Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No. Pistols at dawn, also works. It use to be real simple.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +3 / -2

That's why they all bow 3 times a day, and the majority are ruled by King's. Dumbass.

As far as this topic, hahaha, women fuck who they want. It won't change. But Jewish women only fuck Jews.

TV airing the bullshit it has been has been tedious. It is just a bad plot line. An insertion where it's bad TV. You use to watch cinema when it was that one woman kicking ass. Now they all are, it's crap. Real crap. Like colored actors everywhere. Crap. They aren't that one coloured actor, real good at it. But they're all on strike anyway. Never seen such crap today. Bad plot, spot those children in it, what went wrong the plot did. They aren't mixed. But is there that insertion into every other cinema. No, it wouldn't be diverse if South Korea started shoving in a bunch of Black people or a bunch of White people in their adverts. Nobody would buy it. Bollywood neither. Etc. Yea it's a usurption of the worst narratives and plots being offered. The worst. It has become rubbish.

Take these climate swindlers white people need to pay the taxes too. Hahaha. The rest of the World populating. Never heard such utter bullshit. These populations have tripled in a few decades. But somehow it's white people's fault. No. You populated on a flood. Come back when you've stopped climate change.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yawn. The reason is that very thing. Off the grid. Electricity heating our baths today. Electricity became widedpread in the atomic age. 50s. Otherwise prior to it, many were off the grid. They were the chimney sweeps and cults of cowshit. It was expensive to wash, heating a bath, imagine doing that daily. Costs. So scary those taxes, better to be afriad of it. With the bath becoming widespread comes all the beauty products. Becoming a host of snake oil. Consumption. Harmful. Not ideal.

But dumbass, the hair thing you misunderstood. Why there are the cults of cowshit, today. They're off the grid. Samson joined polite society, a warrior of renowned status, treating with somebody's maiden, married, or the dowry, becoming legit, have the children and a castle. Sheer the ugly clansman and send him for a bath, oops, she cut his hair. Next, he cannot wield the sword. His other warriors sooner mocked. Hahaha, old man. You're crippled, not scary, she's painted your nails, and you stink so much of the flowers, even your horse will throw you. All of a sudden Mark Antony has lost the war. Shouldn't have let her scent you. She's Jezebel. Hahaha.

Until a bunch of Rasta's have created a religion off of it. A bunch of dalits think Shiva meant it.

Scared of soap is just yourself. It was because of the costs of bathing. Electricity wasn't widespread until the 50s. It was a wealth thing taxing them. But the Romans all bathed like the Greeks, Egyptians, Summerians, Atlantians, and those people from Angkor Wat. Everybody else except the slaves and the savages. With bathing came the soaps, oils, and the scented water. Around for mellinnia, ages, epochs, and eons.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Do you questionably cut your hair. This is where some of these cults have spread from. India or the tribes peoples. Their belief in cowshit. Like prior to electricity, let's suggest the atomic age those 50s. The general population didn't wash, not wash regularly. They used coal burners, heating boiled water into copper, bronze, baths. Expensive washing. No point, if you're a chimney sweep. India how many are off the grid. Africa. Etc.

But okay with hair. There is the Rasta today. Or the warrior Mongol then. The difference one washed their hair, the other simply combed it. Both allude to being Samson the warrior, or follow a sense of religion. The Mongol, and others like the Native American, it was a status symbol, warrior, where if their braids got cut they were less of a warrior, losing fights, because the more braids, length, the better the warrior, valor. Losing fights they lost braids. But they oiled their hair, the lice, ticks, mites, Mongols horselords, and they washed in communal baths, bath houses, hotsprings etc. Samson joined polite society, bedding a woman, went to the harem and he got a haircut, losing his warrior status, his might. Until religion perverted that concept with vague scripture. Becoming stupid Rasta cults, or other unwashed tribesmen.

It has been incredibly hard having a polite conversation with you. You flung names first. I don't mind using my fountain of knowledge if you actually want to understand the evolution of it. How bathing evolved. What it has become. Why. Yes I agree there is a lot of harm with the industry now, excess. I have stated it. The product soap. Not so much. It has been used like oils, and scented baths since the dawn of man. 2500 BC, soap is a vague assertion, it is older.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No, just the correct soap. It wasnt invented for the heathens and savages. No, sir. Civilised people have manners.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Makes up shit. Literally bullshit. I don't care where you crawl out of. Couldn't give a shit. I am sure tribalism has a use for whatever you are. They have these dalits in India. Many have jobs and families as well. They rarely get promoted. I am sure some do. Because they have these other sects where they bathe in the cowshit. Many have decreased longevity from it. You being a dalit, isn't a compliment. But I am sure you want to write a book on it. Not interested.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Good, don't want to hear about your phobias of being clean. It's not a conspiracy you being dirty. It's a fact.

Your body isn't designed for this environment. An environment subject to a bunch of species and bacteria that will eat you stupid the dirtier you are. Water doesn't kill ticks, but soap does. Water doesn't kill lice, shampoo does. What about the rest.

Go and be a nigger somewhere else.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I haven't lost a fight. You have said you're a dirty, stinky, bacterial infection. I don't even what to imagine it. Don't want to go near it. I have won by default. You're disqualified. I am fighting an animal. Animals are easily fought, they don't think rationally. You cage them, and then you give them a bath with soap. And until you've applied for the correct health permits, you can't enter that ring. Otherwise splat, bang, kapow. You need tranqulising and a bath with soap, we'll shoot you first. Nobody else wants to get sick of your shit.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yawn, you're dumber than monkey. Monkeys eat shit. You're a nigger.

Seriously they had concept stink, wash, what cleans dirt off. Water makes mud. I know think humane thoughts need soap.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I haven't mistaken anything.

The cosmetic industry is at fault like pharma. But soap isn't.

Example Johnson and Johnson put asbestos in the baby powder. Talcum powder has been around since the Summerians probably, definitely the Romans. What have Johnson and Johnson done. They fucked with the recipe, creating poison. Baby powder stops the nappy rash. Talcum powder does that same thing more or less.

Please stop your bullshit. Soap isn't that problem. Certain soaps are. Make sure you're using the right ones.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I don't care what you tell me. You're dumb Didn't know when soap was invented. Didn't want to take a testimonial of it. Instead you sit here like some kind of dumb monkey. Worse a dirty stinking nigger.

Yes there is toxicity in certain soap, shampoos, and body washes, and the cosmetic industry.

But you're not rational. Insane, stupid, ignorant. You called me names. You're not a race. You're an individual. A nigger. Now fuck off stupid.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You're an idiot. Full stop. You need soap for your body or you stink. Let's apply that principle to dirt. Aw but just be dirty. Dumb stinking, disease ridden, ass. Seriously what cleans dirt? A monkey eating the bugs off? Or this thing called soap? You wash your dishes right? What cleans them, the maggots? Or the soap? Water doesn't fully clean them, or your clothes. Go be a monkey somewhere else. Get some soap.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Soap was invented by Summerians and Egyptians 2500 BC. It has been around for ages.

Scentless soap without additives is very good for your skin. The best. They do this in a wash but I use bars far cheaper. I suffer from back acne, not terrible but breakouts occasionally. It stopped it. I was using expensive body washes as a teenager, young adult, they were far worse for my skin. The worst thing for my skin. They caused it, lynx, addias, raddox etc. They have toxicity. Many have extra chemicals giving the scents, fragrances. Not good for skin. Unlike simple soap, soap without that fragrance, the chemicals. Also stuff like sulphur soap, bad, it dried out my skin, giving me a chemical burn. I had spent a fortune on treatments, thousands. Scentless soap, the soap bar, costs nothing, works wonders, or the more expensive scentless body wash. Scentless, just soap.

I also get shaving rash and I just discovered another centuries old remedy after again spending thousands on it. Sudocream. It is finally working. Others offered therapeutics but never. Tried like marigold and witch hazel they offered small benefits but never enough. Tried everything over the counter. Went doctors. None said Sudocream. After one week applying it at night. Shaving rash is virtually gone.

The industry is a farce. It causes it. Then it sells you so much bullshit. So much bullshit, it is worth trillions. Most of their shit doesn't work. More makes it worse or provides smaller benefits.

Ep0ch 4 points ago +5 / -1

Scentless Soap is much better for you than any other body wash. Body wash is the bad one, many had plastic microbeads until recent regulation. Certain shampoos can be harmful. Soaps have been around since Babylon. Summerians. So no. You're full of shit.

Except for the very clear fact, the cosmetic industry is more emitting than foods. It never even gets mentioned today. Because it is largely automated. Make up, creams, gels, aerosol, perfumes, implants, nails, etc etc. These are far more emitting, than eating. Eating is a fact. Eating meat a bigger fact. But the fucking hyperconsumption cosmetic industry, oh no, it will go on how producing many more products daily, emitting far more.

So if that's your comparison, sure. But no, soap has been around for thousands of years.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Render unto Caesar all things that are Caesar's and unto God the things that are God's.

It is talking about coin with Caesar's face on it, in that verse. Matthew 22:21. Taxes. There is confusion on it all. Because temples often collected taxes historically, and made offerings. They often provided blessings from gifts made. Later he goes into the Jewish temple. And demands that they stop their offerings, and coin collections. It leads to his death. But one of the apostles was a tax collecter Matthew writing that testament. Immediately after his death coin collection continued at all churches and temples, in Christianity.

The new testament has a lot of controversy surrounding its creation. Greek monks are the source of the Latin version today. We won't get into all of that.

But okay if we go back to Egypt and the afterlife, heart for the feature weighed on the scales, weighing up good deeds, balanced heart and feather, granting safe passage into the afterlife. The concept is said to have became fornicated by wealth buying their way in. They'd faster pay debts for the supposed rituals and tombs granting them mummification and status, buried with possessions. Why bring this up, religion split from the pantheon of god's, tombs, and burials of status, into a single divinity. Where passage into the afterlife changed. Burial often ritually put coins on the dead for the ferryman, death. A Greek/Egyptian concept. This practice has continued in burial for much longer.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No worries. It is happening especially in that region. Most just ignore it. But it is ridiculous. A lot is flooding into Europe. People buying entry working off debts on the migrant boats crossing. I am sure it's the same on the border in the USA.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Haha. It's been in all of them. I know that scene, famous film.

But they had whole jars of the fetuses, with all the extra appendages at all the various stages of deformation. While they made the Frankenstiens. There was premium demand for the mutants and the deformed at the freak circuses. Because they fornicated with goats and imported cannibals. They bred the mutants to get paid for their ungodly monsters. So they consumed poison to cause fetal deformality, as doctors experimented on live test subjects and were butchers and graverobbers. Undoubtedly.

It has happened throughout history but a subject of taboo. Nobody admits to it. Any records often scrubbed over time. You look at these criminals who do this today. A few years later gone off any searches as the searches evolve. Sure there is the odd clippings. But it was far more widespread them.

Giganticism also was.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I really dunno know about it, controversial subject. Dr macabre's House of Horrors. A lot gets scrubbed from history but there are breadcrumbs down that rabbit hole. Put it this way they were fucking with it. They fucked with it on the freak circuits. But giganticism probably had a few more factors. Freaks where products like thalidomide have had a hand creating direct deformation on the fetuses. But it came out later. There was others in the industrial age. There have been eugenicists for much longer.

Plenty of horrors have shown this, literature has stated it. Is it so far removed from the period. When that concept is there? I doubt it. Historically recorded in the Bible with the nephilm. Mythologically as well. They fucked with it.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. They're fighting us. Because almost nobody resists their bullshit. Opposition folds because it simply wants to get paid to be reelected. Instead of commanding immediate change, making the changes they promised or are needed. It's a horror story where you're a dumb mug. A mug they just keep robbing and making it worse. They go out of their way to make it worse. The electorate sit there watching horror a story unfold. The entire time they divide deflect distract and implement more dystopia while taxing more. At what point did it need to be like this. It factually didn't. None of them change it. They simply cause it. Their narratives are the worst in history. The most divisive. The most hypocritical. Offering nothing but bullshit.

Name every event happening today. They caused it. Every headline in your news has been caused by the charlatans in your governments. It literally is a big huge joke on you.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

If Russia is defending it. Kherson would sooner be destroyed. Nothing left.

BIG CLUE, it evacuated the civilian population from it.

Ukraine aren't liberating it.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

The topic headline is nonsense. The article doesn't say that.

In fact https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-63377946

Sort your garbage out. Whether Ukraine retakes an entire city or not is outside of the fact, it is being defended. But they evacuated civilians. I don't care about anything apart from bullshit. Bullshit stinks. Like read thread, read article. What went wrong. Bullshit did.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Possibly but wasn't that marketed much later? Yes, but something like it.

Where on the freak circuits you'd see the mutant fetuses and the babies in jars. Always present in modern horrors, films, literature, showing the time period of the freakshow. Where as an era it seemingly had an abundance of freaks on those circuits. What industrial age chemicals caused it? Yes thalidomide certainly causes the birth mutations. But later in history.

Were they mucking around with early genetics, in the time period? You start finding they were to primative extents and methods. But it tends to be a much darker fringe topic. Things like head binding at birth, isn't at embryo or pregnancy.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Online skins. They must spend the crypto on lootboxes and gambling and Amazon. Same banks are running that gaming racket.

Crypto buys the Metaverse credits.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Didn't the mutants eat chemicals. Damn what was it called? They literally consumed something to cause the baby mutations? It was common at the turn of the century, in the industrial age, used in lots of stuff. But they consumed it on the freak circuits until birth was later regulated, given the birth certificates, but it caused freakish genetic anomalies. Maybe I am reading more into it. But they fucked with shit. Have been fucking with shit since. Gotten much better at it today with insemination. Then it was what came out, it was somekind of six fingered two headed had extra appendages, dwarf or giant. Because the freak was a prized commodity for the circus tropes, fairs, and circuses until the cinema.

But it seemed the giganticism was more wide spread until the Skyscrapers came along.

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