I agree. As far as there being forces to make certain groups more dependent and weak. There will be big Eugenic effects naturally over time by removing welfare and coercive support. There can indeed be a civic nationalism aspect that can win out. We do need better leadership organization for that strategy to be effective.
There are many fine folks out there for sure. I guess the best option would be to quietly break away and exclude all who present a danger. Just don't deal, buy or trade. As for the jewsih question, pulling our support and care, attention and money is the most proactive thing possible.
My ethnonationalist pals, we talk often about who can we work with and team up with to create a better world... It ends as separation mostly. Each race with a homeland/ nation. White folks don't have nations under the current regimes and gatekeepers. Mexico is for mexicans. and so forth. Those independent ethnostates will probably be turned into mullato stud farms at a later date.
I'm all for team up. Where do we start my civic-nationalist pal?
White people. Anglos, German, Celts, Slavs, Meds, Alpines. They represent Western Civilization. Israel fears and envies it. They must subvert and destroy.
Prove me wrong fence sitters.
The AIPAC and the ADL are America’s chief gatekeepers and king makers. You will never be able to remove them from our system because they are backed up by the people/nation of Israel. Mossad, CIA and many other enforcers. The only way to beat them is not play their games. Recognize these Agent Smiths and avoid them.
At 20 or minutes it’s more of an exploration than a definite document. Less of a racist statement and more of an explanation of our racial used world. At least that’s what I got from it. He is probably making some assumptions of his audience pre knowledge of the subjects of transhumanism and the blurring of lines. It was an interesting exploration either way.
Yikes. I’ll have to find an alternate. https://odysee.com/@WyattStagg:e/MichaelJacksonTheNewColossus:7
Here are a couple of articles going a bit deeper into this conspiracy.
I don't run a retail store or anything. It's more of a trade. I'll be much busier through the fall to the end of December for sure. Memes and screencaps will be preloaded in my phone for in between customers. LOL. You won't miss anything. Memes in the morning before I leave to meet clients. Interesting links while I eat my sandwich, drink my iced tea. Memes after I get home and put away my tools and have dinner.
My home workshop is beautiful. I can tackle many projects at there. I can set at my desk while assembling, packaging and pricing my market wares. I even have a couple hrs a day to work in my garden/orchard.
Many exciting things planned for next year as well.
Oh yeah. I don't watch TV/ Movies nor play video games.
Odysee Channel: https://odysee.com/@ComputingForever:9
Bitchute Channel: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/hybm74uihjkf/
Minds Channel: https://www.minds.com/DaveCullen/
We are the focus of the race war in our countries. So that is where our focus would be naturally.