Dustin_Cropsirkils 1 point ago +1 / -0

Masturbatin and smokin a lot i see lmao maybe if we all did less of that the world would be a better place shruggy face

Dustin_Cropsirkils 8 points ago +8 / -0

It almost looked CG at a couple points.

But this is impressive.

If you try to think of the possibilities of this without world domination or death to all humans. It is really cool where we would be able to be with it.

by Spoonks
Dustin_Cropsirkils 1 point ago +1 / -0

Someone paid actors to go into multiple major pizza joints in towns with guns and shoot the place up and make a scene. Only one was covered in the news but a lot of people ive talked to claim their shop had crazy shit like this happen right after pizzagate came out. sounds stupid.. but they literally said in austin, that a dude came into their shop and shot the place up claimin there was a basement with children.

if you had read any of the pizzagate stuff you actually know it was all about comet... so... something is ignorantly off on purpose there.

Uncovering more of this type of thing is a must and will happen soon.

Dustin_Cropsirkils 0 points ago +2 / -2

81% no wait 74%.... wait... Most Americans believe Biden could not have had an election rigged for him by many different owners of corporations that own the laws of the land because there is just no way how.

Dustin_Cropsirkils 2 points ago +2 / -0

Where do we set up the meeting? Let's ask the barons and the globalists what they really want out of their plan, then ask them if maybe all the technology that is being kept in secret can be released and we can actually evolve together as a whole. Just cuz they blew their planet up doesn't mean they have to act the same way on ours.

Dustin_Cropsirkils 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fuckin' totally missed the end of one. LMAO yeah.. yikes.. i need better clarity. smh. <3

Dustin_Cropsirkils 2 points ago +2 / -0

For the world to come together, leaders in power now and the richest of rich I feel may need to be dealt with. I think they may be from mars and have enslaved us for multiple disaster cycles.

Dustin_Cropsirkils 2 points ago +2 / -0

Idk man.. Breathe is everything When you breathe deep and silence your mental flapper, it does silence. The words go away. That scrolling wall of star wars text can be paused to allow oneself to see and be a part of something much larger. Reading meditation experiences has helped me understand that everyone does it unique to themselves. Your meditation, *when sitting with the universe in silence and allowing your mind to turn off the brown noise. It activates the imagination/spiritual/metaphysical side significantly more.

I have tried to say spirituality and the idea of being able to fucking phone home is ludachrist. However, i've experienced so many telepathic communications in the last 3 days of instantaneous responses from people i hadn't talked to in a few days. idk. Essentially when we were taught how to fucking speak, it began the process of shutting up a very vivid part of our communication abilities we have at birth. Language dummies us down for this iteration. Figuring out that they force most of the country to write with their right hand, which in turn keeps the left hand and the right side of the brain from doing their thing properly, which again, silences another part of consciousness.

I have literally meditated 3 times the way my buddy who has a daily hour long practice of tripping his mental dick off and handling the shadow like a champ. I feel like I am always thinking in those frames of mind. I have been hallucinating since i was kid. I mean come ONnNn, is what i kept thinking. But.. meditation has been brought up by people that have never talked about it to me before friend wise right after and it has just been daisy chain mentioned to me(i only have 1 yogi friend and he wasn't one of the chain mailers). I think there is something extra to it and us stubborn twats may have to suck it up and figure it out, or be rudolph to the energy ninjas. shrug

i feel like there were a few tangents in there, apologies.

Dustin_Cropsirkils 3 points ago +3 / -0

Cunts-tits-toosh-in ? maybe? lol

a lot of words vowels can be swapped to make older versions of the word.

Like NASA, https://www.biblehub.com/hebrew/5378.htm

Dustin_Cropsirkils 2 points ago +2 / -0

It can be both... ish.. This english shit we are using is fast food overweight with double edged swords and hidden meanings between the words in the etymology. Like good morning, it strikes two nerves that are very powerful. Past sadness and fuck i'm still here.

Dustin_Cropsirkils 2 points ago +2 / -0

If we repeated each others self deduced thoughts... no.. thats philosophy. I think we are at Idiocracy level soon.