the sheep people, and fish people. And the giants.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, you factually are. There you are suggesting it. Warped.

Standard war operation. Relocate children from war zones. Again for the technicality which you don't agree. I am not commenting on my position. I don't care. I am not in war. But they are Russians. Referendum. Until peace. Then it's better they are relocated. Obviously.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is not what's happening. No. It does happen. But that's not the operation. Labelling it as such is ignorant and absurd.

They remove children from battlegrounds first. Children also adapt as citizens the easiest.

In war there are lots of orphans have been in every war. This war is no different.

But you're inventing some other shit. Yes it happens. Is it? No, standard war operation save the children. It has happened since the Bible. Daniel and the lions den. Of course they ate them in the bible as well. Not the point of relocating children from conflict.

Those children are technically Russians. They had referendum. Meh.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Do you think Russia is putting them in the Pizza?

Moving children out of war zone. It happened in WW2 as well. It wasn't called pizza.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

They seized land. Seized the land off of prior settlers. Farms foreclosed by the spade. They couldn't grow shit. Dust bowl. Tumbleweed. Government stepped in. Entire towns became ghost towns.

Did they provide them enough rope? They mass injected the land with dumber populations, importantly selling land rights, only to reclaim it, what also changed then was mass immigration as well, but it caused immediate pressure on resources like the ground water, fertiliser. Causing drought, as temperature rose. Was it accidental. I don't believe in accidents.

It went on for 10 years, those dust bowls, and the great depression, a viscious cycle, as wealth gained more land far more land.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for a good description. But didn't it force regulation. Had to adopt quotas, to try to make up shortfalls, later, rotation or what to grow? Or was that later, after ww2? Didn't a lot more land get seized as a result. It turned entire places into ghost towns.

It's not the first time the government has sold off some of the same region either. Wasn't there something recent in the Mid West? Offering cheaper land rights.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

But did it entirely. Or was it a larger machiavellian plot to seize farmland. Give them enough rope and buy the land up. The land was owned by the settler still. They worked it until it failed. It was the bigger result of any fallout.

Today they're pricing them out. Gates, has been buying it to automate it. And do whatever he does in the changes forced. Gas, fertiliser rising, like food prices, meanwhile drought, insects are also hitting home in the same regions.

I don't think you'll have much joy ahead there.

Your sarcasm isn't smart. What skills I said terrible skill in context to that event, that other idiot, had no idea, I provided some of that history. There was more. Big subject. But unless distribution, and supply, manage it better today. Instead of the above intent. There was that intent. Seizing the land. Your farm won't mean much. It'll just get raided. It will be subject to state quota. If we're comparing to that event.

Imagine the cannibals. They ate babies and children in the great depression. There you are on your farm and there are the cannibals. Trying to get the meat. Your farm with no seeds, gas, or fertiliser but a big field of the wilted crops. Hahaha. Some farmer, should have just joined the national guard.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Great Depression. Wasn't all farmers just a huge swathe of them in certain regions. This caused systemic supply line failures. There was dumb presidents, big shortages. Millions dead. Cannibals. The cannibals ate well.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

You're a fucking dumbass. The dumbest ass.

What didn't you understand about the dust bowl. They changed to cars and tractors. From horse. When they did, what happened. Have a big fucking guess. They made much bigger fields, tractor. Drought occurred. The temperature was more or less localised and it wasn't entirely global. It rose, dust, drought, and insects. Over a decade was like this, idiots, and the great depression.

Dumber farmers caused it. There you are today. You're gonna pick it? No what? Learn to ride horse?

There is drought, fertilisers is like real expensive, so is gas, and there's insects. But you'll be this farmer, look at the cost of that food, automating more. They won't even employ you. You're a dumbass.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I went by bookies Trump, midterm, Biden, Europe, UK. Everytime for last 10 years.

Trump the bookies changed 3 days before vote, the odds flipped from Hillary favourite. Otherwise they were right on everything in advance months in advance. And often impossibly. Not my vote.

Political votes. Or your horse is as good as mine. Who knows, sports, without better knowledge.

It my friend isn't impossible. There's these banks and shares. They're king makers.

Today I just don't know what that means. Well I do. But do you. Haha. But I don't know it's possible. Will it flip prior to count? Dunno yet.

You're focused on State. Not the way I look at that. But I'd assume states are also subjective. But are probably more prone to flip. Especially if there is a bigger flip on majority's.

The only thing you can't check current odds for is this shit in the UK. It has to drop to the two horses, and those odds mean shit prior. When it does you'll probably know what that jig is. It stinks of agenda. It stinks of bullshit. I could guess it and probably won't be wrong. But they pulled some shit here.

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