Elvis_Interstellar 2 points ago +3 / -1

Message from u/RightSideFunding - 4 days ago

I don't remember nuking him.. last person I nuked was a BBC poster, but I might have clicked the wrong account

Message from u/RightSideFunding - 4 days ago

Ahh well, my bad.. I think that there was another user that posted a bunch of BBC around this account, and and I clicked through on the wrong one.. I will be more careful in the future. Nice catch

Elvis_Interstellar 1 point ago +2 / -1

That post deserved to be removed, but I don't agree with permabanning for a single post unless the user is clearly a troll.

Elvis_Interstellar -3 points ago +3 / -6

You're right, I'll DM this to pkvi instead of a public comment.

Elvis_Interstellar -2 points ago +4 / -6

I can, it's my filter against the daily spamming trolls.

Elvis_Interstellar 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's a disclaimer right at the top saying that posts removed prior to archival (such as by filters) cannot be displayed in the feed, as there is no way for the tool to discover them in the first place. Enter in the direct link instead.


Removed by local community filter before archival

The filter removes it instantly. They could have been discovered through the mod log, but TD hides those

Having said that, I've since figured out that there might be a way to retrieve their content. For some reason your profile page on the legacy website makes everything available for removed posts, meaning I could potentially scrape it if Cloudflare doesn't stop me.


This works only on standalone domains.

Elvis_Interstellar 0 points ago +1 / -1


That was a questionable new handshake that I wasn't able to confirm as a ban evader just yet. I asked him in the modmail appeal thread to provide me one of his older names. I tagged it as suspicious.

You still seem pretty suspicious. I'll keep an eye on you for now and watch if you join in on the attacks against homesteading posts.

Not sure what happened afterward prompting SFAM1A to ban him again as the account's been deleted.


CommunityFilter filters all posts from new accounts because of CP. I don't really check the profiles.

Elvis_Interstellar 3 points ago +4 / -1

Nice edit. However, you have been caught lying once again.


The amount donated to Arete's bitcoin address was only around $70 at the time, nor was it undisclosed. He publicly said it.

As for those bans: I have undone those because all were lacking proper justification.

ZC banned him for violent posts on a new account (rule 3)

291 days ago ZoomerCrusader banned user goyslop - 0 day nuke with reason: New account rule 3 violation

I'm not sure what Blerg's reason was, but later he got along with him pretty well. I did find this however:

331 days ago Blergaderg banned user Graphenium - 1 day with reason: Abuse of report function

25 days ago SFAM1A banned user IIAR - 2 days with reason: General insurgentry. Fairly certain this is the new account but we'll see

He didn't know whether it was him or Basedhomesteader (who was ban evading).

Elvis_Interstellar 4 points ago +5 / -1

Lmao, so i'm a fagsurgent now as well? And you wonder why you were banned.

Keep lying about mods quitting. With the one exception of RSF whose telegram was attacked by trolls, nothing to do with insurgent whatsoever.

Elvis_Interstellar 5 points ago +6 / -1

assist a massive shill in continuing his shilling operation

So should I have just let it slide that right after Insurgent deleted his account because of someone sending him his dox on Scored, two people who I have previously regarded as incredibly suspect (one a known drug addict, the other a Romanian hitting on a 14yo girl) created a whitelisted chatroom, and it just so happens that they were plotting a home invasion, threatening his family and sharing that very same photo that got his home address leaked? All because you hate Insurgent?

You're a massive faggot for defending actual doxers because they targeted the right person in your view.

Elvis_Interstellar 3 points ago +7 / -4

His site has been accused of providing browser fingerprints to would be doxxers as well

You mean that one time a year ago when I said JG5's browser doesn't support chat when u/then tried to falsely portray OGrawsaw as an alt based on a sarcastic comment in the chat. Not much of a fingerprint.

And this is not even the same site. It's a subdomain hosting a different open source website.

summary of that 1 year old drama:

  • u/then accuses u/OGrawsaw of being JG5's fed alt (based on a sarcastic message by rawsaw in the chat), says he posesses advanced hacking skills, wants to obtain JG5's home address using packet tracing on timed realtime chat messages of a specific length.

  • I respond to him by saying JG5's browser errors out when trying to use the chat, so it can't be him (that's all I said, not even which browser he uses, I didn't even have that info)

  • JG5 complains that I've revealed his browser fingerprint, so I delete the comment

  • JG5 then uses that deletion as "evidence" against me, claims I'm in cahoots with his enemy's plan to dox him. As for the sensitive "browser fingerprint" - him openly posting archives of that comment clearly indicates otherwise.

Elvis_Interstellar 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm not the mod who banned you, but this is the exact comment that was removed: https://i.imgur.com/1MxlvSc.png

You said that burning down black businesses and neighborhoods is an ideal you're aligned with. That's why you got banned for violence.